Posts Tagged ‘socialist’

CENSORSHIP FILES Expose the Socialist Agenda Against Free Speech of Both the Aspen Institute – and of Harry & Meghan!

by The Royal Grift TRANSCRIPT THE ROYAL GRIFT: This is your daily dose of all things Royal. Welcome back my gorgeous good-looking friends. You are looking at independent journalist Matt Taibbi and for those that don’t know who he is, he was one of the two journalists, with Michael Shellenberger who exposed the Twitter Files, […]

Socialist Member of Chicago City Council Thinks the Idea of Punishing Criminals is ‘Racist’ and Calls America a ‘Garbage Society’

Socialist Member of Chicago City Council Thinks the Idea of Punishing Criminals is ‘Racist’ and Calls America a ‘Garbage Society’ Source


This is a repost from 2018. A must read also is Fabian Socialist Influence on Council Developments in NZ – (Important info). An exposé by Dr Naomi Jacobs “I decided to write the book following my initial shock in reading the New Zealand Herald, November 3, 2012, article, ‘Kaipara rates rebellion grows,’ about the huge, extortionate […]

Socialist Brazil: ‘Of Course We Are Worried’ About Conservative Winning Argentina Presidency

Finance Minister Fernando Haddad said Brazil is worried about a possible victory by conservative Javier Milei in Argentina’s Sunday presidential election. Source

The National Socialist: His General Conduct

Source: Organisationsbuch der NSDAP / The Organisation Book of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party Every Party member Source

‘Pay Their Fair Share’: Socialist Lawmakers Push for ‘Migrant Taxes’ on New Yorkers During Immigration Crisis

Socialist state lawmakers in New York want tax increases to pay for migrants flooding New York City as residents struggle with the costs. Source

National Socialist Cinema

Ernst Zundel put together this presentation to highlight the films from the National Socialist era in Germany. Source

My Socialist Hell: Venezuelans Await Maduro Sham Elections, ‘Opposition’ Primaries with Apathy

The Maduro regime has its eyes set on holding a presidential election in 2024 and is inching towards a plan — one that would in all likelihood result in a sham vote “reelecting” the dictator. Source


Originally posted on Centurean2\'s Weblog: Key Influences on Changes in the last Millennium Influences on NSW Council Policies “The Obedience of Australia” – Peter Jones 1993 FABIAN INFLUENCE ON COUNCIL DEVELOPMENTS IN NEW ZEALAND “COMMUNIST” COUNCILS IN NEW ZEALAND and their hidden Fabian Socialist 2006 “Draft Ten Year Plan” to confiscate all freehold properties… Source

Venezuela: Socialist Elite Purge Rocks Maduro’s Inner Circle

CARACAS, Venezuela – The sudden resignation this week of Tareck El Aissami, one of the most powerful people in the Venezuelan socialist regime, has shaken the core of dictator Nicolás Maduro’s inner circle. Source

A Scoundrel Can Wear Ever So Many Swastikas – He Will Never Become a National Socialist

Much has already been written about National Socialism. There are people who examine every line of text for „ifs and buts“. There are others for whom everything is completely clear. Source

10 Socialist Arguments That DESTROY Capitalism FOR GOOD

Brought to you by: The Crenshaw Youth Summit We’ve got some insane literature for you to read that will BLOW YOUR MIND! For example, did you know that sharing is caring? It’s true! Therefore, socialism! Be free from the oppression of material wealth! Be a socialist today! Here are just a few amazing arguments for […]

10 Socialist Arguments That DESTROY Capitalism FOR GOOD

Brought to you by: The Crenshaw Youth Summit We’ve got some insane literature for you to read that will BLOW YOUR MIND! For example, did you know that sharing is caring? It’s true! Therefore, socialism! Be free from the oppression of material wealth! Be a socialist today! Here are just a few amazing arguments for […]

10 Socialist Arguments That DESTROY Capitalism FOR GOOD

Brought to you by: The Crenshaw Youth Summit We’ve got some insane literature for you to read that will BLOW YOUR MIND! For example, did you know that sharing is caring? It’s true! Therefore, socialism! Be free from the oppression of material wealth! Be a socialist today! Here are just a few amazing arguments for […]

10 Socialist Arguments That DESTROY Capitalism FOR GOOD

Brought to you by: The Crenshaw Youth Summit We’ve got some insane literature for you to read that will BLOW YOUR MIND! For example, did you know that sharing is caring? It’s true! Therefore, socialism! Be free from the oppression of material wealth! Be a socialist today! Here are just a few amazing arguments for […]

10 Socialist Arguments That DESTROY Capitalism FOR GOOD

Brought to you by: The Crenshaw Youth Summit We’ve got some insane literature for you to read that will BLOW YOUR MIND! For example, did you know that sharing is caring? It’s true! Therefore, socialism! Be free from the oppression of material wealth! Be a socialist today! Here are just a few amazing arguments for […]

Poll: In Socialist Venezuela, Large Majorities are Christian, Social Conservatives

A poll published this week by the Venezuelan firm Meganálisis found an overwhelming majority of the country subscribes to Christian beliefs and holds socially conservative viewpoints such as opposition to legalized abortion and same-sex marriage.

My Socialist Hell: Surviving Post-Pandemic Venezuela

The Chinese coronavirus pandemic is, for all intents and purposes, over in Venezuela, but the regime maintains some of the coronavirus-related restrictions it imposed in March 2020.

Colombia: Ex-Guerrilla Marxist President Restores Ties to Socialist Venezuela Regime

The government of Marxist ex-guerrilla member President Gustavo Petro in Colombia sent an ambassador to Venezuela on Sunday and accepted his counterpart representing the socialist regime of dictator Nicolás Maduro, restoring ties broken under the previous conservative president over the illegality of Maduro’s leadership of the country.

Protests rock Argentina as socialist government cuts subsidies

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) Protests erupted in the South American nation of Argentina over its government’s decision to cut government subsidies.The government led by President Alberto Fernandez had previously slashed subsidies in the energy sector based on household income in June. However, plans to extend these subsidy cuts to other programs did … [Read More…] Source

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