Posts Tagged ‘lowest’

Woke U.S. Military Faces 2024 with Smallest Size and Lowest Qualification Levels in 80 Years — Pentagon Issue “National Call of Service” to Younger Generations

Woke U.S. Military Faces 2024 with Smallest Size and Lowest Qualification Levels in 80 Years — Pentagon Issue “National Call of Service” to Younger Generations Source

2023 Is US’ Lowest Wildfire Year Since 2000

2023 Is US’ Lowest Wildfire Year Since 2000 Via Cliff Mass Weather blog, Being well into October and with a train of very wet weather systems approaching, we can be confident that most wildfire activity is over this year over the Northwest U.S.   There are no active fires over Washington State today. The good news […]

Mortgage demand at lowest point in decades

The demand for mortgages has dropped to the lowest point since 1996, according to a new survey. The Mortgage Bankers Association’s seasonally adjusted index found mortgage application volume dropped nearly 3 percent last week, compared with the previous week. “Mortgage applications declined to the lowest level since December 1996, despite a drop in mortgage rates. Both purchase… […]

Politicians Are The Lowest Lifeforms On The Face Of The Earth

Saw an article this morning where the political whore guvnor of Iowa who mandated Communist Penal Code Non medical “lockdowns” for a Not proved to exist virus, ordered police to enforce her communist lockdowns, is now trying to claim she “rejected” all the hysteria and human harming pig shit of the scamdemic. ‘Iowa Governor Kim […]

Poll: Joe Manchin Has Second-Lowest Approval Rating of Any Senator

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV), who has not yet decided if he is running for reelection in 2024, has the second-worst approval rating of any senator, according to a Morning Consult poll. Source

Azerbaijan-Iran ties at lowest level: envoy 

TEHRAN – The ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan to Israel has said that relations between Tehran and Baku are at an all-time low.   Source

Japan Will No Longer Have the Developed World’s Lowest Age of Consent

A higher age of consent is one of several proposed changes to Japan’s criminal code on sexual offenses. Photo: CHARLY TRIBALLEAU/AFP via Getty Images Japan looks set to criminalize sex with teens under age 16 in an overhaul of its sex crime laws. A panel of the Japanese justice ministry on Friday proposed raising the country’s age […]

Watch: Temperatures drop to the lowest in a decade across Japan

Large areas of Japan will be affected by the coldest air mass of the season from Tuesday. Source

The highest and lowest temperature of 2022 in Greece occurred in the same place!

In terms of temperatures, 2022 was another warm year for most regions of Greece, peaking in the periods 22-23 June and 23-29 July, according to the National Observatory Athens/ The lowest temperatures of the year were recorded mainly during the ELPIS weather storm (January 23-25). A special place in the temperature records of 2022 is… […]

Americans’ positive self-assessments of their mental health are the lowest in more than two decades

Americans’ positive self-assessments of their mental health are the lowest in more than two decades of Gallup polling. In all, 31% of U.S. adults describe their mental health or emotional wellbeing as “excellent,” the worst rating by three percentage points. Source

NY Times: Only 14% Vaccinated Africa Has Lowest COVID Deaths in World, “Mystery” Cannot Be Accounted for by Record-Keeping.

Two-thirds of population has natural immunity acquired from catching COVID Below: COVID deaths per 100K in population, through September 25, 2022, THE LIGHTER THE COLOR, THE LOWER THE DEATH RATE FROM COVID. The map shows that COVID deaths in most of Africa from have been from 0 to 50 per 100,000 in population, compared to […]

Report: Black Voter Turnout Shrinks to Lowest Level Since 2006

Midterm election turnout among black voters appears to be 25 percent lower than white turnout, marking the lowest share of the black electorate since 2006, a New York Times analysis revealed Wednesday. Source

Sweden Refused Lockdowns, Kept Schools Open and Was Rewarded With Lowest Excess Mortality In the World

While the whole world went mad, closing schools, issuing mask orders and mandatory lockdowns, Sweden refused to listen to Bill Gates and the World Economic Forum and kept their society open. Fast forward to the […] The post Sweden Refused Lockdowns, Kept Schools Open and Was Rewarded With Lowest Excess Mortality In the World appeared […]

Economic Confidence Tumbles To Lowest Level Since July

Economic confidence slumped in October, partially undoing the climb in confidence seen in the previous three months, the most recent Gallup poll shows. Gallup’s economic confidence index fell to a reading of minus 45, the lowest since July. A month Source

Europe: The Country with the Lowest Vaccination Rate Has the Lowest Excess Mortality

Not surprisingly, the country with the highest vaccination rate also has the highest excess mortality. Link Share now! Source

Europe: The Country with the Lowest Vaccination Rate Has the Lowest Excess Mortality

Not surprisingly, the country with the highest vaccination rate also has the highest excess mortality. Link Share now! Source

Crude in US Emergency Reserve Falls to Lowest Since Dec.1984

Crude inventory in the U.S. emergency reserves fell by 3.1 million barrels in the week to Aug. 26, according to data from the Department of Energy. Stockpiles in the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) fell to 450 million barrels, according to the data, the lowest since December 1984. The 3.1 million-barrel draw was the smallest draw […]

Haiti Did Not Vaccinate Its Citizens, The Current Vax Rate is 1.4% — Yet Country Has One of Lowest COVID Death Rates in the World — Weird, Huh?

Data from the World Health Organization (WHO) showed only 837 people have died in Haiti since the pandemic began, with a vaccination rate of 1.4% of the 11.4 million population. “In Haiti, from 3 January 2020 to 5:03 pm CEST, 7 July 2022, there have been 31,703 confirmed cases of COVID-19 with 837 deaths, reported […]

Euro Falls to Lowest Since 2002 on Concerns Over Energy Prices

The euro tumbled to a new two-decade low on Wednesday as fears over rising energy prices and potential shortages cast a long shadow over the bloc’s economy, while demand for safe-haven assets drove the dollar to fresh 20-year highs. All oil and gas fields that were affected by a strike in Norway’s petroleum sector are […]

CIVIQS Poll: Joe Biden Approval Lowest of Presidency – 31% Overall

President Joe Biden’s approval rating is down to the lowest of his presidency, at only 31 percent approval and 57 percent disapproval, according to the CIVIQS rolling job-approval average as of Saturday. Source

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