Posts Tagged ‘Corporations’

Record number of climate lawsuits target governments and corporations for misleading claims and environmental failures

A surge in climate lawsuits holds governments and corporations accountable, with notable successes in challenging misleading climate claims and failing to meet environmental obligations. Source

The DARK SECRET Corporations Don’t Want You To Know (and propaganda that create this world of the naive)

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Corporations that pay their executives more than Uncle Sam

Corporate tax dodging and CEO pay have both gotten so far out of control that a significant number of major U.S. companies are paying their top executives more than they’re paying Uncle Sam.  Tesla is perhaps the most dramatic example. Over the period 2018-2022, the electric car maker raked in $4.4 billion in profits but […]

Governments & corporations using Microsoft ‘Recall’ (Spyware), a major security, privacy threat!

Your ‘private and confidential’ data that is stored on government and corporation’s computer systems is NEVER safe from being hacked or ‘leaked’, period. Anyone saying otherwise is simply lying to you. Microsoft is using terms like ‘encrypted’ and stored locally, to make you feel better, but it’s all smoke and mirrors. Your data within corporations […]

echnocensorship: When Corporations Serve As a Front for Government Censors

Nothing good can come from allowing the government to sidestep the Constitution. Unfortunately, the government has become an expert at disregarding constitutional roadblocks intended to protect the rights of the citizenry. When these end-runs don’t suffice, the government hides behind the covert, clandestine, classified language of national security; or obfuscates, complicates, stymies, and bamboozles; or […]

Corporations Offended By Free Speech Are Happy to Invest In Places Without It


Freemasonic founders of popular corporations, according to the Grand Lodge of Russia

Below is a slideshow published by the Freemasonic Grand Lodge of Russia. It reveals the masonic founders of popular international corporations, such as Apple, KFC, Dunlop, and JC Penney, as well as a couple in pro sports. Share this: Like this: Like Loading… Source

Rothschilds Caterwaul for Merger Between Corporations, Governments, & AI To “Save Capitalism”-Humans Want All Ratschilds Arrested, Tried For Usury, Pedophilia, Mass Murder, Starting Wars & Hanged!

“Lady” Lynn de Rothschild of the notorious Rothschild blood sucking, Usury theft and war starting Rat Pack evil imps of hell has stated AI will require a “root and branch reform of the economy,” meaning, free markets have to go and government/corporate partners will have to step in to control everything, for the sake of […]

Rothschild Wants Merger Between Corporations, Governments And AI To “Save Capitalism”

By Brandon Smith If you’re not familiar with a little organization called the “Council For Inclusive Capitalism,” don’t worry, most people have never heard of it. The group was formed at the height of the covid pandemic; as fear instilled by government officials and the media propagated the news feeds, the majority of the public […]

How Corporations Rule the World

The Real News Network The 20th Century saw a great global uprising against European imperialism as the former colonial countries shook off their shackles and rose up for independence. More than a half century later, global inequality is sharper than ever before. To understand the current predicament of the vast majority of the world’s people, […]

‘Silent Coup’—How corporations rule the world

28 sept 2023 The 20th Century saw a great global uprising against European imperialism as the former colonial countries shook off their shackles and rose up for independence. More than a half century later, global inequality is sharper than ever before. To understand the current predicament of the vast majority of the world’s people, we […]

Real Journalists (Not Corporate Journalists Representing Corporations)

In Gaza “Media on Trial: Vanessa Beeley, Eva Bartlett and Fiorella Isabel” Eva Bartlett Sep 8 –LISTEN HERE Mike Robinson speaks to Vanessa Beeley, Eva Bartlett and Fiorella Isabel about what it’s like to report from the front lines of conflict zones, what they have experienced in their interactions with legacy media journalists and what it’s like to live […]

Congressional Witness: Liberals Siding with Corporations to Keep Wages Down via Mass Immigration

Liberals are siding with corporate America over the nation’s workers in their promotion of mass immigration, a key tool in keeping wages down, Center for Immigration Studies Director of Research Steven Camarota told lawmakers this week. Source

Top 7 ways Biden Regime and Big Food corporations are crippling family-owned farms in America

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) One of the keys to surviving the Democrat-led food and resource apocalypse is keeping local and family-run farms functioning in full capacity. The Leftists would call it a conspiracy by the Right, but the signs are far too obvious for it to be anything but a true conspiracy created by the Left. […]

NO MORE MEAT: Corporations and governments are engineering a future that does NOT include natural animal meat

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) Corporations and governments are working hand-in-hand to leverage advances in biotechnology so that powerful, special interests can control the food supply, experiment with human genetics, and manipulate the population at the cellular level. These advances in biotechnology go beyond the genetic engineering of seeds that has … [Read More…] Source

Massive Censorship-Industrial Complex comprised of Big Tech, corporations, government, NGOs, “fact checkers” and more

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) You’ve heard of the military-industrial complex, but what about the censorship-industrial complex? It turns out that latter is just a rebirthed version of the former for the “hybrid warfare age.”The CIC, as we will call it for short, is comprised of a vast network of institutions and that extend far beyond just […]

Whistleblower project highlights hundreds of major U.S. corporations, businesses that have gone ‘woke’ and now discriminate against conservatives

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) A recent op-ed published on Fox News highlights a new study on the largest corporations and businesses in the United States that are actively opposing American conservatives amid the ongoing cultural conflicts.“It is not a secret that over the past decade, hundreds of large U.S. corporations have adopted woke policies, … [Read […]

Report details how a handful of Corporations are taking control of the World’s Food Supply

BY RHODA WILSON ON FEBRUARY 13, 2023 • ( 18 COMMENTS ) A report published at the end of 2022 by The ETC Group reveals how a handful of corporations with the help of Big Tech are taking over the world’s food supply.  The report, titled ‘Food Barons 2022 – Crisis Profiteering, Digitalization and Shifting Power’, offers a snapshot of the world’s “Food Barons” […]

What you probably didn’t know about the intricate web of corporations behind 5G … SERCO, Lockheed Martin, IBM, Queen Elizabeth, FIVE EYES, HP & more

Originally posted on Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch: Thanks to Dean Henderson at for this brilliant article. Important information & truly intriguing but maybe not surprising knowing the grip all of these giant corporations now have on the planet. Pertinent right now as world events unfold & escalate, with the suppression of information & censorship… […]

The Most Effective Regulation Corporations And Lawyers In Uzbekistan, Central Asia, Asia

There is no requirement on breach notification beneath the Law on Personal Data. However, in case of violation of information processing guidelines (e.g. The Law on Personal Data doesn’t specifically regulate the use of private knowledge in electronic advertising. Aircraft Leasing in Tajikistan Acquisition of six airliners to airways company in Tajikistan We have been […]

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