Posts Tagged ‘murders’

Israel Murders 210 Palestinians And Rescues 4 Captives With US Backing

As the war in Gaza entered its ninth month, Israeli forces finally managed to free four of its some 130 captives held in the besieged coastal territory, and during the process massacred over 200 Palestinian civilians. Praising the operation as a “daring” achievement, the US government didn’t bother to mention the simultaneous massacre, as it […]

May 7 – Whites Blamed for Murders of Indigenous Women by their Men

(Jeremy Skibicki, an aborigine who admitted to killing four women is portrayed as a white nationalist!)  Commie Canada is trying to guilt white men for the murder of dozens of aboriginal women. In fact, digging up the landfill in search of their remains was a winning formula in the last Manitoba election. Most if not […]

‘Israel’ murders three sons of Hamas’ Ismail Haniyeh in Gaza City

10 Apr 202 Source: Al Mayadeen By Al Mayadeen English An Israeli strike targets the car used by Ismail Haniyeh’s sons, killing them and their children on Eid Al-Fitr as they were visiting relatives. Three sons of the head of Hamas’ Political Bureau, Ismail Haniyeh, were killed in an Israeli strike on a car in […]

American Conspiracy: The Octopus Murders

[embedded content] When journalist Danny Casolaro was found dead in a hotel bathtub, police ruled it a suicide. But his family and colleagues believe he may have been murdered for investigating a conspiracy he called “The Octopus” – a hidden organization connected to stolen government spy software, a string of unsolved murders, and some of […]

Justin Bieber: ‘Jay-Z Rapes and Murders Children in Satanic Rituals’

Jay-Z is a powerful Luciferian with elite connections whose boasts about selling his soul to the devil do not tell half the story of the depravity involved in the upper echelons of the entertainment industry. But don’t take my word for it. That’s according to former acolyte Justin Bieber who has blown the whistle on […]

ISRAELI tank murders CIVILIANS in a car for no reason!

ISRAELI tank murders CIVILIANS in a car for no reason!

Overwhelming Video Proof of Covid ‘Vaccine’ Bioweapon Murders Proves Premeditated Genocide

Over 400 Athletes DEAD from Cardiac Events in a matter of months. The post era will be catastrophic. — DiedSuddenly (@DiedSuddenly_) September 8, 2023 Source

Psychopath Mother SELLS Daughter to a Malignant Psychopath Who Murders Her-Sounds Just Like CIA & Project MKULTRA

Comment:  Heartbreaking story.  I hope the murderer IS put to death as soon as possible.  There really isn’t total justice cuz Both families grieve and live with heartbreak for the rest of their lives.  Sadly if this mother sold this girl to the CIA Monarch Slave Handlers/Programmers and she was murdered (as is often the […]

Ft. Hood is Full of Rapes & Mass Murders-INVESTIGATE!

INVESTIGATE FORT HOOD! July 29, 2020fightingmonarch After ongoing sexual harassment at Fort Hood, Texas, Vanessa Guillén was beaten to death and dismembered. Click Here To Read About Vanessa Guillen in the Guardian! In response to this crime, almost ninety lawmakers have signed a letter spearheaded by Texas Representative Sylvia Garcia calling for the Defense Department’s […]

Israel Murders 5 Palestinians In Jericho And MSM Ignores Frequent Massacres

Israeli occupation forces violently raided the Aqbat Jabr refugee camp, located near Ariha (Jericho) city in the occupied West Bank, killing five Palestinians and injuring tens of others. The raid came after the Jericho area was besieged for eight days and brings the number of Palestinians killed by Israeli fire to 42 so far this […]

“Old As jewry Itself” – jewish Ritual Murders Up to the Year 1840

“Old As jewry Itself” – jewish Ritual Murders Up to the Year 1840 January 3, 2023 Reich Revision 2 Comments J e w i s h  R i t u a l – M u r d e r :   a   H i s t o r i c a l   I […]

Chicago continues its collapse into 2023 under Dem Mayor Lightfoot as murders, carjackings skyrocket

(Natural News) For yet another year, the black Democratic mayor of Chicago, Lori Lightfoot, has proven again that she doesn’t really believe that “Black Lives Matter.” The Windy City, under her ‘leadership,’ finished 2022 with another staggering pile of dead bodies, most of whom were victims of black-on-black homicide, as well as lawlessness on the… […]

Toronto Police investigation of Barry & Honey Sherman murders sealed by the Crown to cover up who committed the targeted murders

There is compeling evidence that shows that 5 years ago Justin Trudeau conspired to have his August 26, 2015 election campaign fundraisers murdered. Justin Trudeau had motive to conspire to murder Barry and Honey Sherman. An ongoing RCMP investigation of his election campaign fundraiser for the Lobbying Commissioner and an Apotex lawsuit put Justin Trudeau […]

Washington State Hospital Murders Newborn With Killer Jabbed Blood Transfusion

A newborn baby boy named Alex was born in Washington state with a 95% survivable congenital heart defect and was also anemic and needed a blood transfusion. Backstory: In 2021 the baby’s parents had a close family friend die of a heart attack shortly after she received her Covid—19 vaccine. By all accounts their friend […]

Burlington, Vermont, reeling from highest number of murders in decades after defunding police

(FOX News) — Homicides are skyrocketing in Vermont this year to levels not seen in decades in a state that is often considered one of America’s safest places. For the state’s largest city, Burlington, the bloody increases come after its police department was defunded and then ultimately refunded after concerns from the community. “We are not used […]

A Good Death? The Midazolam Murders

Each year, tens of thousands of elderly and terminally ill patients are quietly euthanised in NHS facilities. In hospitals, care homes and hospices, behind closed doors, their deaths are hastened in what appears to be a caring and humane way. But how has this practice of euthanasia – illegal in the UK and carrying a […]

MH17 Crash Verdicts: 2 Russians, 1 Ukrainian Convicted Of Murders

A Dutch court has convicted two Russians and a Ukrainian of the murders of 298 people who died in the 2014 downing of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 over Ukraine. Source

Nearly Half of Murders Now Go Unsolved in America, The Lowest Clearance Rate on Record

They’ve got to find some way to blame white people. Source

Nearly Half of U.S. Murders Now Going Unsolved

Nearly half of murders in the U.S. now go unsolved, with the majority going unsolved in the last seven months of 2020, a phenomenon partly caused by anti-police BLM protests. The shining achievement of Black Lives Matter may ironically be its role in preventing murdered black people from getting justice. “A review of FBI statistics […]

‘Israel’ murders young Palestinian in Jenin Camp

June 30, 2022 Source: Agencies By Al Mayadeen English  Muhammad Maher Marei succumbed to the serious wounds that he sustained by Israeli occupation forces during their storming of the neighborhood of Jenin at dawn today. Israeli occupation forces (IOF) directly opened live fire at young Palestinian Muhammad Maher Marei, 25, during a raid on Jenin Camp at dawn […]

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