Posts Tagged ‘hacks’

BREAKING: Professor and Election Expert J. Halderman Hacks into Dominion Voting Machine Tabulator in Court on Friday in Georgia in front of Judge Totenberg USING ONLY A PEN TO CHANGE VOTE TOTALS

BREAKING: Professor and Election Expert J. Halderman Hacks into Dominion Voting Machine Tabulator in Court on Friday in Georgia in front of Judge Totenberg USING ONLY A PEN TO CHANGE VOTE TOTALS Source

8 Espionage Hacks To Outsmart The Masters Of Miscommunication

Authored by Nicole James via The Epoch Times, In the era of pervasive surveillance reminiscent of Orwellian nightmares, old-school Cold War hacks have staged a comeback, offering a clandestine refuge for the exchange of information. As Big Brother looms large on every screen, the savvy practitioner must resurrect time-tested techniques to outsmart the puppeteers of […]

10 Life Hacks To Help You Stop Looking At Porn

Hey, you! Are you struggling with a porn addiction? Not good! We certainly wouldn’t know anything about that. We’ve never looked at porn, not even one time. Since we are experts at never, ever, ever looking at porn, we have compiled a list of 10 life hacks that are sure to help you overcome that […]

Israel Blamed For Killing IRGC Member, Iran Hacks Jerusalem CCTV

Tensions escalate between Israel and Iran as both sides experience hacking attacks, whilst Tehran blames Israeli Mossad for killing two Iranians with a roadside bomb in Damascus. Last Wednesday a twin-bomb attack was carried out in occupied Jerusalem, killing one Israeli and injuring at least 14 others. The attack brought back memories of the early […]

Australia’s bad policy and privacy tech contributes to data hacks!

The colonial government of Australia is truly backwards when it comes to implementing technology and policies that protect its citizens as opposed to policies and technology used to spy on them. Medibank, Optus, Woolworths data hacks show how a ‘decade of anti-security policy’ is putting Australia at risk, experts say Millions of Australians have had […]

Receive Life Hacks from the World’s Best Coaches for $35

<em>Sponsored Content</em> Do you ever feel like you’re just going through the motions and doing whatever is expected of you? It’s easy to get sucked into the hustle-and-bustle of life and just run on autopilot. A recent look into the American psyche revealed that only about 14 percent of people are happy with their lives, […]

Why do Supreme Court justices keep saying they’re not hacks?

Image Credit: Khalil Bendib/ Ralph Waldo Emerson once told about a guest who came to dinner and spent the entire evening prattling about his own integrity: “The louder he talked of his honor,” Emerson wrote: “the faster we counted our spoons.” Today, America has not one, but six guests in our national home babbling about […]

Cyber Hacks, White Powder Scares & Vaccine Tracking, It’s All Come To Pass

Robbie Martin speaks to investigative journalist and writer Whitney Webb about her incredible in-depth new series about a group of sketchy individuals who weave a thread of anthrax, bio-terror fear mongering and ‘pandemic preparedness’ through the Bush Sr, Clinton, George W Bush administration and now the Trump administration. Source

Whitney Webb Interview – Cyber Hacks, White Powders Scares & Vaccine Tracking, It’s All Come To Pass

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Email | RSS Joining me today is Whitney Webb, here to discuss the many different angles of this technocratic coup and the many different reports and estimations made that have since come to pass.  ( Click HERE For Super U [embedded content] […]

DOJ Hacks Left Hunter’s Computer Hard Drives In Rudy’s House, But TOOK EVERYTHING ELSE! WHY?

LITICSUS  Addison Wilson10 hours ago0 1 minute read Ads by optAd360 No one knew that the situation was this bad! America is a banana republic, thanks to the power-driven Dems! Join The True Defender Telegram Chanel Here: Among the most honorable and highly respected persons in the U.S is the former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani. However, on […]

Stopping SolarWinds’ style mega hacks, but preserving democracy – analysis

 One of the central security questions of our time is how to defend countries like the US and Israel from repeat mega hacks by the likes of Russia, Iran, China and North Korea. The SolarWinds and Shirbit hacks announced in December 2020, along with a variety of other major cyberattacks, have convinced the US and […]

Israeli Jewish Antifa hacks KKK website, doxxes members

A website belonging to the Patriotic Brigade Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, an organization affiliated with the white supremacist Ku Klux Klan (KKK), was hacked by an anti-fascist Israeli organization, exposing pictures, names and personal information of many of the organizations members. While the website, found on, originally consisted of white supremacist imagery […]

10 Simple Life Hacks You Can Start Today That Will Make You Happier, Backed By Science

Next Story It seems everyone is seeking happiness. For me, I prefer to look at it as the search for peace and joy in life, as I find happiness can be too conditional, and anytime we have to look for or chase something, we are looking outside of us. Surely some of this is just […]

UK COLUMN: Gun Control in America, Russia Hacks the World, Syria Ceasefire Respite for ISIS

New and creative Russian hacking stories invented by the Washington Post, America’s cyber security gravy train, the White Helmets Chemical Weapons Roadshow, the reality of the ‘mass shooting ‘ threat at America’s schools and more.  UK Column News anchor Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen with today’s news round-up. . READ MORE RUSSIAGATE NEWS AT: 21st […]

7 Amazing New Brain Hacks Backed by Science

Gary ‘Z’ McGee, Guest Waking Times “I cannot live without brain-work. What else is there to live for?”~Sherlock Holmes This should go without saying, but it needs to be said: don’t take anything for granted. Not even science. Science changes every day. Research changes all the time. Don’t make the same mistake that theists […]

8 Challenging Life Hacks Many Of Us Could Use To Improve Our Lives

Next Story Take a moment and reflect on some of the greatest accomplishments in your life thus far. Whether they involve a business feat, a travelling expedition, a visible six-pack, the attainment of a degree you once believed you would never get, or something that for one reason or another means a lot to you, […]

7 Next-Level Mind Hacks that Can Change Everything

Gary ‘Z’ McGee, GuestWaking Times “Talent hits a target no one else can hit. Genius hits a target no one else can see.” ~ Arthur Schopenhauer You don’t have to be a genius to be creative, but you do have to be creative to be a genius. Similarly, you don’t have to be awesome to […]

The Real Truth About RT America – Not A Russian Hacks Of Your Minds

The Real Truth About RT America – Not A Russian Hack of Your Minds Dark Politricks says: If you want to know about your own country then the best perspective is from outside. RT USA/UK have programs on it that show our citizens what life is really like. They invite real guests on and ask […]

Trump slams former US intel leaders as ‘political hacks’

Trump slams former US intel leaders as ‘political hacks’ The Hill November 11, 2017 President Trump on Saturday lashed out at U.S. intelligence leaders for their conclusion that Russia interfered in the 2016 election, calling them political hacks and slamming the investigations into Russian interference as a Democratic hit job. Speaking to reporters aboard Air […]

Four Simple Hacks That Can Help Liberate Anyone From Experiencing Stress

Next Story This is an excerpt of a workshop coordinated by VÉRONIQUE BRASSELET and EMMA MILESI during the Heartfulness days at the Cité Internationale in Lyon in January 2016. The Heart’s Simplicity Reduces Stress Stress is everywhere in our daily lives. When it is positive (eustress), it is considered beneficial; when it is negative (distress), […]

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