Posts Tagged ‘journalists’

IDF says murder is okay after statistics show that Israel killed 75% of all journalists who died in 2023 while covering conflict zones

(NaturalNews) An investigation by The Guardian (United Kingdom) found that Israel’s military considers media outlets affiliated with the resistance to its genocide… Source

Citizen Journalists Catch Top Hollywood Producer Attempting To Rape Teen – Media Blackout

A group of citizens journalists filmed the moment they stopped top Hollywood producer Herschel Weingrod from raping a teenage girl as they bravely confronted the pedophile in public. ‘Space Jam’ writer Herschel Weingrod was filmed […] The post Citizen Journalists Catch Top Hollywood Producer Attempting To Rape Teen – Media Blackout appeared first on The […]

These Were The Deadliest Countries For Journalists In 2023

These Were The Deadliest Countries For Journalists In 2023 50 media professionals were killed due to their journalistic activities in 2023, according to the Reporters Without Borders (RSF) database. As Statista’s Anna Fleck reports, by far the deadliest place for journalists last year was in the Palestinian territories, where 16 deaths were counted in just the […]

Appeal from Gaza journalists: Boycott the White House Correspondents’ dinner and stand with your colleagues in Gaza

Palestinian journalists from Gaza are calling on fellow journalists to stand with their colleagues in Gaza and refuse to whitewash the Biden administration’s complicity in genocide by publicly boycotting the annual White House Correspondents’ Dinner. Source

In Modi’s India, opponents and journalists feel squeeze ahead of election

NEW DELHI — Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his government are increasingly wielding strong-arm tactics to subdue political opponents and critics of the ruling Hindu-nationalist party ahead of the nationwide elections that begin this week. A decade into power, and on the cusp of securing five more years, the Modi government is reversing India’s […]

Israel Deliberately Targeted Journalists UN Investigation Finds

An Israeli tank deliberatley fired two shells at a group of “clearly identifiable” international journalists in violation of international law, according to the findings of a UN investigation. The deadly incident took place in Lebanon in […] The post Israel Deliberately Targeted Journalists UN Investigation Finds appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Lara Logan – Soros’ Commie NGO’s Slander & Intimidate Journalists

“These nonprofits that I’m talking about are part of a vast censorship network that includes government agencies. They use deception to mask their actions with lofty goals like preventing the spread of misinformation, disinformation hate speech…The media is collaborating with government agencies and operatives to censor and shape the information battlefield to justify certain actions.” […]


Editor’s Note: Dear Readers, MintPress News’ YouTube channel was recently demonetized, and many of our videos made age-restricted. We would greatly appreciate your support by becoming a member of our Patreon page so that we can continue to bring you important stories like this one. Much of the work that we do is supported by viewers like […]

WHO Calls for Global Police to Arrest Journalists Who Speak out Against Pandemic Policies

Tedros claims all nation must unite under a global policy and with global force against their common enemy for the next pandemic…. Yeah right! READ AT THE LINK Share this: Like Loading… Source

Washington Post journalists walk off jobs in one-day strike

Journalists at The Washington Post walked off their jobs in a one-day strike Thursday. More than 750 staff members at the Post walked out, refusing to work for 24 hours in what they say is the “biggest labor protest at the company” in 48 years. The Washington Post Newspaper Guild announced in a letter to… […]

Why journalists must speak out about Gaza

As journalists, we know that silencing a free press is a key tactic of authoritarian governments. Israel’s repression of Palestinian journalism shows us what is possible under the guise of “democracy.” Attacks on journalism are dangerous to us all. Source

12 Journalists Killed This Week In Israel-Hamas War, Totaling 36 Deaths

At least 12 journalists were killed in the past eight days while covering the ongoing conflict, bringing the total to 36 media worker deaths since Oct. 7. Source

Hamas Did Not ‘Bake a Baby in an Oven’, Israeli Journalists Report

Two Israeli journalists have confirmed that the story about Hamas “baking a baby in an oven” is a total hoax and pure atrocity propaganda. The fake story was spread by hysterical pro-Israel propagandists all over social media to justify Israel committing war crimes in Gaza. The tall tale was one of many that came from […]

Evidence Shows Israel Killed Own Citizens On The 7th & 53 UN Staff, Journalists Deliberately Killed

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (10/27/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

University Of California Professor Threatens Pro-Israel Journalists And Their Families

University Of California Professor Threatens Pro-Israel Journalists And Their Families Authored by Jonathan Turley via, The University of California at Davis is embroiled in a controversy involving one of its faculty threatening “zionist journalists” in a violent tirade on X. UC Davis Professor (and undergraduate adviser) Jemma Decristo posted the screed on October 10th […]

Rachel Maddow Says ‘Trump Is Planning To Execute MSNBC Journalists For Treason’

Donald Trump is planning to charge MSNBC journalists with “treason” and “execute” them liberals if he is re-elected to the presidency, according to MSNBC host Rachel Maddow. Maddow made the comment during an appearance on […] The post Rachel Maddow Says ‘Trump Is Planning To Execute MSNBC Journalists For Treason’ appeared first on The People's […]

BBC Suspends Several Arabic Journalists For Social Media Posts Endorsing Hamas Terror Attack

BBC Suspends Several Arabic Journalists For Social Media Posts Endorsing Hamas Terror Attack Authored by Thomas Brooke via Remix News, The BBC has suspended several of its journalists associated with the BBC Arabic news portal and launched an internal investigation into their actions after staff appeared to endorse Hamas’ terror attack in Israel. Reporters working […]

Journalism organization reports at least 12 journalists killed in Israel-Hamas war

A journalism organization on Saturday reported the deaths of at least 12 journalists due to the fighting between the militant group Hamas and Israel. “As of October 14, in the first eight days of fighting, at least 12 journalists were killed, two were missing and eight injured,” the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) said on… […]

Journalists Facing Increasing Number Of Casualties In Israel-Hamas War

As of Thursday, there have been at least 10 journalists – nine Palestinians and one Israeli – killed while covering the violence in Israel and Gaza. Source

Journalists Facing Increasing Number Of Casualties In Israel-Hamas War

As of Thursday, there have been at least 10 journalists – nine Palestinians and one Israeli – killed while covering the violence in Israel and Gaza. Source

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