Posts Tagged ‘mortgage’

The cost of a monthly mortgage payment for a typical U.S. home has NEARLY DOUBLED in just four years

(NaturalNews) Real estate firm Zillow has reported that, since January 2020, the monthly mortgage payment on a typical home in the United States has nearly doubled… Source

China Supercharges Stimulus With Biggest Cut In Mortgage Reference Rate On Record

After the relentless jawboning in recent days, many were expecting some further easing today from the PBOC, and Beijing did not disappoint when China cut the 5-year loan prime rate (LPR) – which influences mortgage rate pricing – and is also known as China’s Libor (or rather SOFR since Libor no longer exists) by 25bp […]

Securitisation – The great mortgage swindle

Banks don’t hold your mortgage deed, the banks have sold the mortgage contracts to Special Purpose Vehicles [hidden owners] and it is the SPVs alone, that have the contractual power to determine the borrowers interest rates. These fake lenders, the banks, refuse to provide the original deed of mortgage when required because they don’t hold […]

Mortgage demand at lowest point in decades

The demand for mortgages has dropped to the lowest point since 1996, according to a new survey. The Mortgage Bankers Association’s seasonally adjusted index found mortgage application volume dropped nearly 3 percent last week, compared with the previous week. “Mortgage applications declined to the lowest level since December 1996, despite a drop in mortgage rates. Both purchase… […]

Mortgage Rates Soar to Highest Level for the Year

U.S. home mortgage rates soared towards 7 percent this week, pushing away many potential home buyers as affordability pressures for some pushed home ownership further out of reach. The average rate on the popular 30-year fixed mortgage hit 7.22 percent on July 6, reaching its highest point since November, according data published by to Mortgage News […]

Israel delays bill to freeze mortgage rates for first-time buyers

Israel will delay passing a new law that would freeze mortgage rates for first-time home buyers, Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich said on Sunday, as the proposed legislation faces opposition from the country's central bank. Smotrich and the head of parliament's finance committee, Moshe Gafni, said in a joint statement they would hold off for a […]

Buying or Selling a Home When Mortgage Interest Rates Are High

During these days when mortgage interest rates are high and the future of refinance rates unpredictable, you may be wondering whether you should buy or sell a home—or wait until better economic times. It may surprise you to know that now could be a good time for either move. Advantages of Selling Your Home When […]

New single-family home sales plunge to 6 1/2 year low as mortgage rates and housing prices continue to rise

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) New home sales in the United States for single-family units plunged to a six-and-a-half-year low in July as increasingly high mortgage rates and house prices and the downturn in the American economy are preventing first-time homebuyers from entering the market.The report came from the Census Bureau of the Department of … [Read More…] […]

Chinese social platforms rush to censor mortgage protests

Amid a mortgage crisis in China, which has sparked protests and homebuyers threatening to boycott payments, social media companies have stepped up censorship; blocking messages, keywords and videos of demonstrations. In China, social media companies are required to censor or remove content that “undermines social stability,” like the ongoing mortgage protests. Source

Are Nonbank Mortgage Lenders Good For Minority Borrowers?

Above Photo: Mikes pics. Complaints charging two lenders with anti-Black business practices raise questions about growing industry sector. A loan officer at a mortgage company questions a Black loan applicant about household debts, but subsequently invites a less creditworthy white borrower to fill out an application with “no inquiry about credit standing or debts.” He then […]

Mortgage Stress Falls to Near Record Lows for Australian Households: Roy Morgan

The number of households under ‘mortgage stress’ sharply fell to near record lows in mid-2021 despite the loss of JobKeeper, according to research by market search company Roy Morgan. The latest data, based on in-depth interviews over a rolling three-month period to May, revealed that the number of ‘at risk’ mortgage holders has fallen to […]

A Thrifty Couple in Their 30s Pay Off $133,500 Mortgage 28 Years Early

A young thrifty couple are celebrating being mortgage-free in their 30s—after paying off their 95,620 pound (approx. US$133,500) mortgage 28 years early. Siobhan and Lee Bowen from Great Wyrley, Staffs, England, purchased their first home together in 2011, and despite having a relatively low income, the pair now own their three-bed semi-detached home outright. The parents […]

Omar leads bill to cancel rent and mortgage payments during pandemic

Image Credit: Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call Citing the “unprecedented crisis” of Covid-19 coupled with widespread economic hardship, Rep. Ilhan Omar on Thursday reintroduced a bill that would cancel rent and mortgage payments for the duration of the pandemic.  The Rent and Mortgage Cancellation Act (pdf) would grant full payment forgiveness, with no accumulation of housing […]

WATCH — Veteran and Family Receive Mortgage Free Home: ‘We’re Grateful and Happy’

A veteran and his family are enjoying their new, mortgage-free home in Lubbock, Texas, thanks to several local organizations. “Russell Snodgrass served in the navy, spending six years serving the United States. He suffered serious injuries to his back and a traumatic brain injury while deployed in Korea and Iraq and was honorably discharged in […]

Top pitfalls to avoid in the mortgage process

With the escalating prices of homes in the US, mortgage loans have become a popular financing option for those who dream of owning a home. Considering that buying a home is perhaps the biggest purchase you’ll ever make, it’s no surprise that there are multiple ways you can find yourself […]

The Occult Meaning of Mortgage: Why a Mortgage Is a Pledge to the Dead

Owning a nice home is a dream that most people have. Deep down, nearly everyone wants to live in a nice home. One of the main obstacles that prevents most people from owning a home of their dream is the high cost.  by Pao Chang, author of Depending where people live today, a regular […]

Housing bubble: 57% of Australians can’t afford $100 mortgage increase

A new study shows 57% of Australia mortgage holders could not handle a $100 increase in their loan repayment. Stress has turned up in even the wealthiest cities. But who is truly wealthy? Paper profits on homes with enormous mortgages does not constitute wealth. Please consider $100 Tipping Point for 57% of […]

TODAY’S COLUMN: Mortgage Fraud, EU Blues, End of Nation States and Stephen Fry’s New A.I.

UK are heading into one of the most bizarre general elections in history. The UK Column cover May’s malaise, mortgage fraud in Northern Ireland, the globalists’ plan to end the modern nation-state, strange Manchester meets 7/7 suicide claims, and the Daily Mail’s Stephen Fry-Tory Campaign article on A.I. dystopia.  UK Column anchor Mike Robinson and […]

Assassination of a leader: Eva Golinger on the West’s murder of Hugo Chavez

     “Hugo Chavez defied the most powerful interests, and he refused to bow down….I believe there is a very strong possibility that President Chavez was assassinated.” — Eva Golinger MW – Do you think that Hugo Chavez was murdered and, if so, who do you think might have been involved? Eva Golinger – I believe […]

Former House Speaker Dennis Hastert Won’t be Charged for Molesting 4 Boys

Isn’t it interesting how politicians are so frequently caught with their pants down (sometimes literally) doing or approving of unspeakable acts? There’s doubt about it, positions of power have a tendency to attract the worst human beings, or inspire the worst behaviors in otherwise good people. Dennis Hastert would certainly fall under the former […]

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