Posts Tagged ‘Professor’

Carnegie Mellon professor says Trump assassination attempt was “staged” like “stupid Tubi movie set”

(NaturalNews) An associate professor of second language acquisition at Carnegie Mellon University is convinced that the attempted assassination of Donald Trump in… Source

Former MIT professor and rabbi urges Jews to shed all “lingering” Christian morality and support ethnic cleansing of Gaza

(NaturalNews) In accordance with Talmudic law, former MIT professor and ordained rabbi Jeremy England wants Jews everywhere to reject any “lingering” sense of… Source

A professor on ‘authorities’ who order police to crush student protests

The students wanted a change in United States and Israeli policy and action to secure an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. Source

New York College Suspends Professor “Energized” By Hamas Attack On Israel

Authored by Lisa Schiffren via The College Fix, A tenured professor is suspended throughout the rest of the semester after writing an essay celebrating Hamas’ attack on Israel. “McCarthyism is real. I’ve been relieved of teaching responsibilities,” Hobart and William Smith Colleges Professor Jodi Dean wrote Saturday on X. “Don’t stop talking about Palestine.” “The images from […]

Buckle Up for Ania K’s latest discussion with Professor Hudson re Gaza and the US plan for world domination

What Prof Hudson explains from his own experience is even worse than one imagines when observing the Israeli – US connection; as Ania says at the end, it is pure evil, and Prof Hudson replies that it is because she can see this that he spends his time in discussion and correspondence with her. Ania’s […]

A message from Japanese Professor – re Needlecraft plans for the World population

 [email protected] Prof Masayasu Inoue appeals to the world to stop the WHO from its takeover of human health and its plan to force another new type of vaccine on us all. There will be no opportunity to refuse the edicts of the WHO and most of our governments are already compliant. This is the worst […]

Japanese Professor Delivers Stunning Message Everyone Needs to Hear

A Message from Japan to the World Thank you very much for giving me this valuable opportunity to send my message about human rights abuse in the time of COVID-19. My name is Masayasu Inoue, Professor Emeritus of Osaka City University Medical School. My specialty is Molecular Pathology and Medicine… Listen now 2 days ago […]

Professor Exposes the Big Lie About Cancer

Cancer is “all a big money game, and it’s dollars first, patient outcome second.” —Dr. Thomas Seyfried, Professor of Biology “The current idea that cancer is a genetic disease is based on ideology—not on the science.” “Our American society… doesn’t care about prevention because if they did, there would be no obesity epidemic. But there […]

Harvard Professor Says ‘Hell Broke Loose’ After His Study Proved ‘No Racial Bias’ in Policing

A Harvard professor said “all hell broke loose” after the results of his study into police shootings found no evidence of racial bias. In fact, the results prove police are less likely to shoot black […] The post Harvard Professor Says ‘Hell Broke Loose’ After His Study Proved ‘No Racial Bias’ in Policing appeared first […]

BREAKING: Professor and Election Expert J. Halderman Hacks into Dominion Voting Machine Tabulator in Court on Friday in Georgia in front of Judge Totenberg USING ONLY A PEN TO CHANGE VOTE TOTALS

BREAKING: Professor and Election Expert J. Halderman Hacks into Dominion Voting Machine Tabulator in Court on Friday in Georgia in front of Judge Totenberg USING ONLY A PEN TO CHANGE VOTE TOTALS Source

‘Knowledge of the subject’ and ‘fairness,’ dear Professor!

“Palestinians shouldn’t be blamed for not being good victims. Israel’s military aircrafts, tanks, and warships can destroy Palestinians’ houses, but not their homes; their bodies, but not their spirits.” Source


READ HERE:   Source

Princeton Professor Says ‘Zoophilia Is Morally Permissible,’ Demands LGBTQI+ Add a Z

Sex with animals should no longer be considered taboo in society, according to Princeton University professor Peter Singer who has declared that it is time for society accept that zoophilia is “morally permissible.” According to […] The post Princeton Professor Says ‘Zoophilia Is Morally Permissible,’ Demands LGBTQI+ Add a Z appeared first on The People's […]

Princeton Professor Calls Sex with Animals “Thought-Provoking”

Hmmmmmmmmmm????!!!!!! He must be referring to humans having sex with the Zionist Zombie Virus Host red Russian Non Semitic Turkmen Mongolian Khazarian pedophile’s End of Times Death Cult Jew Member soul-less Animals. Source

EVIL: Professor promotes idea of mass movement in favor of child prostitution

(NaturalNews) A Johns Hopkins University (JHU) professor has apparently advised a sex worker-activist to create a “mass movement” promoting the idea of… Source

Non-Binary CUNY Professor Filmed Ripping down Missing Israeli Posters, Attacking Onlooker

A “non-binary” college educator attacked a bystander who recorded her ripping down posters of Israelis who were taken hostage by Hamas. Source

Professor Lockdown Denies Ever Calling for Lockdown

In one of the more bizarre moments at the Covid Inquiry so far, Professor Neil Ferguson, the architect of Britain’s lockdown, today denied ever calling for the first national stay-at-home order – in the latest instance of lockdown backpedalling. The Mail  has more. Professor Neil Ferguson’s terrifying March 2020 models warned that 500,000 Brits would die unless tougher […]

MSU Professor Mark Skidmore was exonerated by MSU; his landmark paper showing over 250,000 killed by the COVID vaccine is now back in the peer-reviewed literature

After a 7 month review by his university, Mark Skidmore, was exonerated of all charges and his new, improved paper was published in a more credible peer-reviewed journal. STEVE KIRSCH OCT 21, 2023 Michigan State University Professor Mark Skidmore was exonerated of all ethics charges after a 7-month investigation. His paper was revised and was […]

University Of California Professor Threatens Pro-Israel Journalists And Their Families

University Of California Professor Threatens Pro-Israel Journalists And Their Families Authored by Jonathan Turley via, The University of California at Davis is embroiled in a controversy involving one of its faculty threatening “zionist journalists” in a violent tirade on X. UC Davis Professor (and undergraduate adviser) Jemma Decristo posted the screed on October 10th […]

Professor William Jacobson Explains How the Left Took Over Education: ‘We’re in a Collapse Phase’

Cornell Law School professor William Jacobson explained to Breitbart News Daily host Mike Slater how the far-left took over academia to the point where the U.S. has “a very radicalized faculty at almost every college” in the country, adding, “We’re in a collapse phase.” Source

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