Posts Tagged ‘winning’

Winning the Fluoride Fight – #SolutionsWatch

Joining us today is Michael Connett, lead attorney for the plaintiffs’ in the #FluorideLawsuit. We discuss the history of the lawsuit, what’s at stake, and how people who are concerned about the fluoridation of the water supply can get involved in the fight against this uncontrolled medical intervention. Source

Big Pharma Shill Sale: Can The Nobel Prize Winning Miracle Drug Ivermectin Damage Fertility?

BigPharma is exposed. BigPharma is desperate. BigPharma wants truly effective, safe and inexpensive repurposed drugs to be all but impossible to source. There have been some recent rumors that Ivermectin somehow damages fertility; with a smalltime Substacker disseminating much FUD of late about this miraculous Nobel Prize winning drug. Another Substacker referenced said FUDster in her article; […]

Hungary Becomes First EU Country to Congratulate Putin for Winning the ‘Elections’

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s congratulatory message to Russian President Vladimir Putin on his “re-election” has sent shockwaves through the European Union, amplifying concerns about political unity and Orban’s alignment with Moscow’s authoritarian regime. In his message to Putin, Orban emphasized the significance of cooperation between Hungary and Russia, citing mutual respect as the foundation […]

Putin says NATO Troops are already in Ukraine But Russia is Still Winning

    Russian President Vladimir Putin recently stirred concern with his assertions regarding the involvement of NATO soldiers in the conflict in Ukraine, suggesting that they are facing significant casualties. Addressing supporters and the media after his re-election victory, Putin underscored Moscow’s awareness of foreign fighters on Ukrainian soil and issued a stark warning about […]

Winning the Meme War – #SolutionsWatch

Now John wore a garment of camel’s hair and a leather belt around his waist, and his food was locusts and wild honey.Matthew 3:4 John Barnett must have felt trapped by the organized crime rings that gang stalk CIA targets inside America, such as Jesuits, Catholics, and the Jesuit-led Catholics in the local police […]

Imran Khan runs his winning party from Pakistani jail

Imran Khan stands firm: No alliances amid post-election deadlock ByAl Mayadeen English Source: Agencies 13 Feb 2024 19:15 After securing the majority of seats in the recent elections in Pakistan, Imran Khan has categorically ruled out the option of allying with his political adversaries. Imran Khan is pictured at a lawyers’ convention in Lahore on […]

Tribunal upholds bodily autonomy rights – TEDS winning here

WEU wins significant case – Tribunal upholds homeopathic lifestyle and bodily autonomy in the right to determine whether to have Covid vaccination POSTED BY: ADMIN 30/01/2024 In Paul Edward Bailey – v – West Midlands Ambulance Service – Case No. 1302139/2022 the Midlands West Employment Tribunal has upheld that the Claimant has a protected philosophical belief under […]

Trump Gives Speech After Winning Iowa Caucus; Ramaswamy To End Campaign

Trump Gives Speech After Winning Iowa Caucus; Ramaswamy To End Campaign Update (2323ET): As predicted, Donald Trump has been declared the winner of the Iowa Caucus by the Associated Press. Trump beat both Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley by nearly 30 points and 40 points respectively, in line with the final NBC News/Des Moines Register/Mediacom […]

Scott Ritter : Hamas Winning Battle for Gaza

The recently announced ceasefire is a blessing for Palestinians and Israelis alike—a chance for prisoners to be exchanged, humanitarian aid to be distributed to those in need, and for emotions on both sides of the conflict to cool down. While the ceasefire, negotiated between Israel and Hamas by Qatar, was mutually agreed between the two […]

Video: Rand Paul Says It’s “Difficult To Imagine Trump Winning” In 2024

GOP Senator Rand Paul says that he thinks it is difficult to imagine Donald Trump winning another term in office because of the magnitude of everything that is being done by Democrats and the establishment to prevent it happening. “It’s difficult to image Trump winning, but it’s also difficult to imagine anything more unfair they […]

Five takeaways from a winning election night for Democrats

Democrats saw a successful Election Night on Tuesday, scoring wins in a number of competitive contests.  In deep-red Kentucky, Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear sailed to reelection, while in Virginia Democrats flipped control of the House of Delegates and maintained control of the state Senate.  Abortion rights advocates also saw a number of wins, most notably… […]

Socialist Brazil: ‘Of Course We Are Worried’ About Conservative Winning Argentina Presidency

Finance Minister Fernando Haddad said Brazil is worried about a possible victory by conservative Javier Milei in Argentina’s Sunday presidential election. Source

Abortion opponents seek winning formula in Ohio: ‘We have to get uncomfortable’

Anti-abortion groups in Ohio think they have the formula to break their movement’s nationwide losing streak.  Early voting is already underway ahead of a November ballot referendum, which if passed would enshrine reproductive freedom in the state constitution and allow abortion up to conception.  Anti-abortion leaders and GOP politicians acknowledge the campaign against the ballot… […]

Russian grain diplomacy: Winning hearts, minds, and markets

SEP 12, 2023 The Ukraine conflict and the Black Sea grain deal have highlighted the ‘geopolitics of wheat’ and helped Russia gain leverage over Europe while expanding its influence in Africa and the Global South. Mohamad Hasan Sweidan In the complex fabric of international relations, the interaction between geopolitics and trade – particularly of vital […]

Nobel Prize-Winning Physicist Says ‘Climate Crisis’ Is a Hoax

A renowned Nobel Prize-winning physicist has blown the whistle to warn the public that the “climate crisis” narrative being pushed by the global elite and mainstream media is a hoax with a financial motive. Dr. John Clauser, the co-winner of the 2022 Nobel Physics prize and one the world’s leading authorities on quantum mechanics, blasted […]

Tony Bennett, Grammy-Winning Pop Master Adored By Generations, Dies at 96

NEW YORK — Tony Bennett, the eminent and timeless stylist whose devotion to classic American songs and knack for creating new standards such as “I Left My Heart In San Francisco” graced a decadeslong career that brought him admirers from Frank Sinatra to Lady Gaga, died Friday. He was 96, just two weeks short of […]

Amb. Rahm Emanuel on how Joe Biden is winning the game of thrones with China

In American politics, there is a small group of leaders who are — to borrow a term from Hollywood — hit makers. Everything they touch seems to turn to gold. There is perhaps no better example of this in Democratic politics than Rahm Emanuel. For those who need a refresher, Rahm is a former Bill […]

Who’s Winning and Losing the Economic War Over Ukraine?

With the Ukraine war now reaching its one-year mark on February 24, the Russians have not achieved a military victory but neither has the West achieved its goals on the economic front. When Russia invaded Ukraine, the United States and its European allies vowed to impose crippling sanctions that would bring Russia to its knees […]

‘You Can Have Heaven on Earth If You Live Your Life the Way Shen Yun Is Portraying It,’ Says Award-Winning Architect

FAIRFAX, Va.—Robert Dale Lynch is an award winning architect whose work is driven by an appreciation and search for beauty and humanity. On Jan. 21, Mr. Lynch had an enlightening experience being immersed in beauty while seeing Shen Yun Performing Arts. “I’ve been trying to get my whole family. I wanted my whole family to […]

The Chicago Bears Are Winning the Long Game by Three Touchdowns

The Bears are not back—they’re actually eliminated from the playoffs and have the first pick in the draft. But Rob, Patrick, and the Sports! podcast have returned with the NFL playoffs in full swing to discuss the tragedy of Damar Hamlin, what we misunderstand about football’s relationship to violence, the joy of watching aging men […]

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