Posts Tagged ‘truth’


President Trump RIPS Reprehensible Conspiracy Theorist — FBI Director Chris Wray — After He Suggests that Trump Was Never Hit By a Bullet! Source

Bethany Christian Services: Meet the Organizations Exposing the Truth About Adoption and Supporting Families In Need

Mothers who have been mistreated by Bethany Christian Services and similar adoption firms are now organizing on social media and founding non-profits to provide crucial education and support for parents considering adoption. Kathryn Joyce, author of The Child Catchers: Rescue, Trafficking, and the New Gospel of Adoption, believes the roots of the current problems with […]

Right Wing Round-Up: A Truth Teller

Carl Gibson and Maya Boddie @ AlterNet: JD Vance caught quietly deleting ‘100% pro-life’ position from his website Abortion is one of the defining issues of the 2024 election. Now, Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio), the GOP’s presumptive vice presidential nominee, is trying to conceal his past opposition for the procedure in all cases. Andy Kroll […]

The shocking truth behind data breaches

The authorities deliberately downplay the shocking reality of data breaches, with words like ‘isolated incident’ or ‘no personal details’ or whatever other phrases to keep the victims docile. See article:  Government lies, MediSecure cyber attack “isolated” As the governments, corporations and banks force oops ‘entice’ shoppers/consumers the serfs towards a cashless society, the stakes will […]

Dr. Paul Marik Exposes the Truth About Chemotherapy

Dr. Paul Marik, a renowned critical care physician, has shed light on the harsh realities of chemotherapy’s ineffectiveness in treating cancer. He revealed that only “about 5% of all cancers are actually curable with chemotherapy.” This small fraction of cancers that are chemo-responsive includes testicular cancer, Hodgkin’s lymphoma, acute lymphatic leukemia, and a short list […]

Former CDC Director Admits the Truth

Since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, anyone who questioned lockdowns, mask mandates, the lab leak, or school closures was vilified by the media, politicians, and the “expert” community. Unproven policies without any supporting evidence, as even Dr. Anthony Fauci now admits, were suddenly immutable truths that could not be questioned. Those who […]

Keith Harmon Snow Reveals the Truth About the Rwandan Genocide

Keith Harmon Snow joins us today to discuss how the true story of the Rwandan genocide (and who was really behind it) has been completely inverted in the official rendering of that narrative. Source

Jewish Cyber Attacks again on the Truth

Banned IP list. Jews using Ghost servers to Cyber Attack again. ############################################################################### # Copyright 2006-2018, Way to the Web Limited # URL: # Email: [email protected] ############################################################################### # The following IP addresses will be blocked in iptables # One IP address per line # CIDR addressing allowed with a quaded IP (e.g. # Only […]

Mike Stone – Most People Despise Truth

This article touched a nerve with me. Everything I have been saying for the last 22 years is coming true in real time but hardly anybody is interested.  My traffic has not increased. Nor my book sales.  I don’t care about this except as an indication that the  public might be stirring in its sleep.   […]

Elon Mush Threw Me Into Twitter Litter Jail For Telling The Truth

On a post saying and showing a video of Americans chanting arrest Bill Gates-Arrest bill Gates, I posted this reply. Immediately I was thrown into Twitter Litter Jail. Well, hanging is a violent act, but so is an old perverted pedophile raping multiple little children Helping to Mass Murder (Holocaust) millions of Humans with a […]

The TRUTH about Bank Privacy

The truth is that we (the people) do not have privacy any more. It’s been thrown under a bus, gone out the door or whatever other metaphor you like. The sad reality is that people LET it happen. And once it’s ‘lost’ you’re NEVER getting it back again, period. People, the herd/serfs/plebs are really asleep […]

Headline–Jews didn’t kill Jesus – US House of Representatives-A Bunch of Lies & One Truth, Sort-of

Lead paragraph from headlined article: “The US House of Representatives has passed a bill which its authors claim is aimed at combating anti-Semitism in American universities. If signed into law, it would mean suggesting that Jesus Christ was killed by Jews could be classed as anti-Semitism”. First BIG LIE. “Anti-Semitism”: This implies one is “against” […]

‘Treaty of lies. Pandemic of lies. Whistleblowers of truth’…’ViroLIEgy is Wholly Fraudulent’ – says Dr Yeadon.

BY PATRICIA HARRITY ON APRIL 27, 2024 • ( 3 COMMENTS ) “I’m formally confident that acute respiratory illnesses that we call colds and flu are not caused by submicroscopic infectious particles called viruses & are not contagious. I have learned enough to say I think viroLIEgy is wholly fraudulent…I’m also securely of the opinion that global pandemics of severe illnesses are […]

“The truth as we know it is over.” “Civil War” star on how it really could happen here.

The biggest movie in the country right now is about a civil war — in America. If you see the film “Civil War” at a theater in downtown Washington, the scenes of the Lincoln Memorial exploding and the White House being attacked are jarring when you exit into the D.C. air. The movie is writer […]

TikTok pressured to ban all truth and push only official narratives

(NaturalNews) Starting on May 17, the popular social media app TikTok will begin censoring users’ For You Feed (FYF) to exclude content that is deemed to contain… Source

A Response To ‘Is God Racist? – Some Thoughts On Christians For Truth’ By Verbotenesarchiv

One of our readers posted a link to a German blog — Verbotenesarchiv — or Archive Of Forbidden Knowledge — featuring the article Is God Racist? Some Thoughts On Christians For Truth — and we’d like to take this opportunity to respond to its assertions and the evidence they offer in attempting to disprove our […]

WHO Official Admits the Truth About Passports

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL The World Health Organization’s Dr. Hanna Nohynek testified in court that she advised her government that vaccine passports were not needed but was ignored, despite explaining that the Covid vaccines did not stop virus transmission and the passports gave a false sense of security. The stunning revelations came to light in […]

Julian Rose – Video: Climate – The Cold Truth. The Massive Scam which Promotes Global Warming / Climate Change By Julian Rose Global Research, April 14, 2024 Theme: Environment, Media Disinformation In-depth Report: Climate Change All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name (only available … Read the rest Source

Pro-Vaxxer Left Speechless as Dr. McCullough Drops the Disturbing Truth About the COVID Shots

Renowned cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough proved once again that he can cite the science quite like no one else after going into enemy territory and emerging victorious. Recently, on the Occupy Democrats Network, Dr. McCullough told podcaster Brian Shapiro, “You are wrong” to his face about the COVID-19 injections. Shapiro claimed, “You are… far less likely to get […]

Legion speaks truth through this man — there is a spiritual war underway


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