Posts Tagged ‘stopping’

UAW Arab Caucus: UAW must move from ceasefire declaration to stopping weapons for Israel

UAW Arab Caucus to union president Shawn Fain: The union must take action to translate the UAW’s ceasefire declaration to practical interruption of the weapons our UAW siblings are making, sending to Israel, and are being used to kill our families. Source

It’s not just a global food shortage, they’re also stopping us from growing our own food—Here’s how!

Globalists Will Use Carbon Controls To Stop You From Growing Your Own Food By Brandon Smith In early 2020 in the midst of the covid lockdowns, blue states run by leftist governors pursued mandates with extreme prejudice. In red states like Montana, after the first month or two most of us simply ignored the […]

EI livestream: Stopping Israel’s Gaza ground war

Join us this afternoon for our first livestream since Israel announced its “expanded ground operation” in Gaza on Friday. Timezones: 6 pm Palestine time / 4 pm GMT / 4 pm UK / 5pm CET / 11 am CT / 12 pm ET / 9 am PT UK VIEWERS, PLEASE NOTE: Due to the clock […]

Mike Stone – Thank Putin for Stopping the COVID Hoax

“As if in answer to the prayers of millions of people around the world,  Russia began its military rescue operation in Ukraine.  And just like that, everything changed.  Almost to the day that Russia began its military operation,  the virus hoax stopped. And I mean stopped on a dime.” You Are Witnessing the Collapse of […]

Heart-Stopping Trend: Myocarditis Rates Are So High That Dr. McCullough Reports Seeing Two Cases PER DAY

“Before COVID-19, I saw two cases of myocarditis my entire career … Now I see two cases per day in the clinic. It’s that frequent,” he lamented. Cho and colleagues reported data from Korea and found 480 myocarditis cases and 21 deaths in one paper. “COVID-19 vaccine-induced myocarditis is fatal,” Dr. McCullough continued. “And people […]

What the flock? Sheep walk around in a circle ‘for TWELVE DAYS without stopping

Kinda like the American sheep. When Jesus the Christ called the sheeple sheep, it was NOT a term of endearment. I have come to understand why Lucifer was punished for giving knowledge to sheep who could not understand the ramifications of that knowledge. The closet yankee queer atheist communist shyster rail road lawyer war criminal […]

The “Saviors of the West” Stopping Ukrainians to Check for “Nazi” Tattoos

Here we have a recent video of the “Based Russians” chasing down Ukrainians in the street to publicly humiliate them and check for “Nazi” and “Fascist” tattoos. Source

Nuclear Psyops, Stopping Transmission Lie, Virus-Mimicking Nanotech & Your Happy Technocratic Prison

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Subscribe: Email | RSS Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (10/14/22). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for […]

They Are Not Stopping: Bill Gates Invests a New $200 Million in Digital ID Surveillance System Based on Vaccine Passports

Sign of another pandemic coming that “will get attention,” in Gates’ words? Above image : Gates with Klaus Schwab at World Economic Forum Via Life Site News, October 7, 2022: “Gates Foundation gives $200 million to help establish global digital ID system of surveillance” “One commentator explained that ‘of all the other means of identifying […]

US, Saudi agree on stopping Iran getting nuclear weapons in joint statement

The United states and Saudi Arabia agreed on the importance of stopping Iran from "acquiring a nuclear weapon", during a visit by US President Joe Biden, Reuters reported a joint statement carried by the Saudi state news agency (SPA) as saying. The statement said Biden also affirmed the United States' continued commitment to supporting "Saudi Arabia's […]

Without Stopping War, Extreme Hunger Will Continue to Increase

If the war in Ukraine, that was initiated three months ago, does not end, and without a reduction in the growing number of conflicts in other parts of the world, hunger will only continue to increase. As rarely seen in recent history, issues related to agrifood systems and world food security are at the centre of […]

UK Government Admits Evidence For Face Masks Stopping Virus Spread in Schools “Not Conclusive”

The UK government had admitted that the evidence for the efficacy of face masks stopping the spread of COVID-19 in schools is “not conclusive.” Schools were ordered once again to instruct pupils to wear face masks in classrooms to stop the spread of Omicron, despite warnings that the face coverings are damaging learning. Now authorities […]

Covid microchip developer says there’s no stopping roll-out: ‘Whether we like it or not!’

THE DEVELOPER of a controversial new Covid microchip that is embedded in the skin has hit back at critics who slammed the project in an exclusive interview with By Antony Ashkenaz 00:00, Mon, Jan 3, 2022 | UPDATED: 00:01, Mon, Jan 3, 2022 1.6k Sage expert slams Boris for avoiding COVID restrictions We use […]

Stopping The War Machine For One Day

I’ve attended most of the major antiwar protests in Washington since 9/11. At a 2005 protest, a cop tried to whack me on the head with a wooden pole. At a 2007 protest, I snapped a picture showing George W. Bush swinging by the U.S. Capitol. But my favorite protest was a potent little ruckus that I almost missed. On […]

Stopping antimicrobial resistance is the bedrock for advancing universal health coverage

Universal Health Coverage (UHC) Day is 12 December Stopping antimicrobial resistance by promoting infection prevention, responsible and appropriate use of antimicrobial medicines in human health, livestock and food systems, is the bedrock for promoting universal health coverage. Failing this, the absence of efficacious antimicrobials will effectively return the world to the pre-antibiotic era before the […]

Politician Who Was a Force Majeure in Stopping Biden’s Illegal Vaxx Mandate

by Admin · Published November 20, 2021 · Updated November 20, 2021 [embedded content] Joe Biden Suffers Major Defeat. Gov’t Agency Refuses to Enforce His Order | DM CLIPS | Rubin Report Source

Stopping the environmental Nakba

Editor’s Note: The following statement was issued by the Palestine Institute for Biodiversity and Sustainability on the occasion of the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) currently underway in Glasgow, Scotland. Mondoweiss occasionally publishes press releases and statements from organizations in an effort to draw attention to overlooked issues. Statement from the Palestine Institute for Biodiversity and […]

Washington’s Assembly Line for Retraining Soldiers in Syria Isn’t Stopping

According to the Syrian news agency SANA, on September 19, US Air Force helicopters transported two new groups of militants to their base in Al-Shaddadah in Al-Hasakah Governorate, northeastern Syria, for retraining. There were about 60 people in total who had previously fought in the ranks of the terrorist group ISIS (banned in the Russian […]

US sues Texas to block state troopers from stopping migrants

The Biden administration sued Texas on Friday to prevent state troopers from stopping vehicles carrying migrants on grounds that they may spread COVID-19, warning that the practice would exacerbate problems amid high levels of crossings on the state’s border with Mexico The Justice Department asked for an immediate block on Gov. Greg Abbott s order […]

German Study: Lockdown ‘Had No Effect’ on Stopping Spread of Coronavirus

A major new study by German scientists at Munich University has found that lockdowns had no effect on reducing the country’s coronavirus infection rate. Oh! “Statisticians at Munich University found “no direct connection” between the German lockdown and falling infection rates in the country,” reports the Telegraph. The study found that, on all three occasions […]

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