Posts Tagged ‘dark’

Foods gene-edited to withstand noxious herbicides are being labeled non-GMO

(NaturalNews) The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) recently announced that it will not regulate the entire forthcoming generation of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), allowing new genetically engineered (GE) foods to enter the food supply without any testing or permitting process. This “free pass” by the USDA will also allow these new GMOs to […]

Calif. rancher sues Monsanto claiming four decades of Roundup use caused non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma

(NaturalNews) A California rancher has filed a lawsuit against Monsanto in federal court, accusing the country of misleading customers into believing that the blockbuster herbicide Roundup was as safe as table salt. Plaintiff Peter Johansing says that he used Roundup for 40 years, and has now been diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, a form […]

France – At Least 60 Dead As Truck Plows Into Crowd In Nice

At least 60 people have died and more than 100 were injured tonight after a lorry was driven deliberately into a crowd out celebrating Bastille Day in the French city of Nice. BFM TV said that authorities have classified the the incident as an “attack.” According to an eyewitness report cited by BFM, the driver […]

Selected Articles: The Rising Tide of Neo-Nazi Politics in Croatia

Globalists are pitting blacks against whites in America to incite a bloody race war… here’s how we can all win together by refusing to be manipulated into hatred and rage

(NaturalNews) This isn’t a long article. It’s a short piece put together after three days of contemplation on the insanity and violence that has now exploded across America. The situation is so severe that I haven’t been able to think about much else. I’m convinced that the events in Dallas were designed to […]

‘First Philistine cemetery’ may upend knowledge of ancient people after 30 years’ dig

“After decades of studying what Philistines left behind, we have finally come face to face with the people themselves,” Daniel M. Master, professor of archaeology at Wheaton College and one of the leaders of the excavation, told AP. “With this discovery we are close to unlocking the secrets of their origins,” he added. The Philistines […]

Up to 272 dead in South Sudan, mortars & RPGs fired near UN compound

Representatives from the UN say residents in Juba fled after “heavy ground assault weaponry” was fired. A Hind Mi24 helicopter gunship has also been spotted flying over the capital. It is reportedly being used by President Salva Kiir’s troops to attack forces loyal to the country’s Vice President Riek Machar. Machar’s residence was also attacked […]

TOP-Secret UFO Files LEAKED: “UFO Found in the Canadian Province of Saskatchewan”

Another top secret document leaked by a UFO researcher is seen as the first convincing evidence that parts have been found of a flying saucer on Earth. by Heathcliff During the first Canadian hearing on UFOs in Ontario, Victor Viggiani revealed a confidential memo dated November 14, 1968. The memo is about a UFO that […]

US Cop Shoots Black Man Dead a Day After Alton Sterling Controversy

Philando Castile, 32, of Falcon Heights succumbed to his wounds later at Hennepin County Medical Center, according to his mother Valerie Castle, WCCO reports. Castile was driving and his girlfriend Diamond Reynolds was in the passenger when they were pulled over for a broken taillight. Reynolds’ 4-year-old daughter was in the back seat. What followed […]

Rare Thomas Jefferson letter discovered in family attic on sale for $325k

     Always check the abandoned boxes in your attic because you never know what you might find. A family in Mississippi discovered a rare letter from founding father Thomas Jefferson in a box of heirlooms, written to their ancestor, U.S. Ambassador to France William Crawford. The four-page letter from the former president shows his reaction […]

Russian MC-21 Passenger Jet Ready for International Market in 2019

nsnbc : The Russian aircraft manufacturer UAC announced that it plans to deliver the new Irkut MC-21 passenger jet for Russian and international customers starting 2019. The jet can be delivered with new Russian PD-14 or with American PW14000G engines. The Russian United Aircraft Corporation (UAC), located in Irkutsk, plans to deliver the MC-21 passenger jet […]

Astronomers discover several new trans-Neptunian objects beyond the orbit of Neptune

     Several new trans-Neptunian objects beyond the orbit of Neptune have reportedly been discovered by US astronomers. American astronomers have managed to discover an array of new trans-Neptunian objects. The planetoids are located beyond the orbit of Neptune, media reports said. A total of eight such objects were tracked, including 2014 FZ71, 2015 FJ345, 2004 […]

Chinese Xinhua News Agency interviews Russian President Putin

     Comment: It’s not so much the content of this interview that is informative; it’s the worldview that Putin embodies, and the vision he presents of how nations can and should interact. Whether or not it will ever be achieved is open, but one thing is for sure: the alternative (American hegemony) will only end […]

6 Plants High in Healing Cannabinoids (Other Than Cannabis)

Cannabis is not the only plant that contains medically beneficial cannabinoids, although it has driven the research to understand the powerful therapeutic properties of these plant compounds. In actuality, there are several plants that are also rich in cannabinoids and benefit the body’s endocannabinoid system, which is responsible for helping the body maintain internal balance, […]

Orlando Changes Everything

Orlando Changes Everything The Jewish Debasing Of American Culture, America In Decline Articles Orlando Changes EverythingBy Brother Nathanael Kapner June 16, 2016 ©___________________________________ AFTER THE MOURNING ENDS, and the clowns have all gone to bed, a new mourning begins for those who forsee the destruction of America. One glance at the ‘Orlando statements’ by Jewish […]

British MP Jo Cox Murdered in Presumed Brexit-Related Attack

An MP has died after she was shot and stabbed in an attack in her constituency, West Yorkshire Police have said. Jo Cox, 41, Labour MP for Batley and Spen, had been left bleeding on the ground by her attacker. A 52-year-old man was arrested nearby… Labour leader Mr Corbyn said the […]

Heroic Hitler-Lover Ken Livingstone Berated by Ridiculous Monkey Person

Please support us if you can. Daily Stormer is 100% reader-funded. And these bastards are always at our throats. Sign-up with Liberapay to make a weekly recurring credit/debit card donation: Details on signing up for Liberapay and other contribution options here. Source Article from

Why Does Obama Keep Calling ISIS “ISIL”?

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer June 14, 2016 Look, I get that people didn’t know whether to translate the last word of Daesh as “Syria” or “the Levant,” but we’ve pretty much settled it at this point. The group is called “ISIS.” Why does he keep saying “ISIL”? Is he trying to be edgy? I don’t even […]

Nazi Daily Stormer Stands with Jewish Daily Forward: Jews Should Not Support Donald Trump

Source Article from

The answer to your health complaints? Talk to your body

     Have no doubt, the mind can be a powerful healing tool. And science is beginning to acknowledge what shamans, healers, intuitives and spiritual masters have known for a millennia. Researchers like Bruce Lipton, Ph.D. have shown that our thoughts, whether conscious or not, have a profound impact on our bodies — right down to […]

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