Posts Tagged ‘powers’

Sam Altman Powers Up America With Clean Energy Startup Investment 

Sam Altman Powers Up America With Clean Energy Startup Investment  Sam Altman and venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz are betting on solar power and energy storage that can supply a low-carbon future to artificial intelligence data centers. Altman, the face of the AI chatbot boom, has also invested in nuclear power technology to fuel America’s powering […]

New FISA bill includes “vast” expansion of surveillance powers, forcing U.S. businesses to “become NSA spies”

(NaturalNews) While many Americans are distracted by wars and rumors of wars, along with constant bread and circuses, the U.S. Senate is readying to pass the FISA… Source

Intelligence agencies seek congressional approval for expanded surveillance powers

(NaturalNews) Intelligence agencies in the United States are urgently seeking congressional approval for the reauthorization and expansion of their surveillance… Source

How NATO powers are using the U.K.’s World War I model to lure Russia into the next big global war

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The 5 Global Powers That Vie To Crush Each Other And Their Subjects

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See how The Powers That Be are already maligning the Texas Border Convoy because they’re afraid of it.

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Americans Are Fighting For Control Of Federal Powers That Shouldn’t Exist

By Brian McGlinchey via Stark Realities It’s no secret that politics in the United States is growing increasingly acrimonious — to the point that a 2022 poll found 43% of Americans think a civil war is a least somewhat likely in the next decade.  But here’s what few people realize: The intensity of our division springs from […]

The Three Great Powers of…

The Three Great Powers of Satan  “Three great powers of Satan which have progressively had their way in the world to the point of considering themselves untouchable, even by God, are suddenly being made impotent by their own gross errors of satanic pride.” by Tony B ( There is a God, your Creator, my Creator, […]

UN Quietly Granted Powers To Regulate ALL Internet Content

The United Nations has been quietly granted full regulatory control over the Internet, allowing the unelected organization to censor or punish anybody who threatens to disrupt the globalist agenda. While citing the need for “multi-stakeholder” […] The post UN Quietly Granted Powers To Regulate ALL Internet Content appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Republicans eye expanding McHenry’s powers amid leadership fallout

House Republicans are exploring whether to expand the powers held by Speaker Pro Tem Patrick McHenry (R-N.C.) as the conference looks nowhere near ready to make a final decision on a new Speaker. Frustrated by the stalemate that is preventing the House from doing any business, GOP lawmakers are taken a new look at what… […]

Are Emergency Powers A Test To See What Americans Will Put Up With?

During the hysteria of the covid pandemic questions swirled around how the federal government would respond to the events under the declaration of a national health emergency. What kind of powers would they claim to have and which constitutional rights would they try to suppress? What many Americans did not consider, however, was the implementation […]

Petrodollar be warned: Three Persian Gulf energy powers just joined BRICS

AUG 28, 2023 The BRICS revealed its geopolitical priorities when it added three Persian Gulf states to its once exclusive roster of members. Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE have been strategically included to put an end to the petrodollar. MK Bhadrakumar The leitmotif of the BRICS Summit meeting in Johannesburg on 22-24 August has been, expectedly, […]

Copper’s Ancient Healing Powers Are Only Now Being Understood

While certain ancient remedies have received quite a bad rap in the modern era, it appears that some beliefs related to the healing properties of copper may have been spot on. Read more Section:  News Weird Facts Read Later  Source

Report: UN ‘Pact For The Future’ Seeks Permanent Emergency Powers For ‘Complex Global Shocks’

The UN is set to outline a far reaching plan to secure emergency powers that would allow the global body to lead a “common agenda” for all nations during any “complex global shocks” such as a new pandemic.

Saudi: Playing Big Powers for Maximum Gains

There is no doubt that today’s world is very different from what it was less than a decade ago, with the military conflict in Ukraine turning out to be a shock that has not only triggered changes in global geopolitics but also in geoeconomics most evident in the form of the way the global oil […]

ACH (2149) Giuseppe Vafanculo – The G-Man #7 – The Seven Deadly Sins Of The Powers That Should Not Be – Part 1

In today’s show originally broadcast on May 12 2023, Andy presents “The G-Man” with his co-host Giuseppe Vafanculo for a show entitled, “The Seven Deadly Sins Of The Powers That Should Not Be – Part 1.” We discussed: how to download mp3’s from Brighteon videos; USB Flash Drive and MicroSD data storage; the Halloween film […]

Knesset passes bills shrinking Supreme Court powers and strengthening Shin Bet

On Tuesday, March 14, the Israeli Knesset passed a first reading of a new bill that would allow the government to overrule decisions made by the Israeli Supreme Court. The bill also places the authority to declare a Prime Minister’s incapacity to govern solely in the hands of the government or the Knesset, which is […]

100+ groups urge Congress to back Sanders’ Yemen War Powers Resolution

Image Credit: Peace Action A coalition of more than 100 advocacy, faith-based, and news organizations on Wednesday urged members of Congress to adopt Sen. Bernie Sanders’ War Powers Resolution to block U.S. support for the Saudi-led war in Yemen, where the recent expiry of a temporary cease-fire has renewed suffering in one of the world’s […]

Klaus Schwab: ‘God Is Dead’ and the WEF is ‘Acquiring Divine Powers’

God is dead, according to the World Economic Forum, who have also declared that “Jesus is fake news,” and that WEF leaders have “acquired divine powers” to rule over humanity. According to the WEF, a […] The post Klaus Schwab: ‘God Is Dead’ and the WEF is ‘Acquiring Divine Powers’ appeared first on News Punch. […]

GM Paid for the Hummer EV to Be In ‘Warzone 2.0’ and It Is Showcasing Its Killing Powers

The most prominent product placement in the new Call of Duty Warzone 2.0 is the GMC Hummer EV. “There’s nothing like driving across Call of Duty: Warzone 2.0 in an all-electric, 1,000 horsepower supertruck,” said Activision’s director of Global Partnerships William Gahagan in a GMC press release. While the press release said the game will […]

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