Posts Tagged ‘patrick’

Patrick O’Carroll – Toxic Ingredients in “Vaccine” BioWeapons

(l. David Ayoub, MD) When Rockefeller scientists “study” human reproduction,  or viruses, or ANYTHING for that matter, they are not trying  to HELP people but they are looking for ways to  STERILIZE, DEBILITATE, and GENOCIDE them. THE KEY ROLE OF MERCURY AND ALUMINUM IN BIOWEAPONS THAT MASQUERADE AS “VACCINES” By Patrick O’Connell (  For at […]

Patrick O’Carroll- The Ten Deadliest Plandemics in History

The central banking cartel has found a novel way  to eliminate freedom and kill us. Satanists worship death and suffering – ours. They sacrifice us to Satan. They control by corrupting our morals and making us sick. (No headlines today. Nothing new stands out.)   by Parick O’Carroll (    #1 THE COVID-PHARMA GENOCIDE OF […]

Patrick O’Carroll – Talmud is the Jewish Book of Hate

I apologize for this breach of good taste but contributor O’Carroll insists on reminding us of the source of much of the hate humanity feels. The majority of Jews have never read the Talmud ( I didn’t.) But, unfortunately, these disgusting views inform Organized Jewry which is responsible for Communism, Zionism, globalism, the Plandemic, and […]

Patrick O’Carroll – Hitler was a Mind-Controlled Zionist Puppet

 As an “Illuminati Programmed Multiple”, Adolf Hitler was programmed and controlled by British intelligence who have always been a Rothschild play thing. by Patrick O’Carroll  (   In 1913, Hitler showed no signs whatsoever of what he later became. During this period of his life, he associated almost exclusively with Jews.  Hitler’s business-partners at this time […]

Patrick O’Carroll- Chlorine in Drinking Water Causes Cardiovascular Disease

“Around 1970, China jumped on this same bandwagon  by launching its own heart-disease business after it first  launched its own water-chlorination program too.  By an “amazing” “coincidence”, heart-disease in China  was virtually unknown before the “Illuminati” got the brainwave  of chlorinating China’s municipal water supplies.  Afterwards, heart-disease in China skyrocketed.  This is called industrial “progress” […]

Patrick O’Carroll – Bank of England is a Criminal Conspiracy

Liz Truss spent decades in politics while remaining blissfully unaware that her Tory Party is owned and controlled by London’s Zionist House of Rothschild. This may explain while she only lasted 49 days as Prime Minister (Sept.-Oct 2022.) The US and UK are private corporations owned by the Rothschilds and operated by Israel. by Patrick […]

Patrick O’Carroll- The Global War on the Human Brain

“ILLUMINATI” MIND-CONTROL BY ATTACKING THE HIPPOCAMPUS  Throughout the world, mental capacity is declining, especially among young people, while depression rates are rising dramatically. Meanwhile, one in forty men and women suffers from Alzheimer’s, and the age of onset is falling rapidly. . The hippocampus is a complex brain structure embedded deep into temporal lobe.  It […]

Patrick O’Carroll – The Satanist Vendetta Against God’s Chosen People: The Germans

“Anyone who knows the Germans knows that Jesus MUST well have meant people like them when, in Matthew 5, He said “You are the Salt of the Earth … and the Light of the World” (“Ihr seid das Salz der Erde … und das Licht der Welt”).  “But the biggest secret the Talmudists kept covered up for […]

Patrick O’Carroll – Freemasons Engineered the US Civil War

In the US Civil War, the Rothschilds  hoped to divide America into two bite-sized chunks. The 14th Amendment,  adopted on 9 Jul 1868, transformed all Americans,  whether black or white, from sovereigns to subjects,  meaning slaves or tax-cattle.   by Patrick O’Carroll ( Recently, Donald Trump said that Abe Lincoln could have “prevented” the American Civil […]

Patrick O’Carroll– Jewish Ritual Murder – Who’s Next?

Organized Jewry is waging a war against God and man.  Cabalist Judaism is a satanic cult masquerading as a religion.  “Jewish law is specific that the victim at Passover must be a white child under the age of seven, who must be bled white, crowned with thorns, tortured, beaten, stabbed and finally given the last […]

Patrick O’Carroll – Natanyahu Groomed to be a Satanist

Satanic Jews (Cabalists) believe Armageddon is a prerequisite for  the coming of the Messiah. Netanyahu may be following this script. Related- “Creative Destruction” & 6uild 6ack 6etter:  By Patrick O’Carroll ( Before he became a ZioNazi, Benjamin Netanyahu was a furniture marketing executive. His first job as a public-serpent was as a “diplomat” posted to the […]

Patrick O’Carroll – Our “Leaders” are Mind-Controlled Puppets CLINTON’S “MAKEUP DUMMY PERSONALITY” AND WHAT IT REVEALS “And if you look at the history of Benjamin Netanyahu, you see a dark-occultist [Satanist], you do NOT see a Jew.” Netanyahu is a non-Semitic Pole, who is the son of Ben zion Mileikowsky, who was an assistant to Vladimir Jabotinsky, the founder of the […]

Patrick Henningsen HOW MANY CIVILIANS IN GAZA NEED TO DIE BEFORE ISRAELIS AND AMERICANS CALL FOR A #CEASEFIRENOW? Anyone who is not demanding a ceasefire and end to the industrial-scale killing of the native Palestinian population now in #Gaza – has become so cold and calculated, and has lost touch with human empathy. You cannot rationalise […]

Elise Stefanik ‘Strongly’ Opposes Patrick McHenry as Acting Speaker, Supports Jim Jordan

Elise Stefanik renewed her support for Speaker-designate Jim Jordan while “strongly” opposing Patrick McHenry as acting Speaker. Source

Patrick O’Carroll – Israelis Have Permission to be Be Racist

  Moshe Feiglin, deputy speaker of the Knesset: “One hair on the head of an Israeli soldier is more precious than the entire Gazan populace” WHAT “FAIR” ISRAELI PUPPETICIANS THINK AND SAY ABOUT PALESTINIANS  by Patrick O’Carroll ( All the following statements sound like verbatim quotes from the Satanic Talmud: Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel’s prime minister, […]

Acting Speaker Patrick McHenry Orders Pelosi to Vacate Her Capitol Hideaway Office

Acting Speaker, Rep. Patrick McHenry has evicted Nany Pelosi from her Capitol hideaway office. On Tuesday Pelosi was told to “Please vacate the space tomorrow, the room will be re-keyed” Patrick McHenry of North Carolina […] The post Acting Speaker Patrick McHenry Orders Pelosi to Vacate Her Capitol Hideaway Office appeared first on The People's […]

Patrick O’Carroll – Cabalists Plot Goy Holocaust

   Left, Satanic Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi calls for the genocide of over 6 billion Goyim “Livestock” Patrick O’Carroll: “I feel these TWO videos are horrendously important.  Most Jewish people are OBLIVIOUS to what kind of evil prevails at the very top of their religion. This religion is just NOT interested in converting any non-believers, just killing […]

Patrick O’Carroll – Ukraine Has Left the West Defenceless

THE CZECH DEFECTOR GEN. JAN SEJNA   “By now, the Marxist Biden Regime (which is 95 percent Zionist or Bolshevik-Zionist) has wholly succeeded in depleting the USA’s stock of arms and ammunitions, by using the ploy of the Ukraine War and by collapsing the supply chains (notably from China) so that the USA will soon […]

Exclusive: Veterans for America First Endorses Patrick Morrisey for West Virginia Governor

Veterans for America First endorsed West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey’s (R) bid for governor on Tuesday, Breitbart News can exclusively reveal. Source

ACH (2139) Dr. Patrick Slattery – The Bloviators #3 – British Sitcoms

In today’s show originally broadcast on May 2 2023, Andy presents “The Bloviators” with his co-host Dr. Patrick Slattery for a show entitled, “British Sitcoms.” We discussed: Father Ted; Fawlty Towers; Blackadder; Yes Minister; Are You Being Served; and many other topics. Click Here For Patrick’s National Bugle Website Click Here For Patrick’s Free Show […]

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