Posts Tagged ‘vote’

We Are the Universe Becoming Aware of Itself

Jocelyn Mercado, Pachamama AllianceWaking Times “Through our eyes, the universe is perceiving itself. Through our ears, the universe is listening to its harmonies. We are the witnesses through which the universe becomes conscious of its glory, of its magnificence.” – Alan Watts “You are not IN the universe, you ARE the universe, an […]

Most Young People Don’t Like Trump

Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is not popular with young Americans. Results of a recent poll show that young adults don’t much like presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. Those results are especially true for young people of color. The poll is the first to focus on the opinions of […]

Israeli rabbis say ‘ gays are disabled people’

Two prominent Israeli rabbis described gays and lesbians as “disabled people” and are in an urgent need to psychological treatment to be straight. Chief Israeli Jewish Rabbi of Ramat Gan Yaakov Ariel, one of the leaders of Religious Zionism, stated that the members of the gay and lesbian community are “disabled people suffering from a […]

Turkish Military Attempts Coup, Declares Martial Law

nsnbc : Turkey’s military has launched a coup, taken over key administrative buildings and media, and declared that the step was taken to reinstate constitutional law and order. The armed forces of Turkey issued a statement saying they have completely taken over the country to reinstate constitutional order, human rights and freedoms, the rule of […]

Nodisinfo Makes Severe Errors on Multiple Posts and Videos Cancels Them

Nodisinfo Makes Severe Errors on Multiple Posts and Videos Cancels Them The hoax analysis business is no easy project. Severe errors were made in the assessment of multiple posts and YouTube productions. All such posts and productions have been purged until further notice. Apologies are issued to all involved, including any family and friends of […]

The Nationalist Review Online 18: Black Snipers Matter

The Right Stuff July 11, 2016 Florian fills in again for NO1 as the autistocast returns for a second part, minus some burger plus some Nords. A message from Moishe, an hour of discussion on the Texas Shootings, and half an hour of shitposting and hardcore journalism. Source Article from

Watch: Israel teaches hate, German TV says

Days of Palestine, Jerusalem -A German news network is to broadcast documentary titled ‘Teaching to Hate?’ aiming to show how Israeli children are taught to kill Palestinians. The documentary, which will be broadcast on ZDF, will make a comparison between how the Palestinian and the Israeli children are educated at schools. Going deep in the […]

TOP-Secret UFO Files LEAKED: “UFO Found in the Canadian Province of Saskatchewan”

Another top secret document leaked by a UFO researcher is seen as the first convincing evidence that parts have been found of a flying saucer on Earth. by Heathcliff During the first Canadian hearing on UFOs in Ontario, Victor Viggiani revealed a confidential memo dated November 14, 1968. The memo is about a UFO that […]

Shooting of 11 Police Officers in Dallas is an Arch DHS Gun Control Hoax

With numerous revelations from our posters Make no mistake about it the purported shooting against Dallas police officers is a scam and a hoax, while no one can demonstrate otherwise. The number “11” is one of those arch-Masonic, arch-Satanic numbers commonly used by the arch-Zionist, extremist gun-grubbing cabal. It’s clearly a hoax. The standard arch-hoax flashlight […]

Rare Thomas Jefferson letter discovered in family attic on sale for $325k

     Always check the abandoned boxes in your attic because you never know what you might find. A family in Mississippi discovered a rare letter from founding father Thomas Jefferson in a box of heirlooms, written to their ancestor, U.S. Ambassador to France William Crawford. The four-page letter from the former president shows his reaction […]

Guns save lives

A bald eagle was freed from a tree by a patriotic Army veteran, who spent 90 minutes firing 150 shots into three branches ahead of the Fourth of July holiday. Jason Galvin, who did two tours in Afghanistan, was on a bait run on Thursday when he spotted the eagle dangling upside down from a […]

‘RIP the Republic’: Row over postponing French Muslim students’ exams for religious holiday

The measure was proposed by Maison des Examens (the House of Examination), which manages high-school graduation exams (the Baccalaureat) in the Ile-de-France region. This year one of Islam’s most important holidays, Eid al-Fitr, which marks the end of the holy month of Ramadan, is celebrated on July 6. This coincides with the bac exams in […]

Mind over matter: Scientists study woman who can grow a seed into a plant in 20 minutes

     Why does the title of this article emphasize that ‘truly impossible’ results were witnessed? Because providing an explanation for what happened here is literally impossible right now, despite the fact that it happened repeatedly. Extra ordinary human potential is something that has been studied for decades; and although a number of studies have been […]

Mind over matter: Scientists study woman who can grow a seed into a plant in 20 minutes

     Why does the title of this article emphasize that ‘truly impossible’ results were witnessed? Because providing an explanation for what happened here is literally impossible right now, despite the fact that it happened repeatedly. Extra ordinary human potential is something that has been studied for decades; and although a number of studies have been […]

Putin’s Man, Chechen Akhmed Chatayev, Is Thought to Be the Mastermind Behind the Turkish Terrorist Attack

Christopher Jon Bjerknes Putin’s KGB created the ISIS terrorist Akhmed Chatayev and may have tasked him with conducting a terrorist attack in Turkey to reward Erdogan for rapprochement with Russia. Putin also wants to lure NATO member Turkey and the rest of NATO away from their mission of defending us from Russia and communism, and […]

Islamic State commander identified as Turkey airport bombing mastermind

A Chechen rebel and Islamic State commander has been identified as the organizer of the attack on Istanbul Ataturk Airport that killed 44, a U.S. official said. Akhmed Chatayev is wanted in several regions, including Russia, for his involvement in terror attacks. Rep. Michael McCaul, chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, told CNN Chatayev […]

Istanbul Terrorist Got “Asylum” in Austria

The Chechen Muslim terrorist named as masterminding the Istanbul airport attack was another refugee-terrorist who had been granted “asylum” in Austria, it has emerged. Ahmed Tschatajew was granted “asylum” in Austria in 2003 after falsely claiming that the Russian government was persecuting him. In reality, he had served as a militant in the radical Muslim […]

Most recent poll shows Trump passing up Hillary

Commentary by Dr. Patrick Slattery — Donald Trump had a few bad weeks, culminating in the press and the establishment beating him up for stating that the reason he was being treated unfairly by a judge might be because of the judge’s Mexican heritage. (What an racist outrage to think that someone who belongs to […]

Another U.S. Proxy Force Defeated By ISIS – Incompetent Training or Intent?

Mosque in Perth, Australia firebombed, sprayed with anti-Islam graffiti as hundreds pray inside

The hate crime took place on Tuesday night at around 8 pm local time. Hundreds of worshippers were inside for their daily evening prayer when they heard a loud bang, according to the West Australian. They rushed outside and saw a burning Toyota Prado and three people running down an alleyway next to the college. […]

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