Posts Tagged ‘aiding’

How human rights organizations are aiding the Israeli assault on Gaza

On November 26, Human Rights Watch (HRW) and Physicians for Human Rights Israel (PHRI) each published a report. Both reports make serious allegations against Palestinians, claiming that they have engaged in war crimes and potentially crimes against humanity. The HRW report, “Findings on October 17 al-Ahli Hospital Explosion,” alleges that the Al-Ahli Arab Hospital in […]

Hamas, PIJ slam UK for aiding ‘Israel’, spying on Gaza

4 Dec 2023  Source: News websites By Al Mayadeen English The Hamas statement says that the UK should have “corrected its historically negative stance towards the Palestinian people,” and “atone for” the 1917 Balfour Declaration.  The United Kingdom has been condemned by Palestinian Resistance group Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad in separate statements for […]


The United States and United Kingdom imposed sanctions Wednesday on three Turkish targets as part of the West’s continued effort to “cut off more of the international assets and finance channels still connecting Moscow’s economy to global trade and finance.” On April 12, the U.S. Treasury sanctioned two Turkish companies and two associated targets. The… […]

US Imposes Sanctions on 39 Entities Aiding Iranian Trade

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinkin announced that his department is imposing sanctions against 39 entities believed to be assisting Iranian clients in illegally engaging in trade. The U.S. State Department’s March 9 announcement outlined sanctions against dozens of “shadow banking” entities spread across several countries that would be subjected to the sanctions due to […]

The Antiochian Church is Playing a Key Role in Aiding the Victims of the Earthquake and the West Should help

The Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch, John X, stated to the congregation last Sunday during Meatfare Sunday in Lebanon that Antioch had been emptied of its already diminishing Christian community following the devastating earthquake that rocked southeast Turkey and northwestern Syria. Antioch has a special significance for the Levantine Christians, particularly the Greek Orthodox and… […]


Alan Macleod Source Elon Musk has announced that he is helping to smuggle hundreds of Starlink satellite communications devices into Iran. The South African-born billionaire made the admission on December 26, replying to a tweet lauding female Iranian protesters for refusing to cover their hair. “Approaching 100 Starlinks active in Iran”, he tweeted, clearly implying a […]

Greek Australian Theodosis believed he was aiding his fellow Greeks to fight fires, but his selfless act ended up in Athens’s hardest prison

Australian-born Theodosis Kakouris decided to volunteer to help fight the wildfires in Attica, Greece, back in August 2021, but his selfless act cost him a lengthy stint in jail. Not only did his efforts remain recognised, but he also ended up being arrested as a suspect for arson. Mr Kakouris was remanded in custody for… […]

Former Nazi Guard, 101, Jailed In Germany For Aiding Murder

The man, only publicly identified as Josef S., was convicted of more than 3,500 counts of accessory to murder and sentenced to five years in prison Tuesday. Source

Aiding & Abetting a Foreign Enemy is Treason

Aiding and abetting a foreign enemy is treason. So when a bunch of corporate-backed Missouri politicians passed a bill that greenlit a Chinese invasion of Missouri farmland, we should call it what it is. Recently, on a farm in Palmyra owned by a family who has been farming Marion County for four generations, a crowd […]

Vaccinated People May Play Key Role in Aiding Evolution of More Dangerous COVID Variants, Study Says

According to research published last week in Scientific Reports, the highest risk for establishing a vaccine-resistant virus strain occurs when a large fraction of the population has already been vaccinated but the transmission is not controlled. By Megan Redshaw According to research published last week in Scientific Reports, vaccinated people may play a key role in helping SARS-CoV-2 variants evolve into […]

Israel Is Aiding Saudi Arabia And Others To Spy On Human Rights Activists

The Israeli government often likes to use its normalization deals with some Arab regimes as a means of projecting some sort of moral remedy for past afflictions, yet the gesture of “peace” in fact demonstrates the pure contempt Israel has for human rights in the region. It is no secret that the Arab regimes with […]

Palestinian suspects arrested for allegedly aiding Tapuah attacker

Israeli security forces entered a West Bank village early Tuesday and made a number of arrests in connection with a Sunday drive-by shooting attack at a northern West Bank junction that left three Israelis wounded. The detained Palestinians, who were arrested for their suspected involvement in the attack, were taken for questioning by the Shin […]

Australian on Mavi Marmara charged with aiding Syrian terrorist

Counterterrorism agents in Australia arrested Ahmed Luqman Talib, an alleged jihadi facilitator who was on board the Turkish vessel Mavi Marmara in 2010, in late March for reportedly aiding a Syrian terrorist.Talib “was accused of helping a terrorist arrange to travel to Syria to fight against government forces in 2013,” according to a report in […]

Tokyo prosecutors charge two Americans with aiding former Nissan chair Ghosn’s escape

Michael and Peter Taylor have been officially charged with aiding a criminal escape over allegations that they helped illegally smuggle former Nissan chair Carlos Ghosn out of Japan in December 2019. The father and son duo were transported to Japan to face trial earlier this month after losing a court battle to avoid extradition. They […]

Claim: Bill Gates Aiding Communist China in Harvesting DNA of Americans to Build Race-specific BIOWEAPONS

A stunning development covered by The National Pulse reveals that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation helped fund a communist Chinese military front company that used “covid testing” as a ruse to surreptitiously harvest the DNA of Americans. This CCP front company was also exposed by 60 Minutes. The name of the CCP front company […]

Sen. Marsha Blackburn: Big Tech ‘Aiding and Abetting’ China’s Push for a New World Order

Senator Marsha Blackburn told the CPAC conference on Friday that Big Tech is “aiding and abetting” China’s push for a ‘New World Order.’ “China and big tech, they have a cozy relationship,” Blackburn said at the conference. You can unsubscribe any time. By subscribing you agree to our Terms of Use. “And they have been […]

The Red Cross is aiding hundreds of Jewish pilgrims who have amassed at Ukraine’s closed borders

(JTA) — On the border of Belarus and Ukraine, Avremi Vitman tried to shake off the morning chill as he prayed earlier this week. Vitman was hungry and uncomfortable after yet another night sleeping in his coat, two weeks after arriving in Belarus en route, he hoped, to Uman, the Ukrainian city that is the […]

Jewish Agency to work on aiding community in United Arab Emirates

Jewish Agency chairman Isaac Herzog said Tuesday that his quasi-governmental agency — along with the Jewish Federations of North America and Keren Hayesod — will invest in Jewish education in the United Arab Emirates, as the Gulf nation’s ties with Israel warm after normalization was announced last month. Estimates of how many Jews currently live […]

France: 6 Reds Arrested for Aiding Invaders Cross the Alps after Generation Identity Protest

Six anti-white activists from the crypto-communist “Tous Migrants” group have been arrested by French police for assisting nonwhite invaders cross over from Italy via the Alps during the past weekend’s demonstration at the scene by the pan-European Generation Identity organization. According to the prosecutor’s office in the Alpine town of Gap, the six—four with Italian […]

Video: Israeli forces attack Palestinian medics aiding injured youth

Violence / Detentions — West Bank / Jerusalem Video: Israeli forces attack Palestinian medics attempting to save injured youth RAMALLAH (Ma‘an) 13 Mar — Video captured on Monday shows Israeli forces assaulting Palestinian medics in the central occupied West Bank city of al-Bireh as they were attempting to aid a Palestinian who had been shot […]

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