Posts Tagged ‘spied’

UK “disinformation unit” spied on citizens and flagged online speech for removal during pandemic

(NaturalNews) New documents reveal that authorities in the UK considered placing government employees inside of social media companies to form a type of digital… Source

You’re being spied upon by the digital devices around you

“CITIZENFOUR” is a documentary about U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) whistleblower Edward Snowden. It came out in 2014, but it’s even more pertinent today than it was then, so if you haven’t seen it, I urge you to do so. The Snowden story began in January 2013, when documentary film director/producer Laura Poitras received an […]

Exclusive — ‘We Caught Them Red-Handed’: DOJ Spied on GOP Staffers Probing the Origins of the Russia Collusion Hoax

The DOJ obtained private communications and other personal records of GOP House and Senate staffers investigating the DOJ’s role in the origins of the Russia collusion hoax, Kash Patel said. Source

Revealed: British government spied on Palestinian refugees

Originally published by The Electronic Intifada. By Asa Winstanley and Kit Klarenberg, 1 February 2023 Charlie Winter, Samar Batrawi, Harry Holcroft and Sarah Ashraf all worked on a British government effort to monitor Palestinian refugee camps for ”criticism of Western and Israeli foreign policy.” (Twitter/LinkedIn)   A cache of leaked documents obtained by The Electronic Intifada […]

Military spook groups SPIED on critics during covid lockdowns

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) Operatives working within the United Kingdom’s “information warfare” military brigade participated in a sinister spying operation against critics of covid tyranny, we now know.Politicians and high-profile journalists who raised skepticism or doubts about the official pandemic response became instant targets of this … [Read More…] Source

Facebook Spied On Private Messages Of “Conservative Right-Wing Individuals”, Then Reported To FBI For Domestic Terrorism

According to DOJ whistleblowers, Facebook has been spying on Americans’ private messages and reporting them to the FBI if they express ‘anti-government or anti-authority’ statements – including questioning the legitimacy of the 2020 US election. As the New York Post‘s Miranda Devine writes, “Under the FBI collaboration operation, somebody at Facebook red-flagged these supposedly subversive private messages over the […]

DHS Agents Spied For China? Charged With Attempts To Suppress Critics Of CCP

For many it is not surprising to hear that the Chinese government is improving its intel and disinformation tactics within the US.  After all, the US contains perhaps the highest concentration of anti-communist and anti-socialist people in the world (living side by side with extreme leftists, of course).  The US has also been a relatively […]

Report: Hunter Biden’s Lawyer Flew to Serbia, Infiltrated, Spied on ‘My Son Hunter’ Movie Set

Hunter Biden’s lawyer Kevin Morris flew to Serbia, infiltrated, and spied on the “My Son Hunter” movie set, the Daily Mail reported Tuesday.

DOJ secretly spied on Apple and Google accounts of Project Veritas and its security detail

Just a few weeks after Microsoft revealed that President Joe Biden’s Department of Justice (DOJ) has been secretly spying on investigative reporting outlet Project Veritas, Apple and Google have revealed that they were also subject to secret surveillance orders that required them to hand over information from the professional and private accounts of Project Veritas […]

DOJ secretly spied on Project Veritas journalists

Project Veritas, whose declared goal is to expose media and Big Tech bias and other irregularities happening behind the scenes at these corporations, says that the FBI spied on the organization’s email communications for close to a year. Source

CAIR says Islamophobic group working with Israeli government spied on Muslims for over a decade

Yesterday the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) held a press conference detailing new evidence about spies paid to surveil Muslims. CAIR’s findings show that an anti-Muslim group, working with the Israeli government, spied on prominent Muslims and Muslim organizations for over a decade. Bismillah. Today we are releasing extensive new evidence of an anti-Muslim hate […]

Iran Arrests 10 It Says Spied for Foreign Intel Agencies

TEHRAN, Iran—Iran has arrested 10 people in a southern province it says are linked to foreign intelligence services, the official IRNA news agency reported Tuesday. The report said Iran’s intelligence agency arrested the 10 after “sophisticated and continuous” surveillance in Bushehr province. It didn’t name the countries the suspects were linked to. The 10 worked […]

“So Sue Us”: Amazon Responds To 75,000 Customers Who Say Alexa Spied On Them

After receiving more than 75,000 individual complaints that it’s Alex-powered Echo devices were spying on them, Amazon has abandoned its policy that such complaints must be resolved outside the court system via secretive arbitration proceedings, and will instead allow customers to file lawsuits, according to the Wall Street Journal. In other words, ‘so sue us.’ The company quietly changed […]

Shockingly Expected: U.S. NSA And Danish Intelligence Spied On “EU Allies”

The US National Security Agency (NSA), with assistance from Denmark’s foreign intelligence unit spied on senior officials of European countries, including German Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, among others. This was revealed in a report by Danish state broadcaster DR. The findings are the result of an internal investigation in the Danish Defense […]

Nazi who spied for US was allowed to avoid trial until his death in 1975

A top Austrian Nazi who was responsible for the murder of thousands of Jews avoided prosecution until his death in 1975 because he spied for the West, The New York Times reported. Franz Josef Huber, a top Gestapo officer serving in Vienna who helped Adolf Eichmann round up and murder the Jews of Central Europe, […]

Top NATO Scientist With High-Level Security Clearance Spied For Chinese Intelligence

It’s been revealed that the spy, identified as 57-year old Tarmo Kõuts, was recently arrested and stood trial last week. The man “renowned in the Estonian scientific community for his research” was convicted of espionage and handed a three year prison sentence (reportedly the “lighter” sentence was due to his case not being deemed “treason”). […]

The Canaanite files: How Israel’s security service spied on political activists

News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, gives you breaking news, analyses and opinions about Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World. © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved Source

A Jewish librarian spied on New York Nazis in the 1930s

There is zero evidence that Florence Mendheim was the inspiration for Batgirl. But the real-life Jewish woman from the Bronx and the fictional daughter of Gotham City’s Commissioner Gordon were both librarians who led secret double lives fighting bad guys. In Mendheim’s case, the villains were German-American Nazi sympathizers who met in taverns and beer […]

Our man on the rock: The untold story of the aristocrat who spied on Germans from a Mediterranean outcrop

A rchaeologists excavating treasures dating from the fifth century on a tiny island off Spain have also dug up the story of an unsung British spy. Hugh Pakenham Borthwick lived on Fraile, a speck in the Mediterranean near Aguilas in southeastern Spain during the First World War. Tall and aristocratic, Borthwick kept a gun under […]

Netanyahu gives hero’s embrace to US Jew who spied on the U.S.

The news today is that Jonathan Pollard, the former Navy intelligence analyst who spent 30 years in prison for spying for Israel, flew to that country and got a hero’s reception in the middle of the night at the airport by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Netanyahu went to the steps at the plane and handing […]

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