Posts Tagged ‘russian’

Former Russian lawmaker wants to pressure NATO into assassinating Putin’s inner circle, overthrowing Russian government

(NaturalNews) Former Russian State Duma MP Ilya Ponomarev has declared his intention to pressure NATO leaders into targeting and assassinating members of President… Source

SPEECH POLICE: Ukrainian NGO exposes list of U.S. citizens who “echo key messages of Russian propaganda”

(NaturalNews) A Ukrainian NGO has compiled a database of influential American citizens, accusing them of holding positions that “mirror” those of Moscow. Among… Source

Zelensky Wants The US & Its Allies To Shoot Down Russian Missiles

The Ukrainian President cannot understand why NATO won’t get directly involved in the conflict with Russia. Vladimir Zelensky told the New York Times that the US and its allies should shoot down Russian missiles, give […] The post Zelensky Wants The US & Its Allies To Shoot Down Russian Missiles appeared first on The People's […]

Germany wants NATO to take down Russian missiles and drones hovering in Ukrainian airspace

(NaturalNews) German lawmakers push for NATO to use anti-craft systems to take down Russian missiles and drones targeting Ukrainian energy infrastructure and… Source

Ukrainian generals warn that Kyiv’s reserve forces are DEPLETED as Russian forces advance in Kharkiv

(NaturalNews) As Russian forces advance in the northeastern city of Kharkiv in Ukraine, the Ukrainian military has warned that Kyiv’s reserve forces are… Source

Former Russian President Says Western Leaders Are ‘Infantile Morons’

Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has warned that the US, the UK, France and other Western countries should take Russia’s upcoming nuclear drill as a reminder of where escalation of the Ukraine conflict could take […] The post Former Russian President Says Western Leaders Are ‘Infantile Morons’ appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

ANOTHER BIDEN HUMILIATION: Russian Troops Enter US Base in Niger That Is Hosting Few Remaining US Troops After Ruling Junta Expels US Military from the Country

ANOTHER BIDEN HUMILIATION: Russian Troops Enter US Base in Niger That Is Hosting Few Remaining US Troops After Ruling Junta Expels US Military from the Country Source

Senate passes bill BANNING the importation of Russian uranium

(NaturalNews) On April 30, the United States Senate unanimously passed the Prohibiting Russian Uranium Exports Act.This legislative action represents a pivotal… Source

Former Russian President Says West May Be Plotting To ‘Liquidate’ Zelensky

Allegations that a Polish man was plotting with Moscow to assassinate Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky are a sign that Kiev’s Western backers want to “liquidate” the Ukrainian leader according to, former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. […] The post Former Russian President Says West May Be Plotting To ‘Liquidate’ Zelensky appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

China’s Xi Meets With Russian Foreign Minister In Show Of Solidarity Against West

Authored by Dorothy Li via The Epoch Times, Chinese communist regime leader Xi Jinping met with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in Beijing on Tuesday, reaffirming solidarity amid growing pressure from the West. Mr. Lavrov arrived in China on April 8 for a two-day visit. His trip, according to the Kremlin, could be seen as […]

Mysterious radiation leak forces city in Russian Far East to declare state of emergency

Mysterious radiation leak forces city in Russian Far East to declare state of emergency A city in the Russian Far East has declared a state of emergency following a mysterious radiation leak. Reports are coming out indicating very elevated radiation levels near a pylon just 1.5 miles away from the Russian Far Eastern city of […]

US National Security Advisor Worried about Russian NUCLEAR FIRST-STRIKE Upon USA


Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov describes Russia-Ukraine chaos as one part of wider conflict with the West

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov describes Russia-Ukraine chaos as one part of wider conflict with the West Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has characterized the conflict between Russia and Ukraine as just one element of the West’s broader strategy aimed at dealing a “strategic defeat” to Russia. Lavrov emphasized that the ongoing war represents merely […]

Israel Assassinates IRGC Commander in Syria, Russian Consent!

APRIL 1, 2024 ARABI SOURI US-sponsored Israel assassinated the commander of the IRGC – Al Quds Forces in a bombing that targeted an Iranian diplomatic building in the Syrian capital Damascus, the Israeli bombing led to the destruction of the building which also houses Syrian civilian business offices. The Israeli bombing in the late afternoon […]

Russian and Turkish intelligence find “substantiated evidence” linking Ukrainian nationals to the Moscow terrorist attack

Russian and Turkish intelligence find “substantiated evidence” linking Ukrainian nationals to the Moscow terrorist attack U.S. and NATO leaders continue to ship weapons and ammunition into Ukraine, including anti-tank and air defense systems, drones, tanks and fighter jets. This is a conflict that could have been ended before it ever escalated. Instead, the stakes continue […]

U.S. seeks to reduce its heavy reliance on Russian uranium for nuclear power

U.S. seeks to reduce its heavy reliance on Russian uranium for nuclear power When the House of Representatives recently passed a ban on the import of Russian uranium in an attempt to further discourage Russia from its activities in Ukraine, it led many to wonder just how much the country depends on Russia for its […]

Western Banks Warn Against EU Plans to Give Russian Funds to Ukraine

Some Western banks are lobbying against an EU plan to use profits made by Russian central bank funds that are frozen in Europe to arm Ukraine, Reuters reported on Thursday. The European Commission has proposed sending up to 3 billion euros to Ukraine per year using the revenue. About 90% would go to a fund called the “European Peace […]

Russian bombs with popout wings travel 60 kms to target

This type of bomb enables Russian planes to keep out of the way of Ukrainian air defences.  Ukraine has modern air defence systems, as does Syria, keeping US and Israeli planes back.  They too use distance capable standoff bombs.  US lost 10,000 aircraft in Vietnam as Vietnam had excellent (Russian) anti-aircraft capability.  Avdiivka, the most […]

Democracy, Russian Style. Scott Ritter

March 21, 2024 Global Research, By Scott Ritter Scott Ritter Extra All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name (only available in desktop version). To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here. Click the share button above to email/forward this article to your friends and colleagues. […]

EU to use Russian assets to buy arms for Ukraine

    German Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s announcement has set off a wave of speculation and discussion across Europe regarding the utilization of frozen Russian assets to bolster Ukraine’s defense capabilities. In the wake of Russia’s military incursion into Ukraine, Western nations swiftly implemented sanctions, freezing approximately $300 billion in Russian Central Bank funds. Among these […]

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