Posts Tagged ‘organizations’

Bethany Christian Services: Meet the Organizations Exposing the Truth About Adoption and Supporting Families In Need

Mothers who have been mistreated by Bethany Christian Services and similar adoption firms are now organizing on social media and founding non-profits to provide crucial education and support for parents considering adoption. Kathryn Joyce, author of The Child Catchers: Rescue, Trafficking, and the New Gospel of Adoption, believes the roots of the current problems with […]

Dems, pro-abortion organizations turn to ballot initiatives to enshrine abortion rights into state constitutions

(NaturalNews) Democratic state governments and pro-abortion organizations have turned to ballot initiatives to enshrine abortion rights into state constitutions… Source

Globalist organizations step up efforts to make digital IDs mandatory for people to participate in society by 2030

Globalist organizations step up efforts to make digital IDs mandatory for people to participate in society by 2030 The United Nations, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and partners of the Rockefeller Foundation are launching a campaign to accelerate digital ID, digital payments and data-sharing rollouts in 50 countries under the umbrella of digital public […]

Cut funding to organizations that are empowering Hamas 

It’s time for Washington to withhold contributions to agencies that actively subsidize, enable, or defend the evil the world witnessed on Oct. 7. Source

How human rights organizations are aiding the Israeli assault on Gaza

On November 26, Human Rights Watch (HRW) and Physicians for Human Rights Israel (PHRI) each published a report. Both reports make serious allegations against Palestinians, claiming that they have engaged in war crimes and potentially crimes against humanity. The HRW report, “Findings on October 17 al-Ahli Hospital Explosion,” alleges that the Al-Ahli Arab Hospital in […]

Palestinian human rights organizations sue Biden for “complicity” in Israel’s “genocide” in Gaza

Palestinian human rights organizations sue Biden for “complicity” in Israel’s “genocide” in Gaza The Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR), a New York-based civil liberties group, is suing the Biden regime for not only failing to prevent but also aiding and abetting “genocide” in Gaza. A federal complaint names White House occupant Joe Biden, Secretary of […]

Elon Musk announces Starlink will service international aid organizations in Gaza after Israel SEVERS all Palestinian telecommunications

(NaturalNews) With no more internet connectivity now that Israel has severed all services and resources in the Gaza Strip, the only thing left is Elon Musk’s… Source

SUPPRESSED: Since 1993, dozens of government agencies and organizations have warned against, or called for ban on, wireless technology

(NaturalNews) One of the first entities to ever speak out against wireless technology and the dangers it poses to human health was the U.S. Environmental… Source

Birth of the Hun: Organizations to Demonize Germans

In just a few short months, the age-old generally good public image of the German people would be completely turned on its head by thousands of propagandists working tirelessly from both sides of the ocean at this carefully structured diabolical jewish task. Source

Gates, globalist organizations to expand immunization coverage through VMAPs – vaccine microneedles embedded in sticky patches

(NaturalNews) Bill Gates and his fellow globalists are pushing to expand immunization coverage through a new technology called the Vaccine Microneedle Array… Source

Report on the Censorship-Industrial Complex: The Top 50 Organizations to Know

While the civilian population only in recent years began haggling over “de-platforming” incidents involving figures like Alex Jones and Milo Yiannopoulos, government agencies had already long been advancing a new theory of international conflict, in which the informational landscape is more importantly understood as a battlefield than a forum for exchanging ideas. In this view, […]

Video: Trudeau Accuses Elon Musk of “Attacking Independent Media Organizations”

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau openly accused Elon Musk of “attacking foundational Canadian institutions” Monday after Twitter slapped CBC, Canada’s mostly state funded media outlet with a “government funded” label. Trudeau claimed that CBC is an “independent media organization,” despite the fact that it is almost wholly funded by the Canadian government. The Canadian leader lumped […]

China Sanctions Reagan Library, Other Organizations After Taiwan Leader’s Visit

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), on Wednesday, joined a growing series of foreign legislators who have met Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen. Source

Half of Americans Believe National News Organizations Intend to Mislead, Misinform or Persuade the Public to Adopt a Particular Point of View Through Their Reporting

I wonder why they would think such things? They should try the New Zealand Herald instead. Via: AP: Half of Americans in a recent survey indicated they believe national news organizations intend to mislead, misinform or persuade the public to adopt a particular point of view through their reporting. The survey, released Wednesday by Gallup and the Knight […]

NJ Palestine solidarity organizations oppose resolution to adopt IHRA antisemitism definition

New Jersey Palestine solidarity organizations have released a petition calling on New Jersey legislators — and “all New Jersey citizens” — to reject a new joint resolution (AJR 211/SJR 113) pending in both houses of the New Jersey state legislature. The resolution resolves that New Jersey adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) “Working definition of anti-Semitism,” which […]

Yemen calls on international rights organizations to stop IsraHell’s, USA’s & Saudi’s Holocaust Of Yemens Descended From Biblical Hebrews in border areas

Fake Hebrew red Russian Non Semitic Turkmen Mongolian mongrel Khazarians from Occupied Palestine, Occupied America and their Saudi Crypto Jew “royals” of Saudi Holocaust Yemens, the closest living relatives of Biblical Hebrews “Elhaik describes below that the Yemenis have the closest blood links to the ancient Israelis, while the Saudis, with support from Israel, have […]

Civil society organizations condemn Israel’s targeted smear campaign against UN Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese

The smear campaign against UN Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese is the latest in a pattern of attacks aimed at silencing criticism of Israel and undermining the work of the United Nations. Source

‘War on Children’: Conservative Group Slams Schools, Health Organizations for Pushing Gender Ideology on Children

Conservative group Citizens for Sanity released a new radio ad ripping gender ideology and its proponents. Calling it a “war on children,” the six-figure ad campaign goes after schools and health organizations that promote medical treatment for children who claim to be transgender. “There is a war on children in America. A war on biology. […]

Commercials for Give To Wounded Veterans Organizations REALLY-REALLY PISS ME OFF!!!

How stupid are Americans? If the damned VA was doing it’s job, there would be no need for “Veterans Organizations”. That the VA is NOT doing their job means despite all that “Thank you for your service” the sheep bleat, they really don’t give a flying trapeze or they would get tar, feathers and pitchforks […]

Report: 23 Pro-Life Organizations Vandalized, Firebombed by Pro-Abortion Activists in Recent Weeks

At least 23 pro-life organizations have reportedly been vandalized by pro-abortion activists in recent weeks.

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