Posts Tagged ‘govt’

Turkey to suspend European human rights convention following failed coup

LIVE UPDATES: #TurkeyPurge: Post-coup crackdown “We want to end the state of emergency as soon as possible. We believe [it could end within] one to one and a half months. I do not need a second extension,” said Deputy PM Numan Kurtulmus, as cited by Turkish broadcaster NTV. According to Kurtulmus, there were “structural and […]

We Are the Universe Becoming Aware of Itself

Jocelyn Mercado, Pachamama AllianceWaking Times “Through our eyes, the universe is perceiving itself. Through our ears, the universe is listening to its harmonies. We are the witnesses through which the universe becomes conscious of its glory, of its magnificence.” – Alan Watts “You are not IN the universe, you ARE the universe, an […]

Israel Fails To Intercept Intruder Drone From Syria

Israel sent three missiles to intercept an intruder drone from Syria… but the Middle East’s finest fighting force were unsuccessful. The unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) from Syria managed to penetrate Israeli airspace on Sunday and evade two Patriot anti-air interceptors and possibly an F-16-launched air-to-air missile, sources here said. RT reports: Neither two Patriot missiles, nor […]

UN reaffirms Tehran’s commitment to Resolution 2231

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A senior UN official confirmed that since the implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), the world body has not received any reports indicating Tehran’s deviation from Resolution 2231. Resolution 2231 calls upon Iran “not to undertake any activity related to ballistic missiles designed to be capable of delivering nuclear […]

Shooting Cops Across America: Guidance from Above

Social Contracts, Co-Dependency and Closed Loops of Limitation WakingTimes | July 18, 2016 | 0 Comments Source Article from

US gets low grade in JCPOA implementation: Iran FM

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says the United States will likely receive a low grade for its commitment to implementation of last July’s nuclear agreement between Iran and the P5+1 group of countries. Zarif made the remarks in an exclusive interview with Iran’s IRIB News Agency on the occasion of the first anniversary of the nuclear agreement, known […]

Photos: Iran FM Zarif meets Japan’s defense commission chairman

By Fars News Agency Source Article from

Erdogan Blames Gulenist Network, Calls on Public to Fight in Public Squares

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan gave a brief statement via CNN Turk calling on the country’s people to fight back against what he called a Gulenist network effort to undermine the country’s democracy. In the statement, Erdogan urged citizens to wage conflict and take to the streets in protest. Turkey remains in a state of martial law under the total control of a self-appointed military […]

Israeli rabbi who advocated rape of ‘comely gentile women’ during war becomes chief army rabbi

Just on my way to my flight from Israel’s Ben Gurion Airport, I noticed this cover headline in the Yediot Aharonot newspaper front page: “New IDF Chief Rabbi: It is permissible to rape during war”. Under that: “Major Col. Eyal Qarim has declared in the past “draft of girls is totally forbidden” – and claimed […]

Meet Israeli war minister

By Mahmoud el-Yousseph Meet the new Israeli War Minister Avigdor Lieberman. He is a former night club bouncer from the Republic of Moldova who moved into an illegal Jewish settlement in the Israeli occupied Palestinian West Bank. Lieberman has the following on his resume: He declared on Israeli TV that if appointed as defence minister, […]

Icelanders Perform Ultimate Viking Chant to Welcome Home Their Team

Thousands of Icelanders greeted their home team as they returned from their historic Euro 2016 endeavor. Naturally it soon erupted into what could be their most epic chant to date. Proud fans gathered at Arnarholl, a hill in downtown Reykjavik, to welcome the boys home after becoming the smallest nation to make it to the […]

There’s no such thing as WHITE people… we are all people of color, and I’m a red-skinned American Indian (seriously)

(NaturalNews) The U.S. Supreme Court handed down a ruling today, legalizing institutionalized discrimination against white people. It’s called “affirmative action,” and it means that anyone who self-identifies as white or Caucasian may now be legally oppressed by universities and employers, and the practice is even protected by the United States government which is, […]

3-man Space Station crew comes back to Earth, as Soyuz craft lands in Kazakhstan

Expedition 46/47 members European Space Agency (ESA) astronaut Tim Peake from Britain, NASA’s Tim Chopra and Russian cosmonaut Yuri Malenchenko began their journey home Saturday morning, undocking from the ISS at 0551GMT. The astronauts landed in south-central Kazakhstan at 0915GMT after spending 186 days on the International Space Station (ISS). The return journey involves a […]

The Snowden Test

David Thrussell,  ContributorWaking Times No doubt you know the basic story. Beginning June 5th 2013, a series of explosive articles ran in The Guardian (and subsequently a handful of other newspapers/magazines) detailing a vast web of global surveillance (engineered by the U.S. National Security Agency and U.K. partner GCHQ). The revelations were […]

Top Delhi hospital involved in organ trafficking racket

Officials from the Apollo Hospital in Delhi, India’s capital, said that doctors at the medical facility were misled and unaware of the illegal trade. 1/3 We are rigorously investigating the matter along with police. The secretarial staff alleged to be involved — Apollo Hospitals (@HospitalsApollo) June 3, 2016 A criminal gang, allegedly including two employees […]

Scott Roberts: Out-Jewing the Jew?

Do you really think we will be able to sneak up on the jews and wrestle power from them that way? Do you really think a savior is going to come and do it for us? Scott doesn’t. Source Article from

NATO likely to declare cyberspace a warfare domain at Warsaw summit – German general

All 28 NATO member states are likely to agree to the proposal during the Warsaw summit, to be held in the Polish capital on July 8-9, Major General Ludwig Leinhos announced at the Berlin Air Show this week, Reuters reports. Russia working on ways to protect its internet due to US online dominance – Com. […]

German MPs receive threatening emails over plans to recognize Armenian genocide

Berlin is looking to adopt a resolution, titled “Remembrance and commemoration of the genocide of Armenians and other Christian minorities in the years 1915 and 1916” this Thursday. The legislation, which has strained German-Turkish relations, is largely being supported by the opposition Greens in Germany, Merkel’s conservative bloc and Social Democrats. The document has the […]

Traditional Uses of Aloe Vera from All Around the World

30th May 2016 By Dr. Edward Group Guest writer for Wake Up World It’s no secret aloe vera is one of the most popular succulents around the world today. For thousands of years, it has been grown for a variety of uses — everything from oral health, skin benefits, and even dietary supplementation. It’s also […]

Netherlands Gives Green Light For Scientists To Grow Human Embryos

The Dutch government has announced it will allow researchers to grow human embryos “under strict and limited conditions” for scientific research. The Netherlands will change its laws on embryonic research, which had until now only allowed tests to be conducted on leftover embryos procured from in vitro fertilisation processes. Edith Schippers the Dutch health minister […]

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