Posts Tagged ‘escalation’

China urges Israel to stop bombing Syria to avoid escalation of conflict in Gaza

(NaturalNews) Charge d’affaires of the Chinese Permanent Mission to the United Nations Dai Bing has raised concerns that Israel’s unrelenting military actions… Source

HIDDEN ESCALATION: Head of UK armed forces SECRETLY helping Ukraine craft battle plans against Russia

(NaturalNews) Admiral Sir Tony Radakin, the United Kingdom’s outgoing head of armed forces, has decided to stay another year after all, but not to serve… Source

Eyes on the South: Low intensity conflict & escalation-risk in Lebanon

January 19, 2024 Source: Al Mayadeen English Hezbollah fighter, on border guard duty, sitting astride a motorbike blocking the pathway of an Israeli Merkava tank that had broken through the electric fence into Lebanese territories, the photo was taken by Al-Manar correspondent  Ali Sheaib, Jalet al-Mahafer, 2022 (Al Mayadeen English- Designed by Mahdi Rtail) By Sammy Ismail […]

U.S. and U.K. warplanes bomb Houthi targets in Yemen in another significant escalation of Gaza war

(NaturalNews) Fears of the Israel-Hamas war expanding have now become a reality as U.S. and U.K. warplanes have been striking Houthi targets in Yemen in response… Source

The U.S. can’t blindly support Israel and prevent escalation in the region at the same time

The instability in the Middle East cannot be overstated as the region stands on the precipice. It all stems from Israel’s ongoing slaughter in Gaza and the Biden administration’s blind support of it. Source

Western economies headed for collapse if U.S. and Israel push escalation of war in the Middle East

(NaturalNews) Author and Russian military expert Andrei Martyanov and free-speech platform Brighteon founder Mike Adams agree that Western economies will be… Source

Alastair Crooke: The Dangers of Military Escalation in the Middle East Source

France Bans Pro-Palestinian Demonstrations Ahead Of Escalation In Gaza

Demonstrators who turned out Thursday night in Paris were dispersed by police. Source

Extraordinary escalation in conflict has caused concern on both sides of Jerusalem

The unprecedented escalation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has caused public concern in West Jerusalem, where Israelis live, and Occupied East Jerusalem, where Palestinians live, and has also changed people’s habits, Anadolu Agency reports. Tensions rose rapidly in the region after Hamas’ armed wing launched “Operation Al-Aqsa Flood” early Saturday, firing a barrage of rockets and […]

Murdergon: “Significant Escalation” In USA Endangering Lives Of Russian Pilots legally in Syria By Erratic Flying By US Plane Illegally Violating Syrian Air Space

US War Criminal officials said a Russian fighter jet legally in Syria at the request of the duly elected Syrian Government flew close to a US reconnaissance plane Illegally over Syria. The US Plane Illegally Violating Syrian Air space flew erratically in an attempt to evade the legal interception by the Russian pilot, endangering the […]

Dozens Of Rockets Pound Israel From Lebanon In Most Serious Escalation Since 2006 War

Israel is reportedly now shelling southern Lebanon, and has scrambled air force jets to neutralize the attacks. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is also set to convene an emergency security meeting as the crisis escalates, which is already being called the most serious escalation since the 2006 war. Source

‘Israel’ Braces for Escalation After Committing Massacre in Jenin

 January 26, 2023 The Zionist entity is bracing for an escalation with the Palestinian resistance on Thursday, after Israeli occupation forces committed horrible massacre in Jenin, killing 9 Palestinians and injuring at least 20 others. Israeli media quoted an Israeli defense establishment source as saying that occupation forces will be placed on high alert across […]

China urges Israel to stop ‘incitement’ to avoid escalation

China's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Qin Gang, urged Israel on Sunday to stop its "incitement" in order to avoid escalation with the Palestinians, news agencies have reported. In a joint press conference with his Egyptian counterpart Sameh Shoukry in Cairo, the Chinese minister called on Israel to "stop incitements and provocations, and to refrain from […]

ANALYST: USA / NATO deliberately provoking war escalation with Russia, and Putin may “leap” past a measured response and go right for the nukes

(Natural News) Today’s article and podcast analysis features Robert Griswold, a highly experienced military analyst who has traveled the world and witnessed firsthand the ravages of war and failed diplomacy. Today he shares with us a stern warning about where the war in Russia is headed and why it could be catastrophic for Western Europe… […]

US Patriot Missiles in Ukraine: A Desperate & Dangerous Escalation

US appears to be in the process of transferring its Patriot air defense missile system to Ukraine. CNN in its article, “Exclusive: US finalizing plans to send Patriot missile defense system to Ukraine,” claims the US will approve and then quickly ship the system or systems into Ukraine in just days after the decision is […]

US Set To Send Ukraine Patriot Missiles In Major Escalation

CNN’s chief Pentagon correspondent is reporting the breaking news based on multiple anonymous US defense officials – including a senor Biden administration official – that the White House is currently finalizing plans to send Patriot missile defense systems to Ukraine Source

US greenlights attacks inside Russia, less fear of escalation. Serbia troop deployment in Kosovo U/1


Netanyahu Election Victory Will Mean Massive Escalation In Palestine-Israel Conflict

Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu is now poised to form the next Israeli government, after defeating his main opponents Benny Gantz and Yair Lapid in Tel Aviv’s fifth election in only three years. However, the longest serving Israeli Prime Minister has come out at the expense of putting himself at the mercy of fanatical ultra-nationalists that may […]

Who is to Blame for the Escalation of the Situation on the Border between Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan?

Another shooting occurred which preceded a breakout of the conflict on the Tajik-Kyrgyz border on September 14. According to information from the Kyrgyz Border Service, Tajik military forces used civilians as human shields during the armed incident on the border, as well as MLRS and aircraft. It was noted that on the Tajik side, individuals […]

Putin Announces Partial Mobilization In Ukraine War Escalation, Says West Wants To “Destroy Russia”

Calling the moves “urgent, necessary steps to defend the sovereignty, security and territorial integrity of Russia,” Putin said that Russia is fighting the full might of NATO. The US and its allies, he said, are seeking to “destroy” Russia. The partial mobilization means that reservists will be drafted into military service, Putin said, starting immediately. […]

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