Posts Tagged ‘chances’

Ken Buck slams ‘ridiculous’ claims he’s resigning to hurt Boebert’s election chances

Rep. Ken Buck (R-Colo.) slammed the claims that he’s resigning from Congress to hinder Rep. Lauren Boebert’s (R-Colo.) chances of claiming his 4th Congressional District seat.  Buck initially announced last year that he would not be running for reelection. He announced his early retirement from Congress on Tuesday, triggering a special election to fill his… […]

Is it ‘safe  & effective’ if your chances of death are 1 in 3 or 4? A follow up from Liz Gunn & the data analyst … a must watch for every Kiwi

EWNZ comment: The official data doesn’t lie… and the analyst has a Masters in Science. He is speaking out. Here are just two of his comments: “The stats clearly say that something is wrong [S.I. data]. The mortality rate is far in excess of normal … not a natural event … ” “There is no […]

The Memo: Manchin adds new uncertainty to Biden’s 2024 chances

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) gave a new jolt to a volatile national political landscape Thursday when he announced that he would not run for reelection to the Senate— and seemed to suggest that he could be on the brink of a presidential run. Both parties are grappling with the ramifications of his decision, in terms… […]

Sick Dolphin Calf With ‘Low’ Survival Chances Is Nursed Back to Health After He Was Found Drowning

An Irrawaddy dolphin calf—sick and too weak to swim—was drowning in a tidal pool on Thailand’s shore when fishermen found him. They quickly alerted marine conservationists, who advised them on how to provide emergency care until a rescue team could transport the calf to Thailand’s Marine and Coastal Resources Research and Development Center for veterinary […]

Former Fox News Editor: Chances of Winning Powerball Greater than Incorrect 2020 Election Projection

Former Fox News political editor Chris Stirewalt on Monday claimed the chances of winning the Powerball sweepstakes were greater than a wrong Fox News’s 2020 election projection.

Nolte: Ukraine War Fever Could Kill GOP Midterm Chances

How does any rational or caring human being watch us lose a 20-year war against cave-dwelling barbarians, and not just lose that war, but lose it in the most humiliating fashion imaginable, and less than a year later already have a war-boner for Ukraine? I’m convinced the unholy alliance between Neocons, the corporate media, and […]

34% Of White College Applicants Lied About Race To Improve Chances Of Getting Accepted, Survey Finds

By Charloitte McKinley via Thirty-four percent of white college student applicants have lied about their race to admissions officials to better their chances of getting accepted into their desired university or receive better financial aid, according to a survey from Intelligent. The survey of 1,250 white college applicants ages 16 and older found that the most […]

Who has the Greatest Chances of Becoming the Political Leader of Libya?

The situation in the country remains tense ahead of Libya’s first-ever presidential elections, scheduled for December 24. On November 12, an international conference on Libya was held in Paris to resolve the crisis in the North African country. Participants, who came from more than 20 States, reviewed the progress made in the political process and […]

Ted Cruz, Liz Cheney Spar over Her Chances in 2024: ‘It’s Called the Democratic Primary’

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) on Saturday blasted the possibility of Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) running as a Republican for president in the 2024 election, Fox News reported. “Is there a lane for Liz Cheney in New Hampshire in 2024?” CNN asked in a social media post Thursday. Cruz responded to the question by stating, “Yes. […]

IT’S OVER: Biden Approval Sinks to Record Low – “His Chances of Winning Re-Election Are 0%”

President Joe Biden has suffered a devastating drop in his approval rating, according to a shocking new Rasmussen poll on Wednesday. According to Rasmussen Reports, Biden’s approval rating has dropped to its lowest level of his presidency so far, at just 46%. His disapproval rating is a whopping 52%, which makes it almost impossible for […]

To Improve Olympic Chances, US Women’s Soccer Team Replaced By 15-Year-Old Boys Team In Wigs

To Improve Olympic Chances, US Women’s Soccer Team Replaced By 15-Year-Old Boys Team In Wigs TOKYO—After the U.S. women’s team’s embarrassing loss to Sweden in this year’s Olympics, America is hoping to come back and regain the gold in the tournament by replacing all the women with a high-school boys team. “We will have all […]

Former Top WHO And HHS Advisor: Chances Of Asymptomatic Spread Of COVID Is ZERO

TrialSiteNews has published the testimony of Paul Elias Alexander, PhD — a former COVID-19 advisor to WHO-PAHO and to Health and Human Services (HHS) — in which he presents his extensive evidence exposing the false claim that asymptomatic people who allegedly test positive for COVID-19 have been the “drivers” of the so-called “pandemic.” Dr. Alexander’s […]

Biden Worried Gas Shortages May Hurt Carter’s Chances Against Reagan

WASHINGTON, D.C.—As fuel shortages cause long lines at gas stations across the country, President Biden admitted he was worried that this may hurt Carter’s chances against Reagan in the upcoming election.  “Listen, it’s a real problem,” said President Biden to his bathtub, which he had mistaken for his press pool. “People need gas. All the […]

Marine Le Pen’s chances of an electoral earthquake in France are gaining momentum as Macron loses his bearings

Home » Europe, Politics » Marine Le Pen’s chances of an electoral earthquake in France are gaining momentum as Macron loses his bearings     France goes to the polls in 2022, and such is President Emmanuel Macron’s unpopularity that the prospect of a Le Pen victory is being seriously considered, to the extent a […]

Report: Joe Biden Advisers ‘Privately Skeptical’ of Chances in Georgia Runoff Election

Advisers to President-elect Joe Biden signaled Tuesday they were privately skeptical of Democrat chances in winning the Georgia Senate runoff election. “Privately, Biden’s team does not expect to win the races, according to Democratic officials,” Politico reported, but clarified that they were “more optimistic about their chances than they were weeks ago.” In the 2020 […]

‘Chances slim that COVID-19 vaccine won’t help against new mutation’

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Anthony Fauci Admits Chances Of Getting Accurate Results From COVID PCR Tests Are ‘Miniscule’

As reported by Jon Rappaport, during a July 16, 2020, “This Week in Virology” podcast, Anthony Fauci made a point of saying that the industry-standard PCR COVID test is useless and misleading when the test is run using the threshold standards recommended by the FDA: Here, in techno-speak, is an excerpt from Fauci’s key quote […]

Trump Testing Positive For Coronavirus Could Actually Help His Chances of Re-Election

After it was announced that President Trump had contracted coronavirus, numerous leftists took to Twitter to vehemently argue that Trump had staged the infection in order to help his re-election chances. The consensus opinion appears to be that Trump being diagnosed with COVID-19 will harm his campaign because it will stop him traveling for 2 […]

New UCLA/Stanford study finds that, if you’re between 50 and 64, your chances of dying from COVID-19 are 1 in 19.1 million

A new study from medical researchers at UCLA and Stanford University found the chances of contracting or dying from coronavirus are much lower than previously thought. One America’s Pearson Sharp has the details. VIDEO AT THE LINK LINK; Image by ArtTower from Pixabay Share this: Like this: Like Loading…

Bill Maher: ‘Very Nervous’ About Biden’s Chances After GOP Convention

Comedian Bill Maher expressed his concern over the Democrats’ chances of taking back the White House after witnessing the Republican National Convention this week. “I am feeling less confident about this. Maybe it’s just their convention bump got to me, but I’m feeling less confident than I was a month ago,” Maher told Joy Reid […]

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