Posts Tagged ‘probably’

Meet Abe Feinberg – The Most Powerful And Feared Zionist ‘Godfather’ You’ve Probably Never Heard Of

Abraham (Abe) Feinberg (1908-1998) was a a rich and powerful Jew who spent his entire life using his wealth and influence behind the scenes as a shadowy influence peddler, arms smuggler, political fixer, and espionage agent who dedicated his life to manipulating American politicians into giving the Zionist state of Israel anything it wanted — […]

A Pesticide You Probably Never Heard of Could Be Affecting Your Fertility

Introducing chlormequat, a potentially toxic chemical “linked to reproductive issues,” which is found in several wheat and oat products, like Cheerios and Quaker Oats. The worst part: it turns out that 4 out of 5 of you, or 80% of Americans, have been exposed to this substance. A recent peer-reviewed study published in the JESEE […]

It’s probably best for a Rusky pilot not to steal a helicopter from the Russian military before killing his comrades and then land it in Ukraine unless he want to be shot several times before being run over by a car.


The food control plan from 1974 that you probably didn’t know about

This article appeared as part of a feature in the December 8, 1995 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.See Feature Introduction and Table of Contents. Kissinger’s 1974 Plan forFood Control Genocide by Joseph Brewda On Dec. 10, 1974, the U.S. National Security Council under Henry Kissinger completed a classified 200-page study, “National Security Study Memorandum 200: […]

Palm oil: the ingredient behind human rights abuses and eco-destruction that’s probably in your home right now

Palm oil is found in 50 percent of all consumer goods. And it’s killing the environment. Source

Pelosi says ‘it probably would be a good idea’ if Menendez resigns

Former Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) suggested that it would be a “good idea” if embattled Sen. Bob Menendez (D) resigns from his position amid fallout of his recent indictment on federal charges.  During an appearance on MSNBC’s “Inside With Jen Psaki,” host Jen Psaki asked Pelosi her thoughts on the recent calls from fellow Democratic… […]

Tuberville: China Is ‘Coming for Taiwan,’ ‘Probably Japan and Maybe Even Farther West’

Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) has an ominous view on what to expect from the communist Chinese and their ambitions in the future. Source

What you probably didn’t know about the intricate web of corporations behind 5G … SERCO, Lockheed Martin, IBM, Queen Elizabeth, FIVE EYES, HP & more

Originally posted on Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch: Thanks to Dean Henderson at for this brilliant article. Important information & truly intriguing but maybe not surprising knowing the grip all of these giant corporations now have on the planet. Pertinent right now as world events unfold & escalate, with the suppression of information & censorship… […]

Cave of Letters: Probably the Most Important Cave In Ancient Jewish History

The Cave of Letters is quite literally a cave of secrets. Rediscovered by archaeologists in the 1960s, its contents told of uprisings as well as everyday life in ancient Israel. Read more Section:  News Ancient Places Europe Read Later  Source

A Cheap Cure for Cancer that Will Probably Disappear

A Cheap Cure for Cancer that Will Probably Disappear In 2014, a team of researchers at Johns Hopkins was trying to grow tumors in laboratory mice and they failed with one group. The reason, they discovered, was because that group of mice had been de-wormed with an anti-parasitic drug, which they then learned had been […]

June 1815: Did Dead Waterloo Soldiers Become Fertilizer? Probably!

A new study published in the Journal of Conflict Archaeology has suggested that many remains of the roughly 60,000 Waterloo soldiers who died in the Battle of Waterloo in June 1815 may have been stolen by grave robbers and sold for making bone fertilizer across Europe, but especially in Britain.  Read more Section:  News History & Archaeology […]

Trump Torches Musk: Elon Wants to Join GOP Because of Issues with ‘Probably Illegal Purchase’ of ‘Fake Twitter’

Following Tesla CEO Elon Musk’s recent statement that he would begin voting Republican, former President Donald Trump took to Truth Social to give him both barrels. Trump posted to his platform that Musk’s change of heart is likely due to “all of his problems with a probably illegal purchase of a crummy phony account loaded […]

Brooks: Numbers of People at Border ‘Flooding the System’ – It’s ‘Probably Beyond our Capacity to Absorb’ Everyone Who Wants to Come

On Friday’s “PBS NewsHour,” New York Times columnist David Brooks stated that the number of people trying to come to the U.S. is “probably beyond our capacity to absorb all the people who want to come.” And the current numbers on the border are “flooding the system.” Brooks stated that the reason for implementing Title […]

Brooks: Russia’s Military Will Probably Have ‘Disheartening Successes’ But ‘Faith Has Been Restored’ in Biden

On Friday’s “PBS NewsHour,” New York Times columnist David Brooks stated that the Russian military is likely to achieve some very “disheartening successes over the next days and weeks.” But, despite this, “faith has been restored” “in the leadership of Zelensky, but also Biden,” and European leaders. Brooks stated, “The Russian military seems to be […]

First-in-the-nation primary loses its top champion — but the calendar probably isn’t changing

During a 2012 jailbreak by a handful of states looking to shift their contests forward during the contested Republican primary, Gardner threatened to schedule New Hampshire’s contest in December 2011 if that’s what it took to preserve New Hampshire’s spot as the first primary state. (POLITICO’s headline at the time: “N.H.’s Gardner to Nevada: Drop […]

Weingarten: With Testing, ‘We’ll Probably Be Able to Have Lots of Places Open’ But with ‘Pauses’

On Thursday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “All In,” American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten stated that if schools do the kind of testing that New York and Washington are doing, “we’ll probably be able to have lots of places open. But there will be pauses at different times” like there are in Cleveland and D.C. […]

Nation’s Dads Report That It’s Probably Fine

WAGON MOUND, NM—According to sources, dads across the nation are reporting that it’s probably fine. “It’s probably fine,” said Maine dad Scott Murley, holding a broken skateboard and examining the unnatural angle of his son’s arm. “It’s probably fine,” said California dad Ray Connors impatiently to his wife who was trying on her fifth dress, […]

“I have been the most attacked freshman member of congress probably in United States history,” Since She Actually Represents Most Americans We Should ALL Be Worried.

Comment: Any Politician sincerely wanting to represent the American people is like a ship between a rock and a hard spot as our gov’t is controlled by a ZIONIST/Khazar Rothschild British Satanic EMPIRE.  “I have been the most attacked freshman member of congress probably in United States history,”   Renee NalDecember 4, 20212 comments3 min read […]

Trump: 2024 announcement ‘probably’ coming after midterms

“We have a lot, they’re all very well-named,” he said. “But almost all of them said if I run, they’ll never run.” Trump has flirted openly with the idea of running for president in 2024, continuing to hold campaign-style rallies and sending out fundraising emails. Even after losing his reelection bid last year and inciting […]

Why Prince Charles Will Probably Wage War on Mankind if He Becomes King

Elite preparing to weaponize climate change as part of their Great Reset agenda to deindustrialize and depopulate the West. At the World Leaders Summit of the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26), Prince Charles called for “a vast military-style campaign” against pollution and carbon emissions, waging a war against mankind to save any and all […]

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