Posts Tagged ‘environmental’

Environmental groups protest outside Amazon on Prime Day demanding company strengthen climate commitments

The demonstration, which shut down Sixth Avenue, was led by environmental advocacy groups including and the Ship It Zero coalition, climate and community advocates. Source

How the US financial system helps shelter profits from environmental organized crime

Environmental organized crime is a massive global enterprise, bringing in hundreds of billions of dollars each year — and the U.S. financial system appears to be helping conceal its profits. Interpol estimates that environmental crime such as poaching and illegal logging generates up to $281 billion a year, making it the third-most lucrative illegal business worldwide. Although… […]

GOP attorneys general petition against EPA’s use of civil rights law for environmental justice

The petition, if successful, could have dire consequences for communities living near industrial sites. Source

Supreme Court weighs EPA’s smog plan in historic environmental case

In a pivotal hearing, the Supreme Court deliberates on the EPA’s cross-state smog control strategy, with far-reaching implications for public health and air quality nationwide.” Source

Trinidad and Tobago faces historic environmental crisis with massive oil spill

Trinidad and Tobago is on the brink of declaring its first-ever Level 3 disaster following an extensive oil spill that originated from a capsized vessel off the coast of Tobago. The spill, emanating from the mysterious ship named Gulfstream, has wreaked havoc on over 25 miles of pristine coastline, endangering the coral reefs, Atlantic beaches, […]

Apple masters of deception, environmental vandals, makers of overpriced lacklustre products

Apple is a corporation that is against its consumers or ‘customers’. It lies about privacy, and its business model is questionable to say the least. The so called reviewers of Apple products are either (secretly) paid handsomely, ‘fan boys’ of Apple, or just cheap corporate whores. See explanation:  Apple’s iOS is NOTHING to write home […]

eWeek highlights digitalization’s growing environmental footprint

Image Credit: Shutterstock/KPixMining As the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development eWeek 2023 convened last week, the conference highlighted digitalization’s environmental costs on the planet. The digital transformation the world has seen is causing raw material depletion, an increase in water and energy use, and more pollution and waste, the speakers said. From online […]

A whistleblower reveals dozens of Scotland’s  ‘environmental-friendly’ windmills rely on diesel generators

Hopefully folk are realizing now that the WEF, UN lot are all lies and hypocrisy. Thanks to Shane for the link: Scotland’s power sector is being criticized after it was revealed that dozens of giant turbines have been using diesel generators. The information came from a whistleblower who says the environmental-friendly windmills were only turning […]

The unseen cost of cigarette pollution: Billions in environmental damage

The yearly economic cost of cigarette plastic waste amounts to approximately $26 billion. Source

Chaco Canyon’s future: a pledge for environmental justice and tribal rights

The Honoring Chaco Initiative (HCI), launched by the U.S. Department of the Interior, represents a beacon of hope for the Greater Chaco Region—a culturally rich and ecologically sensitive area in northern New Mexico. This ambitious initiative proposes a 20-year ban on new oil and gas drilling and fracking in the region, marking a significant shift […]

U.S. Lawyer Accused Of Shooting 2 Environmental Protesters Dead In Panama

Shocking video shows the gunman, who police identified as 77-year-old Kenneth Darlington, opening fire on environmental protesters blocking a highway. Source

Greta Thunberg Gives Finger to Opponents of New EU Environmental Legislation

Greta Thunberg was photographed at the European Parliament in Strasbourg last Wednesday smiling broadly while flipping a double-bird – apparently to the opponents of heavily contested new EU environmental legislation known as the “Nature Restoration Law”.  According to the German news site, it was a “winner’s gesture” – if not the most sporting one […]

Apple the environmental vandals

Sabotage, hired goons, and a landfill in Utah: this is a story about the life, death, and afterlife of Apple’s most pioneering flop, the Lisa computer. How it inspired generations of computers to follow; how Steve Jobs championed it, then turned against it; and how an outsider gave it another chance…before Apple closed the door […]

Angkor: A Once-Flourishing Civilization Doomed by Environmental Destruction (Video)

The ancient city of Angkor in Southeast Asia was once a thriving metropolis, home to the Khmer civilization and their massive temple complex, Angkor Wat. However, despite its grandeur, the city’s downfall was inevitable.  Read more Section:  News Ancient Places Asia Videos Read Later  Source

US Supertankers Pose an Environmental Threat to Europe

The US aims to ship oil to the EU by massive tankers as a result of Washington’s sanctions campaign against Russia and the requirement it placed upon Europe to purchase a sizeable amount of American oil as a result. Specifically, these tankers include the 320,000-ton Very Large Crude Carrier (VLCC) and the 200,000-ton Suezmax vessel. […]

Ohio train derailment highlights Democrats’ environmental hypocrisy, reveals this about the disaster

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) No one does fearmongering quite like Washington.(Article by Jack Spencer republished from lawmakers in our nation’s capital are constantly screaming about the horrors of CO2 and methane. They find gas and oil environmental boogeymen under every bed and in every closet when it comes to gas and … [Read More…] Source

In National First, Australia Uses Environmental Law to Reject New Coal Mine to Protect Great Barrier Reef

In National First, Australia Uses Environmental Law to Reject New Coal Mine to Protect Great Barrier Reef By: Olivia Rosane Updated: February 10, 2023  Edited by Irma Omerhodzic The Great Barrier Reef. Grant Faint / Getty Images The Australian government on Wednesday rejected a proposed open pit coal mine that would have been located less […]

Single-use plastic production on the rise in 2021 despite environmental impact, new report finds

Image Credit: Plastic Free July Despite a growing awareness of the environmental impact of single-use plastic, production rose to an all-time high in 2021. A new report conducted by Minderoo Foundation, an Australian-based philanthropic organization, found single-use plastic production increased to 139 million metric tons in 2021—up 6 million metric tons from 2019. This new […]

City council’s ‘green’ bicycle lane an environmental farce!

Australia is a ‘money for mates’ (penal) colony, and the businesses called ‘city councils’ are rife with fraud. Useless positions are created within councils that Australian tax payers (usually ‘mums & dads’) have to fraudulently support. So called ‘environmental’ officers is just one example, people who literally have no qualifications to take on such a […]

CIA Report Says “Havana Syndrome” May Be Caused by “environmental factors, unidentified health problems and stress”

Experts have been claiming for years that “Havana Syndrome” (diagnosed in American government employees and their family members) is likely being caused by exposure to electromagnetic and/or microwave energy also known as radio frequency (RF) Source

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