Posts Tagged ‘fruits’

CDC issues food safety alert over recalled fruits linked to LISTERIA outbreak

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued a “food safety alert” over a deadly bacterial outbreak linked to whole fruits sold around the country. According to the Nov. 23 CDC alert, three fruits sold by HMC Farms – peaches, nectarines and plums – may be contaminated with the Listeria monocytogenes bacterium. The […]

‘You will know them by their fruits’

This time next royal holiday weekend, we may not be able to write such opinion pieces as this. There’s certain alarm right now at the regime’s new proposals to shut folk up & stop them speaking their minds, let alone speaking uncomfortable truths. And today we hear of our ‘dearly departed Ardern’s’ new title (that […]

Tasty Treasures: 3,000 Plants, Spices, and Fruits Found on 15th Century Norse Shipwreck

A remarkable discovery has been made by archaeologists of preserved plants, spices, and fruit aboard a sunken Norse ship from the 15th century.  Read more Section:  News History & Archaeology Read Later  Source

How to Wash Vegetables and Fruits to Remove Pesticides

From Get proven tips on how to wash vegetables and how to wash fruits so you can protect your health and your family. Almost everyone should be eating more fruits and vegetables. You know that. But do you know why it’s important to wash your produce before eating it? In our modern world, almost […]

Exporting IQF fruits and vegetables to 5 continents

Exporting IQF fruits and vegetables to 5 continents – Tehran%20Times Agrofood fair was held from September 22-25, 2021 at Tehran International Permanent Fairgrounds. With a history of 23 years in the industry, Nobar Sabz company welcomed visitors at hall 8-9 as the first manufacturer and exporter of frozen fruits and vegetables at Agrofood fair 2021. […]

Exporting 2m tons of fruits on agenda

Exporting 2m tons of fruits on agenda – Tehran%20Times TEHRAN – Head of Tehran Fruit and Vegetable Traders Union has said his union is planning to export over two million tons of fruits in the current Iranian calendar year (ends in March 2022), ILNA reported. “This year, our total production will be 4.5 million tons, […]

Exports of dried fruits, nuts up 28% in a quarter on year

Exports of dried fruits, nuts up 28% in a quarter on year – Tehran%20Times TEHRAN – The value of the Iranian exports of dried fruits, nuts and seeds in the first quarter of the current Iranian calendar year (March 21-June 21) increased by 28 percent compared to the same period last year, a senior official […]

Exports of dried fruits, nuts up 36% in 2 months yr/yr

Exports of dried fruits, nuts up 36% in 2 months yr/yr – Tehran%20Times TEHRAN – The value of the Iranian exports of dried fruits, nuts and seeds in the first two months of the current Iranian calendar year (March 21-May 21) increased by 36 percent compared to the same period last year, a senior official […]

‘Fruits of Peace’: Beitar Will Remain a Bastion of Israeli Racism

December 26, 2020 Beitar Jerusalem is well known for its anti-Arab, anti-Muslim bias and for its violent, racist supporters. (Photo: File) By Issam Khalidi Just recently Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Nahyan, a member of the UAE royal family, has pledged to invest 300 million shekels, or about $90 million, into the Beitar (Jerusalem) club over the next […]

More Fruits and Veggies Could Prevent Millions of Cardiovascular Deaths

By GreenMedInfo Research Group Consuming fruits and vegetables every day can keep your heart beating, quite literally, with mounting research connecting low fruit and vegetable intake with an increased incidence of cardiovascular deaths. These study findings can save lives, as heart disease remains the top killer across the globe Low fruit and vegetable intake may […]

The Amazing Healing Properties of 13 Common Fruits

By Sayer Ji Crouching Produce Stand, Hidden Medicine Cabinet Fruit is not only enjoyable to eat — as it should be, considering the very word fruit stems from the Latin word frui, meaning “to enjoy, use” — but it also nourishes and protects the body with powerful, built-in medicinal activity. Fruits are by design a […]

Lycopene is found in a variety of fruits, offering an array of antioxidant carotenoid benefits

(Natural News) Lycopene, a compound that occurs in a variety of fruits, provides antioxidant carotenoid benefits, according to a study published in the journal Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia. The study looked at the lycopene content of various fresh fruits, which included tomatoes, watermelons, jackfruits, bananas, grapes, oranges, and papayas. The researcher […]

8 Vegetables That Are Actually Fruits

Think you know your fruits from your vegetables? You’ll be surprised. There are many fruits in the plant kingdom that are often mistaken as vegetables. Now, this simply means that some foods may be classified as fruits biologically but are often used as vegetables in savory dishes and hence the confusion. In botanical terms, a fruit is […]

Disease has an inverse relationship with nutrition: Eat more fruits and vegetables to reduce risk of nearly all disease, research finds

(Natural News) A team of scientists from Imperial College London pulled together all the world’s available population studies that document fruit and vegetable intake. The ninety-five studies included two million people and accounted for 112,000 cases of cancer, 81,000 cases of cardiovascular disease, 47,000 cases of stroke, 43,000 cases of heart disease, and 94,000 premature […]

Dates Are One of the Healthiest Fruits in the World

By Alanna Ketler I have to admit, I avoided dates for years because I always thought they were the same thing as prunes, which as a kid I was NOT a fan of. But, after learning about some of the amazing health benefits packed into these sweet little fruits, I decided it was time to give […]

Eating Citrus Fruits Lowers Risk of Dementia by 23 Percent, Study Finds

(NaturalHealth365) New research is indicating that eating more oranges, grapefruits and other citrus fruits could help to offset the effects of age-related cognitive impairment and dementia. The research was conducted by scientists at Tohuku University in Japan. Keep in mind (no pun intended), that these benefits of eating citrus fruits were found to be substantial. […]

Fruits and vegetables found to lower blood pressure, says new study

(Natural News) Touted as a “silent killer” by the American Heart Association, some 85 million Americans – or one out of every three adults – suffer from high blood pressure. Since there are usually no obvious symptoms, nearly 20 percent of these people don’t even know they have blood pressure issues. If left untreated, high blood […]

Nation’s Largest Teachers Union Endorses Teaching “Climate Justice”

In May, the Portland, Oregon school board passed the country’s first comprehensive “climate justice” resolution. The school board voted unanimously to “abandon the use of any adopted text material that is found to express doubt about the severity of the climate crisis or its root in human activities,” and called for all schools to teach […]

Wake Up Whitey!

This is my plea to White people around the world. It is time to stop being afraid and time to stand up for our people. Time is running out. Youtube link: Source Article from

The Mayan Peace Talks: The 5 Gardens of Eden on Earth

4th June 2016 By Xchelita (“Little Rainbow”) a.k.a. Michelle Recchia Contributing writer for Wake Up World Sacred Points of Emergence In the past, there have been several catastrophes that have almost completely wiped out life on our planet. Earth has a very long and complex history. Most ancient cultures have recorded these disasters in their stories, […]

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