Posts Tagged ‘healing’

Right Wing Round-Up: The Greatest Healing Agent

Ron Filipowski @ The Daily Beast: Evangelicals’ Trump Worship Looks More Like QAnon Every Day. I’ve watched hundreds of hours of Trump rally footage, and it’s clear he’s going full “messiah” in his plea to the evangelical Christian voters who have supported him since 2016. The Daily Blast with Greg Sargent: How Trump’s White Evangelical […]

Olympic Gymnast Mary Lou Retton Speaks of ‘Long and Slow’ Healing Process After Pneumonia Scare

Olympic gold medalist Mary Lou Retton has finally spoken out about her frightful bout with pneumonia after her release from the hospital. Source

The Healing Power of Vitamin D: What Big Pharma Doesn’t Want You to Know

Originally Published on Vigilant News “I think everyone on this planet should take vitamin D, and I don’t think that’s an underestimate,” expressed accomplished physician and author of 500 peer-reviewed journal articles Dr. Paul Marik. In an interview with Children’s Health Defense, Dr. Marik explained — similar to how Big Pharma doesn’t like the “I […]

Copper’s Ancient Healing Powers Are Only Now Being Understood

While certain ancient remedies have received quite a bad rap in the modern era, it appears that some beliefs related to the healing properties of copper may have been spot on. Read more Section:  News Weird Facts Read Later  Source

Honey and Vinegar Combo May Be a Secret Wound-healing Recipe

By Shyla Cadogan, RD Throughout history, mixing honey and vinegar has been used as a medical treatment. Now, scientists say that this combo could be applied in modern-day wound care. Bacterial infections can be hard to fight against, especially when they are protected within biofilm. This substance is a system of bacteria that can tightly attach to […]

“Lifeline- Essential Insights And Healing Music For Illegally Targeted Citizens:” Free 4+ Hour Audiobook On Organized Stalking-Electronic Torture (Experts’ Testimonies Narrated W/ Music & Songs by Dr. Eric Karlstrom)

Introduction: The U.S. government and other governments have been captured by 5th column enemies and are waging hybrid/unconventional war against their own citizens. “High value targets” are typically activists, “dissidents,” whistleblowers, patriots, intellectuals, people of conscience and integrity, Constitutionalists, Christians, veterans, or anyone else that DHS-FBI Fusion Centers have secretly labelled “extremists,” “white supremacists,” and/or […]

The Ancient Chinese Healing Art of Qigong

Visit any park in China over the last few hundred years and you’re likely to see dozens of people practicing qigong. What started as a traditional Chinese treatment over 4,000 years ago has become a major health trend today. Now, people all over the world practice qigong, attempting to bring balance to their hectic modern […]

The Frequency of Healing

The Frequency of Healingby Rosanne Lindsay, Traditional Naturopath, Nature of HealingAugust 25, 2022 All matter is frequency and vibration, whether alive or inanimate. If it exists, it has a frequency.In the same way a wooden table has a specific frequency, so do sounds, thoughts, emotions, prayer, meditation, words, actions, cells, organ systems, and whole bodies, to […]

The Frequency of Healing

The Frequency of Healingby Rosanne Lindsay, Traditional Naturopath, Nature of HealingAugust 25, 2022 All matter is frequency and vibration, whether alive or inanimate. If it exists, it has a frequency.In the same way a wooden table has a specific frequency, so do sounds, thoughts, emotions, prayer, meditation, words, actions, cells, organ systems, and whole bodies, to […]

The Frequency of Healing

The Frequency of Healingby Rosanne Lindsay, Traditional Naturopath, Nature of HealingAugust 25, 2022 All matter is frequency and vibration, whether alive or inanimate. If it exists, it has a frequency.In the same way a wooden table has a specific frequency, so do sounds, thoughts, emotions, prayer, meditation, words, actions, cells, organ systems, and whole bodies, to […]

The Frequency of Healing

The Frequency of Healingby Rosanne Lindsay, Traditional Naturopath, Nature of HealingAugust 25, 2022 All matter is frequency and vibration, whether alive or inanimate. If it exists, it has a frequency.In the same way a wooden table has a specific frequency, so do sounds, thoughts, emotions, prayer, meditation, words, actions, cells, organ systems, and whole bodies, to […]

‘Top Chef’s’ Padma Lakshmi Hopes Ex Salman Rushdie Has ‘Swift Healing’ After Attack

Nardine Saad Los Angeles Times “Top Chef” host and judge Padma Lakshmi is “relieved” that her ex-husband, author Salman Rushdie, is on the road to recovery after being stabbed multiple times at a lecture in upstate New York last week. The “Love, Loss, and What We Ate” author tweeted Sunday that she is “relieved” that […]

Royals and the Occult: Witchcraft, Astrology, and Mystical Healing

We often talk about the modern world’s obsession with celebrities. People love to talk about the rich and famous. Read more Section:  News History Ancient Traditions Famous People Read Later  Source

Healing Power of Pine Medicine

By Nick PolizziDecember 20, 2021 – 32 CommentsThe Sacred Science > Herbalism > The Healing Power Of Pine Medicine (DIY Recipes!) There’s an ancient tradition that many of us still practice during the holidays. Millions of adults and children alike here in the States and around the world get into the holiday spirit by hauling a bushy evergreen tree into […]

Music as a way of survival and healing

Despite the long lasting calamities of the Gaza Strip and the unbearable conditions of life caused by the Israeli occupation’s siege, the unquenched thirst of the Palestinian children in the Gaza Strip for making life and resisting distress through love, music, and mirth, led a group of them to win several first places in the […]

Grounding: The Missing Element to Healing Autoimmunity?

By Ali Le Vere, B.S., B.S. Our disconnection from the virtually infinite and accessible storehouse of electrons at the earth’s surface is an overlooked cause of autoimmune disease. Revolutionary research is uncovering that physical contact with the ground provisions free radical-neutralizing electrons that circulate through the living matrix of our body and act as our […]

Healing without Drugs: Western Culture has Lost its Way

by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News For decades now western culture has taken great pride over “western medicine” as a product of modern times and the “age of science.” The belief that modern medicine has achieved great success in overcoming historical diseases that prior to the advent of modern medicine plagued and killed humanity is […]


Chopra  Chopra studied medicine in India before emigrating in 1970 to the United States. He sees the human body as composed of energy and information. Chopra speaks and writes regularly about consciousness and Vedanta philosophy – arguing for the primacy of consciousness over matter.[85] It is consciousness, he writes, that creates reality; “we are thoughts that have learned to […]

Raw milk gives a child relief and healing from chronic eczema

A repost from 2015 … still very relevant Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch “Eight months ago, Shaylin Downs struggled to make it to school. Her chronic eczema saw her spend days in a wheelchair, travelling to Taranaki Base Hospital three times a week for treatment, unable to enjoy many of the opportunities her school friends did…” […]

The Healing Power of Dream Incubation in Ancient Greece

In the ancient world, many cultures built elaborate temple complexes dedicated to their healer gods – Imhotep in Egypt and Asklepios in Greece for example. These gods were recognized as having the power to cure supplicants from a variety of ailments within sleep and sacred dreams. Those who desired healing might travel many hundreds of […]

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