Posts Tagged ‘secretly’

Biden Secretly Gave Ukraine Permission to Strike Inside Russia with U.S. Weapons

While most of the media is busy with Orange Man Bad, the Biden regime has signed off on allowing Ukraine to attack targets inside Russia with U.S. weapons. This is in addition to the fact that Ukraine has been striking oil infrastructure deep inside Russia with some form of UAV system: Ukraine Destroys Russian Oil […]

Biden trying to provoke WWIII before the election by secretly granting Ukraine permission to strike targets in Russia

(NaturalNews) After much speculation, President Joe Biden has given Ukraine permission to use American-made weapons to strike targets in Russia, drawing… Source

Biden secretly planning to grant amnesty, green cards to millions of illegals in deceptive ploy to rig elections and give Democrats permanent control

Biden secretly planning to grant amnesty, green cards to millions of illegals in deceptive ploy to rig elections and give Democrats permanent control Illegal aliens who have been living in the United States for at least 10 years, or who have relatives that are U.S. citizens, could soon be granted amnesty by President Biden, who […]

US Secretly Sending More Bombs to Israhell to Holocaust Innocent Children

The UNITED STATES CORPORATION while playing publicly like they are trying to slow down Nitwityahoo’s blood sacrifice of tens of thousands of Semitic Indigenous Palestinian Descendants of the Biblical Judians in Gaza and the West Bank are continuing to secretly ship him billions of fiat dollars more in aircraft and bombs paid for with funds […]

HIDDEN ESCALATION: Head of UK armed forces SECRETLY helping Ukraine craft battle plans against Russia

(NaturalNews) Admiral Sir Tony Radakin, the United Kingdom’s outgoing head of armed forces, has decided to stay another year after all, but not to serve… Source

NHS Whistleblower: Gov’t Secretly Ordered Millions of Euthanasia Drugs Before Pandemic

The British government ordered millions of euthanasia drugs months before the COVID pandemic was publicly declared, according to a senior NHS whistleblower. Graham Atkinson is a pharmacist with over 30 years of senior NHS management experience, […] The post NHS Whistleblower: Gov’t Secretly Ordered Millions of Euthanasia Drugs Before Pandemic appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

Pentagon’s Tower 22 ‘logistics support base’ is secretly drone base

February 11, 2024 Source: The Intercept What was described by the Pentagon as a “logistics support base” turns out to be a secret drone base for long-range surveillance of fighters in neighboring Syria and Iraq and for conducting airstrikes. The US military base, Tower 22, in Jordan in October 2023 (Planet Labs LBC / AP) […]

Putin: ‘CIA Secretly Run Ukraine – They Want World War 3’

Russian President Vladimir Putin has declared that the CIA have been secretly running Ukraine for a decade as part of a plan to start World War 3 with Russia. During his recent interview with Tucker […] The post Putin: ‘CIA Secretly Run Ukraine – They Want World War 3’ appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

Pentagon Secretly Institutionalized DEI In Its K-12 Public Schools

In a Congressional hearing last spring, Gil Cisneros, then-Under Secretary for Military Readiness, announced that the Pentagon was closing its newly formed Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion within its K-12 school system and reassigning its controversial DEI chief after a ten-month internal investigation. Source

Before Leading Trump Pentagon, ‘Mad Dog’ Mattis Secretly Worked for UAE Ruler

Before becoming former President Donald Trump’s defense secretary, retired U.S. Marine Corps Gen. James Mattis secretly worked for the de facto ruler of the United Arab Emirates while the United States was supporting the monarchy in the Saudi-led war on Yemen, a Washington Post investigation revealed Tuesday. Source

Report 94: Pfizer Secretly Studied a Heart Damage Marker, Troponin I, in Five- to 15-Year-Olds, Following mRNA COVID Vaccination in 2021.

January 2, 2024 • by Dr. Chris Flowers, MD, MBBS, FRCR, FSBI We warned that there was proof that the Pfizer BNT162b2 mRNA COVID vaccine caused heart damage in teens and young adults, as early as May of 2021. As more information surfaces from the court-mandated release of Pfizer clinical trial documents by the FDA, […]

Report: Border crossers are secretly receiving GPS coordinates of assembly points before entering Texas

Report: Border crossers are secretly receiving GPS coordinates of assembly points before entering Texas A significant number of migrants are converging at the U.S. southern border daily by means of well-coordinated and pre-planned group crossings orchestrated by unidentified parties. These parties even provide them with global positioning satellite (GPS) coordinates of assembly points. Efrain Gonzalez […]

Is the US government secretly stealing and storing the DNA of newborn babies?

From by Leo Hohman, originally published on Substack We know it’s been happening in at least one state and several other states have been caught trying, so this may be more widespread than we thought Some parents are wising up and going on the offensive. A lawsuit has been filed by the Institute for […]

Biden Regime Secretly Funnelled $75 Million to Hamas Days Before Attack

The BIden regime secretly funnelled Hamas $75 million dollars a few days before their attack on Israel and after learning that a terrorist attack was imminent. The money was quietly funnelled to them in a […] The post Biden Regime Secretly Funnelled $75 Million to Hamas Days Before Attack appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

Thousands of New Zealand Health Service Workers Secretly Exempted from Covid Vaccine Mandates

More than 11,000 Health New Zealand employees may have secretly dodged Covid vaccination, despite nationwide mandates and vaccine passports for everyone else. The news comes from an Official Information Act (OIA) request asking how many exemptions had been granted within the national public health service, Te Whatu Ora. From the response, dated 02 August 2023, “From 13 […]

Remember when the U.S. Army was caught secretly testing deadly chemical weapons near St. Louis residential neighborhoods during the Cold War?

(NaturalNews) In 2012, Fox News ran a story about secret chemical weapons testing schemes being run by the United States military on U.S. soil during the Cold War… Source

Reeks of desperation: DeSantis super-PAC “secretly” asks for $50M in donations to beat Trump in Republican primary

(NaturalNews) A political action committee (PAC) backing Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ presidential campaign recently appealed in secret for $50 million in donations… Source

Biden Admin Caught Secretly Funnelling $2 BILLION to Taliban Terrorists – Media Blackout

The Biden regime has been secretly funnelling a whopping $2.35 billion of taxpayer money to the Taliban over the past two years, according to a bombshell report by the Special Inspector General for Afghan Reconstruction […] The post Biden Admin Caught Secretly Funnelling $2 BILLION to Taliban Terrorists – Media Blackout appeared first on The […]

France Passes Bill to Allow Police to ‘Secretly’ Activate Phone Cameras of Suspects

France’s government has passed a new bill allowing police to remotely activate the phone cameras, microphones, and geolocation of suspects without their knowledge on the heels of ongoing protests in the country. Under the “justice reform bill,” the police will be able to monitor criminal suspects through the activation of the suspects’ phones, laptops, cars, […]

French Cops Can Now Secretly Activate Phone Cameras, Microphones And GPS To Spy On Citizens

Cops in France have been granted the authority to remotely activate a suspect’s cellphone camera, microphone and GPS, after the passage of a provision in a wider “justice reform bill” on Wednesday night. The bill allows the geolocation of crime suspects, covering other devices like laptops, cars and connected devices, just as it could be remotely activated to record […]

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