Posts Tagged ‘speech’

‘Operation al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 293: Palestinians slam Netanyahu speech to Congress as U.S. officials say a ceasefire deal is close

Palestinian political leaders slammed U.S. politicians’ response to Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress as Israel continued its Khan Younis offensive for the fifth day, killing dozens of civilians there and across Gaza. Source

Fact-check: Netanyahu lies about Gaza in Congress speech

July 25, 2024 By Al Mayadeen English Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said many things before the US Congress on Wednesday, all of which are distortions of reality and do not hold up to scrutiny. “A criminal’s speech filled with lies and a mockery of the [people’s] intelligence,” was how Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to US Congress was […]

Netanyahu’s speech to Congress will seek to maintain support for genocide

Benjamin Netanyahu will use his upcoming speech to a joint session of Congress to consolidate political support for the genocide in Gaza from both Republicans and Democrats. The leadership of both parties appear happy to oblige. Source

Tucker Carlson Rocks the Stage with Epic Speech, Earns Standing Ovation

Tucker Carlson ignited the stage tonight with a powerful speech at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Focusing on the extraordinary moment that redefined Donald Trump’s leadership. Carlson vividly recounted the unforgettable incident when Trump, bloodied and unbowed, stood tall after being attacked. This dramatic event, which Carlson called “divine intervention,” didn’t just change […]

Microsoft’s AI Speech Generator Achieves Human Parity, Too Dangerous to Release

Microsoft has developed a new iteration of its neural codec language model, Vall-E, that surpasses previous efforts in terms of naturalness, speech robustness, and speaker similarity. It is the first of its kind to reach human parity in a pair of popular benchmarks, and is apparently so lifelike that Microsoft has no plans to grant […]

Free Speech Under Fire: How Israel’s Tech Guard Is Killing Free Speech Online

Hours after Hamas’ attack on Israel on October 7, 2023, as the Israeli government was readying for war, the Israeli tech sector was preparing for a war of its own. Entitled Israel Tech Guard, the coalition of Israeli tech employees has pulled together what it’s termed an “army” of citizen volunteers primarily to defend Israel’s […]

SPEECH POLICE: Ukrainian NGO exposes list of U.S. citizens who “echo key messages of Russian propaganda”

(NaturalNews) A Ukrainian NGO has compiled a database of influential American citizens, accusing them of holding positions that “mirror” those of Moscow. Among… Source

Assange is Free, But Speech…? Not so much.

Julian Assange’s Freedom A Huge Blow To Detractors – “No Physical Harm To Anyone By Leaks” Source

Interview 1889 – Assange is Free, But Speech…? Not so much. (NWNW 559)

This week on the New World Next Week: Assange is free but speech isn’t as the 9/11 denier pleads guilty to espionage; a new video shows a tourist in Washington as Uncle Sam plays the Get Into Saudi Arabia Free card; and the US psyops teams are exposed for spreading mis(?) dis(?) or just plain […]

Brighteon Media lawsuit against Big Tech and Big Government a fight for FREE SPEECH in America

Brighteon Media lawsuit against Big Tech and Big Government a fight for FREE SPEECH in America The historic lawsuit against Big Tech and Big Government filed by the Health Ranger Mike Adams’ Brighteon Media is a fight for the right to free speech of every American. Adams himself asserted this during a recent discussion on […]

Former Biden Homeland Security Official Criticizes Free Speech, Cites “Disinformation” Impact on Election Security

A former Biden administration official has declared that disinformation around elections is “becoming the norm rather than the exception.” Samantha Vinograd, until recently of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), also asserted that these days, because of what she considers to be election disinformation, “there is an unprecedented level of physical threats” while the US […]

CENSORSHIP FILES Expose the Socialist Agenda Against Free Speech of Both the Aspen Institute – and of Harry & Meghan!

by The Royal Grift TRANSCRIPT THE ROYAL GRIFT: This is your daily dose of all things Royal. Welcome back my gorgeous good-looking friends. You are looking at independent journalist Matt Taibbi and for those that don’t know who he is, he was one of the two journalists, with Michael Shellenberger who exposed the Twitter Files, […]

German government behaving like Nazis in banning free speech that they claim mirrors Nazi language about German nationalism

(NaturalNews) A right-wing German lawmaker has been convicted of using an “illegal†slogan that Sturmabteilung stormtroopers used in the Nazi era.The… Source

From COVID-19 to Campus Protests: How the Police State Muzzles Free Speech

“Politicians of both parties want to use the power of government to silence their foes. Some in the university community seek to drive it from their campuses. And an entire generation of Americans is being taught that free speech should be curtailed as soon as it makes someone else feel uncomfortable.”—William Ruger, “Free Speech Is […]

Bill Maher Flips the Script on Biden’s Morehouse College Speech

Bill Maher turned heads on Monday night as he made a surprise appearance on Fox News’ Gutfeld. As expected, Maher expressed his deep disdain for Trump, but he took the internet by storm when he questioned what world Biden is living in. Earlier on Monday, Joe Biden delivered a commencement speech at Morehouse College, a […]

UK “disinformation unit” spied on citizens and flagged online speech for removal during pandemic

(NaturalNews) New documents reveal that authorities in the UK considered placing government employees inside of social media companies to form a type of digital… Source

Morehouse says it will shut down commencement if students protest Biden speech

When President Joe Biden gives the commencement speech at Morehouse College this weekend, it might be a short one. Administrators at the historically black college have warned the event will be stopped if there are protests over Gaza. Source

Meta abandons free speech principles, adopts globalist thought police guidelines to block speech

(NaturalNews) Social media platforms like Facebook have made no secret of their desire to control public narratives, and they’ve now put another nail in the… Source

Trudeau’s Proposed Hate Speech Law Could Apply Retroactively And Preemptively

Sounds insane Source

ADL sides with genocide; is opposed to free speech

(NaturalNews) Israel’s number-one supporter right now appears to be the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), which is working really hard to sanitize Israel’s image amid… Source

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