Posts Tagged ‘civil’

How Sudan’s Civil War Was Aided By The US’ Israel Normalization Agenda

The US government recently condemned an attack that murdered over 100 civilians in the Wad al-Noura area of Sudan, committed by the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) who are waring with Sudanese military. Yet, Washington’s projected outrage over the ongoing atrocities committed in the North African nation are tantamount to a cover-up of the US government’s […]

ODIOUS ISRAELI WAR CRIMES! Palestinian Civil Defense: Disease will spread from the 10,000 decomposing bodies buried under the rubble in Gaza

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“The truth as we know it is over.” “Civil War” star on how it really could happen here.

The biggest movie in the country right now is about a civil war — in America. If you see the film “Civil War” at a theater in downtown Washington, the scenes of the Lincoln Memorial exploding and the White House being attacked are jarring when you exit into the D.C. air. The movie is writer […]

The US-Israeli Hand In Sudan’s Horrifying Civil War

Since the eruption of a horrifying civil war inside Sudan, in April of 2023, some 8 million Sudanese have been forced from their homes and around 18 million face acute food shortages. Yet, similar to the horrors ongoing in the Congo and Yemen, this crisis garners little to no attention in the corporate media. That […]

GOP attorneys general petition against EPA’s use of civil rights law for environmental justice

The petition, if successful, could have dire consequences for communities living near industrial sites. Source

Fighting the GOP Civil War, Texas Style

BEAUMONT, Texas — Forget the anti-climactic finale of the presidential primary, the most revealing Super Tuesday campaigns are taking place in Texas — and none more than in this swamp-and-refinery filled corner of the state, where the House speaker is at risk of falling victim to Washington-style political tribalism. Speaker Dade Phelan, the scion of […]

American society is spinning out of control: What you need to do now to prepare for massive civil unrest and violence

(NaturalNews) It doesn’t take any brilliant analytical mind to discern that American society is losing its rudder and that there are powerful forces seeking to… Source

Trudeau Government Is Sued Over Emergencies Act, Freezing Civil Liberties Protesters’ Ban Accounts

Trudeau’s authoritarian overreach, which a court ruled was unconstitutional, is being challenged by the victims of his actions. Source

Andrew Wommack Says It Would Be Worth Having A Civil War To Turn This Nation Back To God

“FlashPoint” is a Christian nationalist program produced by televangelist Kenneth Copeland’s Victory Channel network that is poised to hit the road in 2024, seeking to mobilize conservative Christians heading into the November elections. Featuring a rotating roster of MAGA cultists, self-proclaimed “prophets,” and various conspiracy theorists, “FlashPoint” is scheduled to make its first stop at […]

Silent War Ep. 6361: Civil War Setups, Freaky Eclipse, Censorship! Rebellions.

In this episode of The Silent War: Calling Someone ‘Transphobic’ In Florida Could Cost Accusers $35,000 Or More Under New Law… or it could be a CENSORSHIP BACK DOOR. “It Must Be Stopped”: 12 Agriculture Officials Warn Largest U.S. Banks About Net Zero Agenda. Ben Shapiro Mocks Christian Child, Rachel Corrie, Bulldozed by Jews in […]

Texas lieutenant governor discusses possibility of civil war breaking out over migration crisis

(NaturalNews) The nation has been watching carefully as the Biden administration and the state of Texas battle over how the influx of illegal immigrants at the… Source

Jan 25 – Civil War Erupts Over Biden’s Treasonous Migrant Policy

(Texas is defying Supreme Court order to remove razor wire.) Texas is not backing down! Governor Abbot just released a letter explaining why Biden is violating the constitution. Texas is officially challenging the United States governments unconstitutional actions. Va, SD, Oklahoma and Florida stand with Texas. Even New York Gov Hochul applauds. “Virginia […]

Israeli media warns settlers to ‘prepare for a civil war’

January 18, 2024 Source: Israeli media Israeli settlers protest against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government in “Tel Aviv”, on Saturday, December 30, 2023 (AP) Israeli newspaper Haaretz says Netanyahu’s conduct is pushing the entity toward the verge of exploding. By Al Mayadeen English Israeli newspaper Haaretz warned settlers on Thursday to “prepare for a civil war,” pointing […]

The Moral Obligation of Civil Disobedience

My childhood was unique. I attended St. Agnes School in the Oakland neighborhood of the City of Pittsburgh. Contrary to what one might expect, I was one of only a handful of Catholic students enrolled in the school; the typical student at St. Agnes School was black and non-Catholic, with their parents seeking a place […]

Patrick O’Carroll – Freemasons Engineered the US Civil War

In the US Civil War, the Rothschilds  hoped to divide America into two bite-sized chunks. The 14th Amendment,  adopted on 9 Jul 1868, transformed all Americans,  whether black or white, from sovereigns to subjects,  meaning slaves or tax-cattle.   by Patrick O’Carroll ( Recently, Donald Trump said that Abe Lincoln could have “prevented” the American Civil […]

‘Pile of bulls–t’: New Hampshire GOPers give Haley a pass on Civil War remarks

LEBANON, New Hampshire — Republican voters in New Hampshire seemed poised to give Nikki Haley a pass after she declined to identify slavery as a cause of the Civil War at a New Hampshire town hall Wednesday night. Appearing at the former U.N. ambassador’s events the next day, several attendees said the remarks were overblown. […]

The GOP Backs Trump – Kennedy Warns of Civil War

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Combating censorship: Pressley’s bill targets discriminatory book bans as civil rights violations

In a bold move against escalating book bans, Rep. Ayanna Pressley introduces a legislative response to safeguard diversity and freedom in literature. Source

Dec 18 – Cyberattack. Civil War. Hollywood’s Predictive Programming

(Left, after a cyberattack, self-driving Teslas leave dealer lots and pile up on highways.) Despite the Obama’s participation, “Leave the World Behind” does not come across as a woke movie. Yes, the main character, a sympathetic Black professional says, “there is no evil Cabal. It’s all happening by accident,” the Whites are not demonized. It’s on Netflix. […]

WOWSER! Joe Bankman and Barbara Fried Facing Potential Civil and Criminal Exposure Due to Alleged Involvement With FTX Fraud

Joe Bankman and Barbara Fried Facing Potential Civil and Criminal Exposure Due to Alleged Involvement With FTX Fraud Source

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