Posts Tagged ‘policeman’

Magistrates Told To Use Gender Neutral Terms Instead Of ‘Policeman’ & ‘Chairman’

Magistrates have been given a list of inclusive terms that they should use in another shake up of things you can and can’t say. Woke new guidance tells them what words they can and cannot […] The post Magistrates Told To Use Gender Neutral Terms Instead Of ‘Policeman’ & ‘Chairman’ appeared first on The People's […]

Egyptian policeman’s operation part of multifront war: Israeli media

June 4, 2023 Source: Al Mayadeen Net + Agencies By Al Mayadeen English  Israeli media points out that the operation at the Egyptian border is “part of the erosion of Israeli deterrence”. An Israeli occupation soldier closes a gate leading to the border in a military base following a shooting operation on the Egyptian border, Saturday, […]

Christians accuse policeman in India of destroying church building

Remains of church building burned down in Kistaram village, Chhattisgarh state, India. (Morning Star News) NEW DELHI (Morning Star News) – After months of appeals to officials in central India, Christians are still awaiting action against a police officer alleged to have burned down a church building and threatened them with false charges if they…

Fox News Interviews Denver Policeman Crippled by Mandatory Vaxx, While Fox Corps Requires Employees Get Vaxxed or Tested Daily

This policeman got the COVID “vaccine” because he didn’t want to lose his job and now he is completely crippled. Link Fox News likes to pretend they are some crusader for truth and health freedom, but Fox Corps is coercing all of its employees to get injected. When Biden set forth a plan requiring companies […]

Hillary Clinton Spreads Fake News: ‘Angry Mob’ At the Capitol ‘Killed a Policeman’

Twice failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton (D) shared fake news on Friday, the day Senate Republicans blocked a bill aiming to establish a commission to investigate the January 6 protests and riots at the U.S. Capitol, asserting that the “angry mob” that rushed the U.S. Capitol that day “killed a policeman.” “An angry mob attacked […]

Jury seated in murder trial of ex-policeman for George Floyd’s death

 The last member of a full jury of 12, along with three alternates, were seated on Tuesday in the trial of Derek Chauvin, the former Minneapolis police officer facing murder charges in the arrest and death of George Floyd last year. Twelve jurors and two alternates had been seated since the trial began two weeks […]

London policeman in court as woman’s murder sparks protests

Police in London clashed with mourners and protesters on Saturday after more than a thousand people gathered to mark the killing of a 33-year-old woman, hours after the police officer charged with her murder appeared in court. Sarah Everard’s disappearance as she walked home on the evening of March 3 had led to a wave […]

Danish man imprisoned for four months for coughing on policeman and shouting “corona”

A Danish man has been sentenced to four months in prison for coughing at a policeman and shouting “corona”. The suspect was found guilty of “attempted violence” against public officials and convicted by Denarmk’s Supreme Court on Thursday. The 20-year-old man was driving home from a birthday party in Aarhus when police carried out a […]

Graphic Video: San Bernardino Policeman Shoots Allegedly Armed Suspect After Failed Arrest

Authorities in San Bernardino released a video from an overnight deadly shooting after a suspect resisted arrest. The black male pulled a handgun from his pocket before the officer fired, authorities claim. The shooting took place Thursday just before midnight when authorities responded to a call about a man, identified as 35-year-old Mark Mathew Bender, […]

50 Years Ago, A Small Town Ohio Policeman Chased a Flying Saucer Into Pennsylvania – and It Ruined His Life

434 Shares We met at Mike’s Place, the greasy spoon near Kent State with the X-Wing parked out front. It seemed appropriate – it was fifty years ago, this week, that James Evans’ father chased some kind of spacecraft into Pennsylvania. They seated us inside the converted school bus near the back of the place. […]

‘Are we America’s vassals?’ France vows to trade with Iran in defiance of US ‘economic policeman’

“Do we want to be vassals who obey decisions taken by the United States while clinging to the hem of their trousers?” Bruno le Maire asked in an emotional interview with Europe 1. EU wants to ‘replace’ US after it ditched Iran nuclear deal. But can it? “Do we want the United States to be […]

A Light Amongst the Nations– Israeli Policeman Accused of Urinating on Face of Handcuffed Palestinian

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Minneapolis’s First Somali Policeman Murders White Woman: No Media “Racist” Uproar

July 19, 2017 0 Source Article from

Policeman and Attacker Killed in Paris Gun Battle

‘Stay back… the area’s dangerous’ — BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) April 20, 2017 One policeman has been shot dead and a second wounded in central Paris, French police say, with reports that a gunman was later killed. The Champs Elysees, where the shooting occurred, was sealed off. No motive for the attack has yet […]

Policeman and Attacker Killed in Paris Gun Battle

‘Stay back… the area’s dangerous’ — BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) April 20, 2017 One policeman has been shot dead and a second wounded in central Paris, French police say, with reports that a gunman was later killed. The Champs Elysees, where the shooting occurred, was sealed off. No motive for the attack has yet […]

Policeman and Attacker Killed in Paris Gun Battle

‘Stay back… the area’s dangerous’ — BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) April 20, 2017 One policeman has been shot dead and a second wounded in central Paris, French police say, with reports that a gunman was later killed. The Champs Elysees, where the shooting occurred, was sealed off. No motive for the attack has yet […]

Policeman and Attacker Killed in Paris Gun Battle

‘Stay back… the area’s dangerous’ — BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) April 20, 2017 One policeman has been shot dead and a second wounded in central Paris, French police say, with reports that a gunman was later killed. The Champs Elysees, where the shooting occurred, was sealed off. No motive for the attack has yet […]

Policeman and Attacker Killed in Paris Gun Battle

‘Stay back… the area’s dangerous’ — BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) April 20, 2017 One policeman has been shot dead and a second wounded in central Paris, French police say, with reports that a gunman was later killed. The Champs Elysees, where the shooting occurred, was sealed off. No motive for the attack has yet […]

Terror Information and State Secrecy

Iraq Arrests Over 500 ISIS Suspects Trying To Flee Fallujah

Iraqi forces have arrested more than 500 suspected ISIS terrorists who were trying to hide among civilians fleeing the city of Fallujah. The Islamic state fighters were attempting to flee Fallujah by blending in with civilians who have been escaping the besieged city in their thousands in recent days. The Iraqi army had opened a […]

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