Posts Tagged ‘believed’

If Zelensky is to be believed, it looks like NATO just merges their ground forces with the Ukrainian Army!

The Ukrainian president has said that his army now numbers nearly 900,000 soldiers READ HERE: Zelensky claims huge increase in size of Kiev’s forces   Source

American Judith Weinstein Believed To Be Killed During Hamas Attack

The 70-year-old American-Canadian-Israeli citizen was originally thought to have been captured alive. Source

Meet Ted Hall – The Jew Who Believed He Should Have Been Executed For Giving U.S. Atomic Secrets To Judeo-Soviets

(Times Of Israel) Intended to coincide with the Hollywood movie based on James Oppenheimer, a new documentary film “A Compassionate Spy” has been released, based on the life of Ted Hall — Jewish-born Theodore Alvin Holtzberg — who despite being only 18 years old, was assigned to work on the Manhattan Project to develop the […]

Russian General Is Believed To Be Detained In Aftermath Of Wagner Mutiny, AP Sources Say

Sergei Surovikin, who has longtime links to Wagner head Yevgeny Prigozhin, hasn’t been seen since the start of the rebellion. Source

June 19 – Thai Royal Heiress Believed Dead from Vaccine Poisoning

  (left, Royal heir, Thai Princess Bha)      Please send links and comments to [email protected]     The fact the Thai monarchy is forced to swallow this travesty shows the power of Big Pharma.     From our Bangkok Correspondent June 18-    "Every evening at 8:00 p.m. there is news-from-Royal-Palace on all television […]

Greek Australian Theodosis believed he was aiding his fellow Greeks to fight fires, but his selfless act ended up in Athens’s hardest prison

Australian-born Theodosis Kakouris decided to volunteer to help fight the wildfires in Attica, Greece, back in August 2021, but his selfless act cost him a lengthy stint in jail. Not only did his efforts remain recognised, but he also ended up being arrested as a suspect for arson. Mr Kakouris was remanded in custody for… […]

Troubled King Charles VI of France Believed He Was Made of Glass

For several centuries, beginning around the 14th century AD, a strange affliction known as the ‘glass delusion’ spread around Europe, particularly amongst nobles, royals and elite members of society.  Read more Section:  News Weird Facts Read Later 

7,500-year-old Juniper Stump Is Believed Oldest Goddess Asherah Idol

​Archaeologists excavating an ancient cemetery in Israel have uncovered an idol which they believe dates the worship of the goddess Asherah back an incredible 7,500 years. Read more Section:  Artifacts Other Artifacts News History & Archaeology Read Later 

Scientists believed Covid leaked from Wuhan lab – but feared debate could hurt ‘international harmony’

Viscount Ridley, co-author of Viral: the search for the origin of Covid, said: “These emails show a lamentable lack of openness and transparency among Western scientists who appear to have been more interested in shutting down a hypothesis they thought was very plausible, for political reasons.” In the emails, Sir Jeremy said that other scientists […]

Phallic Ethiopian Megaliths Are 1000 Years Older Than Believed

Ethiopia’s Gedeo zone has the largest concentration of stone stelae in Africa. A new study published in the Journal of African Archaeology has pushed back the dates of megalithic stelae dotting the landscape of the Gedeo zone in southern Ethiopia by a whole millennium, from AD 1100 to 50 BC! Ashenafi Zena, Ethiopian native and lead author […]

US Military Kills ‘ISIS-K Planner’ Believed to be Plotting ‘Future Attacks’ at Kabul Airport

(National Review) — U.S. military forces conducted a drone strike against an Islamic State member on Saturday in Afghanistan, less than 48 hours after a suicide bombing by the group at the Kabul airport killed at least 169 Afghans and 13 American service members. “U.S. military forces conducted an over-the-horizon counterterrorism operation today against an […]

Icelanders Believed in Elves, But it is Probably Not What You Think

Icelanders believe in elves. They refuse to begin major construction projects unless they consult with elves first. They lobby their politicians on behalf of elf colonies. They run “elf schools” and “elf tours”. Elves in Iceland are everywhere and all around. Reality Check Few things about the Icelandic nation are as misrepresented as its ancient […]

Israel believed Hamas didn’t want escalation. And then it happened

News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, gives you breaking news, analyses and opinions about Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World. © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved Source

Corpse believed to belong to controversial cult leader found in a Colorado shrine covered in glitter with no eyes

A corpse believed to be of a leader of a controversial Colorado religious group was found mummified in a sleeping bag, wrapped in Christmas lights and with glitter around its missing eyes. The remains are believed to be of Amy Carlson, 45, known to her followers as “Mother God”, who was a self-proclaimed “divine being” […]

NY police arrest suspect believed to have vandalized four synagogues

New York police last week arrested a lone suspect in the Bronx for allegedly vandalizing synagogues in the area, ABC News reported.Jordan Burnette, 29, has been accused of throwing rocks at four synagogues and police released footage of a suspect, believed to be Burnette, walking through the neighborhood. Officials noted that the suspect targeted synagogues between Friday morning and […]

Study: Sunlight Destroys COVID 8x Faster Than Scientists Believed

As it turns out, President Trump might have been on to something last spring when he rambled during a press conference about the possibility that “sunlight” could be leveraged to destroy the virus. Research recently published by a team of academics at UC Santa Barbara found that the coronavirus is “inactivated” by sunlight as much […]

Over 1.5 BILLION Face Masks Now Believed To Be Polluting Oceans Thanks To 2020

Renegade Editor’s Note: The real solution is for people to stop complying with the medical mafia and asphyxiating themselves. By Elias Marat, The Mind Unleashed As 2020 draws to a close, one of the most recognizable symbols of the year may be the protective face mask. As the novel coronavirus swept across the globe earlier […]

Clay Seal Bought From Antiquities Dealer Believed to Have Belonged to Servant of Biblical King Jeroboam II

Photo Credit: Dani Machli/Ben Gurion University BEERSHEBA, Israel — A clay seal that was purchased from an antiquities dealer in the 1980’s and was tested for its authenticity is believed to have belonged to a servant of the biblical king Jeroboam II. “This bulla is one of the earliest, if not the earliest, inscribed bulla […]

It’s believed CV vaccines may contain genetically engineered prions that could cause brain damage that may in turn lead to death

Information from the seemorerocks blogspot: Excerpt: “The first covid-19 vaccine victim to have suffered brain damage has been reported in India a few months after being vaccinated, which is why test subjects are observed for only one or two months by vaccine producers and regulatory agencies.” READ MORE Image by HeungSoon from Pixabay Share […]

Alan Watts Believed Society’s Idea of Work is Completely Wrong

Few people have communicated difficult ideas with as much clarity as Alan Watts. He is known today for the work he did to popularize Zen concepts in the west. Through his books and his recorded lectures, he touched on almost every major contradiction in life. His signature teaching  —  and he applied it to almost […]

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