Posts Tagged ‘leaders’

Mark Glenn – Satanist Rabbis Control Israeli Leaders

“Israeli leaders take their ‘cue’ from the Rabbinical class, the real power brokers behind this anti-Gentile criminal conspiracy known as ‘La Kosher Nostra’…as much as defenders of the Jewish State constantly paint it as a ‘democracy’, it ISN’T. It is a theocracy that…wears the outward appearance of being a western, liberal, secular entity, but which […]

Biden mixes up names of world leaders during NATO Summit in Washington

(NaturalNews) President Joe Biden mixing up the names of officials during the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s (NATO) Summit in Washington, D.C. highlights his… Source

Trump Assassination Attempt Hypocritically Labelled Unacceptable By Leaders Responsible For Political Violence

US President, Joe Biden, joined leaders across the Western World in condemning the shocking assassination attempt against former American President Donald Trump this Saturday. “We cannot condone this”, said Biden at an address to the nation, condemning political violence as unacceptable. Yet none of these leaders condemned an assassination attempt the day prior that murdered […]

Christian Leaders in Nigeria Respond to Gwoza Attacks

Nigerian army tank in Adamawa state, Nigeria captured by Boko Haram and later destroyed in military operations in 2015. (Jambanja, Creative Commons) ABUJA, Nigeria (Christian Daily International–Morning Star News) – Christian leaders in Nigeria expressed shock and dismay at suicide attacks in Gwoza, Borno state on Saturday (June 29) that killed both… Source

‘Operation al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 269: Israeli leaders slam prison services over release of al-Shifa Hospital director

Israeli forces killed three Palestinians, including a woman and a teenager in Tulkarem’s Nur Shams refugee camp in the occupied West Bank. Source

Pastor’s Ordeal Shows Challenges Christian Leaders Face in India

Pastor Josemon Pathrose’s vehicle was confiscated for four months. (Morning Star News) NEW DELHI (Morning Star News) – Pastor Josemon Pathrose spent nearly all of February in jail and finally got his confiscated vehicle back after four months. The harassment and criminal charges he’s endured at the hands of Hindu extremists are not uncommon in India. […]


Even the most optimistic of political analysts did not expect that the International Criminal Court’s Chief Prosecutor would be uttering these words: I have reasonable grounds to believe that Benjamin Netanyahu (…) and Yoav Gallant (…) bear criminal responsibility for (…) war crimes and crimes against humanity …” Aside from the two Israelis, Karim Khan has included three Palestinians […]

Legislative leaders won’t budge on support for Israel

With help from Shawn Ness DRINKS ON US — Come celebrate the end of session with POLITICO. We’re hosting a happy hour today at the Albany War Room Tavern. Join fellow New York insiders for drinks and hors d’oeuvres, meet our editorial team and learn more about our coverage of politics, policy and power in […]

ICC moves forward in seeking arrests of Netanyahu, Hamas leaders

(NaturalNews) As promised, the International Criminal Court (ICC) is moving forward with plans to arrest not just Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu but… Source

Deleted WEF Memo Reveals Trump Is on ‘Hit List’ of Leaders to Be Assassinated

by Baxter Dmitry The plan to defeat Trump using lawfare is failing spectacularly, with the former president riding high in the polls while Biden flounders. Desperate to avoid a repeat of Trump’s first four year term, the global elite are now initiating Plan B, also known as the plot to remove President Donald Trump from […]

Two Underground Church Leaders Face Serious Health Issues in Chinese Prison

5/8/2024 China (International Christian Concern) — Since two leaders of Ganquan Church in Hefei, Anhui, were arrested last fall, their wives and members of their church family have pleaded for their release. Those pleas have grown more urgent after the two leaders developed serious health problems while in prison.  In November 2023, Communist authorities… Source

Trump tests Senate GOP leaders on election fraud claims

Former President Trump’s refusal to commit to accepting the results of the 2024 election is putting GOP lawmakers in a tough spot, especially Senate GOP Whip John Thune (S.D.) and Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas), who are running to become next Senate GOP leader and have pledged to work closely with Trump. Both senators, allies of… […]

Former Russian President Says Western Leaders Are ‘Infantile Morons’

Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has warned that the US, the UK, France and other Western countries should take Russia’s upcoming nuclear drill as a reminder of where escalation of the Ukraine conflict could take […] The post Former Russian President Says Western Leaders Are ‘Infantile Morons’ appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Christian Leaders Are Attacked with Swords in Northern India

Gurdeep Singh, attacked along with his brother, Pastor Gurjeet Singh, in Amritsar District, Punjab state, India on April 18, 2024. (Morning Star News) NEW DELHI (Morning Star News) – A group belonging to a Sikh warrior order last week attacked a pastor and another Christian with swords and knives in northern India’s Punjab state for leading […]

Putin Accuses Western Leaders of Pedophilia and Cannibalism

Many Western political leaders are suffering from a type of madness which cannot be treated, according to Russian President Vladimir Putin, who revealed that the global elite engage in vices including pedophilia and cannibalism. Rumors […] The post Putin Accuses Western Leaders of Pedophilia and Cannibalism appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Congressional leaders strike deal on Homeland Security funding ahead of shutdown deadline

Congressional leaders have struck a deal to fund the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) through the remainder of fiscal year 2024, a source familiar with the matter confirmed to The Hill, closing out the six bills due by Friday’s shutdown deadline. Negotiators are still working out the details and legislative text of the DHS agreement,… […]

EU conservative leaders Meet in Romania for Reelection and Victory lap

    Opponents argue that conservatives are aligning with the far right, casting their support behind Ursula von der Leyen for an additional five-year term leading the EU’s executive. As battalions of suited European People’s Party (EPP) members converge in Bucharest, preparing to endorse von der Leyen as the face of their EU election campaign, […]

The Truth Business Leaders Need to Face

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL A silent disruption of population health and human potential is causing a decline in economic growth and increased poverty worldwide. The number of citizens losing trust in leaders from public-private partnerships that ruled and mandated public health and climate policies and are responsible for eroding human capital is rising.  Recovery […]

Why leaders went to Mount Vernon

With help from Shawn Ness More than a dozen local, state, and federal elected officials braved the cold on the steps of Benjamin Turner Middle School today to push back on cuts that would take away $2.9 million of Mount Vernon City School District’s foundation aid. The district is one of 337 statewide that would […]

Serbian President Says World Leaders Are No Longer Working Towards Peace

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has claimed that the international community is no longer interested in ending conflicts. In interview with TASS Vucic said that global leaders view peace as an “unwanted” ideal. He argued that […] The post Serbian President Says World Leaders Are No Longer Working Towards Peace appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

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