Posts Tagged ‘cardiovascular’

Patrick O’Carroll- Chlorine in Drinking Water Causes Cardiovascular Disease

“Around 1970, China jumped on this same bandwagon  by launching its own heart-disease business after it first  launched its own water-chlorination program too.  By an “amazing” “coincidence”, heart-disease in China  was virtually unknown before the “Illuminati” got the brainwave  of chlorinating China’s municipal water supplies.  Afterwards, heart-disease in China skyrocketed.  This is called industrial “progress” […]

Intermittent fasting tied to a higher risk of cardiovascular death, research shows 

Intermittent fasting — a diet that cycles between voluntary fasting and non-fasting periods — could be linked to a higher risk of dying from cardiovascular disease, according to a new analysis. The analysis, first presented Monday at the American Heart Association’s scientific sessions in Chicago, found that people who limit eating food to less than eight… […]

Excess Deaths From Cardiovascular Diseases Up 44% Last Year Among UK Citizens Aged 15-44: Report

A new and disturbing analysis reveals that excess deaths from cardiovascular diseases have jumped in the UK over the past several years. Source

Ed Dowd Drops Devastating Report on Cardiovascular Deaths in the UK

Originally Published on Vigilant News What was initially an observation is now measurable: young people, in the prime of their lives, are dying at unprecedented rates. Ed Dowd, a former BlackRock portfolio manager and data analyst, has highlighted a concerning surge in cardiovascular deaths in the UK — and the numbers are alarming. The Data […]

3 Top Micronutrients for Cardiovascular Health

Story at-a-glance Heart disease is the No. 1 cause of death in the U.S., killing one person every 34 seconds.1 Your diet plays a prominent role in your heart health, but the role of individual micronutrients continues to be debated. Brown University researchers conducted a study to determine which micronutrients are best for your heart.2 […]

Since Pfizer Vaccines are causing Heart Attacks Why Not buy a Cardiovascular Biopharma Company for $6.7Bn!!

» Max Igan – This is What it Has Come to Folks 🙁Yesterday at 7:23 pm by PurpleSkyz » Since Pfizer Vaccines are causing Heart Attacks Why Not buy a Cardiovascular Biopharma Company for $6.7Bn!!Yesterday at 11:54 am by PurpleSkyz » SICK. New Jersey TV Ad Exploits Santa to Push COVID-19 Vaccination on Kids Yesterday at 11:45 am by PurpleSkyz » Cylinder […]

Pfizer is Buying a Cardiovascular Biopharma Company for $6.7Bn.

Pfizer is about to buy Arena Pharmaceuticals for $6.7 billion. Arena is a biopharmaceutical company focused in part on cardiovascular and inflammatory medicines to a global patient cohort. A majority of mainstream news outlets have focused their reportage on Arena’s bowel disease treatment, while failing to mention the firm’s cardiovascular research. Utah-based Arena has existing partnerships […]

Hate Beets? Learn How to Gain Better Cognitive, Cardiovascular and Athletic Performance

By Erin Chamerlik, MS, MT(ASCP) Beets are a healthy vegetable but how often do they appear on your plate? Let’s talk about what you are missing if you are not eating organic beets either fresh or prepared in a way to preserve the nutrients (not canned). In this article are solutions for those following a low-carb […]

More Fruits and Veggies Could Prevent Millions of Cardiovascular Deaths

By GreenMedInfo Research Group Consuming fruits and vegetables every day can keep your heart beating, quite literally, with mounting research connecting low fruit and vegetable intake with an increased incidence of cardiovascular deaths. These study findings can save lives, as heart disease remains the top killer across the globe Low fruit and vegetable intake may […]

Egg-xactly: Eating organic eggs does not increase your risk for cardiovascular disease

(Natural News) Eggs are sometimes referred to as “nature’s perfect food,” and it’s easy to see why. They’re healthy, easy to digest, and complete, and consuming them can even help you reduce your weight. Full of nutrients like B-vitamins, iron and zinc, they’re also incredibly nutritious. With so many benefits, you’d think […]

Thousands of premature deaths from cardiovascular disease in the U.S. linked to historical lead exposure

(Natural News) More than 250,000 early deaths due to cardiovascular disease in the U.S. have been linked to historical lead exposure in middle-aged and older adults, according to a study published in the journal The Lancet Public Health. The study found that low-level lead exposure increased the risk of premature deaths, particularly from cardiovascular […]

Calcium decreases the risk of cardiovascular disease in women

(Natural News) You’ve probably already heard how great proper calcium intake is for bone health, particularly in women. However, this nutrient can also be highly beneficial for heart health. You might have actually heard the opposite – that supplementing with calcium can increase a person’s risk of heart disease – but there’s […]

Diets rich in fat and "bad" cholesterol found to weaken cardiovascular function

(Natural News) Bacon may taste good, but it’s bad for your heart. Diets rich in fat and cholesterol found to weaken cardiovascular function by turning the artery-protecting immune cells into promoters of inflammation. This in turn would worsen atherosclerotic plaque buildup that occurs in cardiovascular disease. The study, published in the journal […]

Fasting Reduces Your Cardiovascular Risk

April 3rd, 2018 By Natasha Longo Intermittent energy restriction diets such as the 5:2 diet clears fat from the blood quicker after eating meals compared with daily calorie restriction diets, reducing an important risk factor for cardiovascular disease, a new study in the British Journal of Nutrition reports. Intermittent fasting allows the body to use fat as it’s […]

An apple a day really does work: The flavonoid-rich fruit improves cardiovascular health, decreases risk of disease

(Natural News) Apples once again show that they can keep the doctor away. A study has found that the flavonoid-rich fruit enhances cardiovascular health and reduces the risk of disease by improving endothelial function. Just eat it with its skin for more benefits. Past studies have shown that there is an inverse […]

A Closer Look At The Relationship Between Mercury & Cardiovascular Disease

Next Story Mercury’s toxic properties have been apparent for centuries. Nonetheless, from the time of the first Emperor of China on, doctors have been fascinated with the metal’s purported curative properties. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, health practitioners blithely used mercury as a medical treatment for everything from syphilis to teething discomfort to dysentery. As early as the 1820s, some […]

Those with a high cardiovascular risk profile should eat dark chocolate with olive oil, new study finds

(Natural News) In recent years, the medical community has put a lot of effort into educating people about reducing their cholesterol levels in order to protect their heart health. Of course, those who do have elevated cholesterol levels are often prescribed statin drugs like Lipitor, Zocor and others to lower these levels. In fact, these […]

Chlorella found to dramatically improve cardiovascular health

(Natural News) A meta-analysis of chlorella supplementation, published in the journal Clinical Nutrition, reveals that chlorella helps support the cardiovascular system, as reported by Previous studies on chlorella had varied findings because of the differences in their study designs and subjects. Moreover, the findings were “not fully conclusive,” according to the researchers at Shahrekord […]

Possible fire on board EgyptAir MS804 flight before crash – black box data

     Data retrieved from the crashed EgyptAir flight recorders has confirmed reports suggesting that the plane caught on fire before disappearing from radars and plunging into the Mediterranean, killing 66 passengers in May, investigators said. “Recorded data is showing consistency with ACARS [Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System] messages of lavatory and avionics smoke,” the […]

10 Signs of Our Global Awakening

8th June 2016 By Paul A. Philips Guest writer for Wake Up World Since time immemorial, under the ruling thumb of the world’s dark overlords, humanity has been hacked, stymied, suppressed and coerced into submission through mind controlling, soul destroying atrocity. Those unable to see that just about every subject under the sun is a deception and […]

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