Posts Tagged ‘regulate’

Tenants and Economists Are Pushing to Regulate Rent for a Vast Amount of U.S. Housing

About a hundred tenants from across the country, all living in units with federally-backed mortgages, occupied the headquarters of Starwood Capital Group in Washington, D.C. on Friday, wearing shirts that said “THE RENT IS TOO DAMN HIGH.” They unfurled a large banner that said, “Tenants are capable and willing to pay rent increases,” which is […]

UNESCO Seeks To Regulate All Internet Content

While citing the need for “multi-stakeholder” regulation of social media, UNECSO’s 59-page tome is titled Guidelines for the Governance of Digital Platforms. This is Orwellian Double-Think at its worst, promoting free speech that is anti-free speech. The “major threat to stability and social cohesion” is all about their stability and the social cohesion they want […]

UN Quietly Granted Powers To Regulate ALL Internet Content

The United Nations has been quietly granted full regulatory control over the Internet, allowing the unelected organization to censor or punish anybody who threatens to disrupt the globalist agenda. While citing the need for “multi-stakeholder” […] The post UN Quietly Granted Powers To Regulate ALL Internet Content appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

The federal government plans to regulate nearly every appliance in your home


WEF Granted Backdoor Access To Regulate Hate Speech Online

The World Economic Forum (WEF) is being granted backdoor access by various government’s to police social media platforms for so-called ‘hate speech’ and ‘misinformation.’ The WEF says the move will allow them to regulate online […] The post WEF Granted Backdoor Access To Regulate Hate Speech Online appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

The Australian Government Aims to Regulate Social Media Platforms with Fines

Australian government officials are considering new draft legislation to tackle the spread of “misinformation” and fake news on social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook. According to a report by The Age, these companies could face substantial fines under the proposed legislation. The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) has put forth a proposal […]

“New” Single Protein Based Devices That Can Regulate Your Body & The Vanilla ISIS Psyop Continues

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (5/29/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

High-fat diet and junk food rewire the brain and regulate appetite

(Natural News) Eating fatty foods and junk food like burgers and fried chicken can make you overweight, but in a way that affects your brain health. According to a study, eating junk food and following a high-fat diet rewires your brain. This can reduce your ability to “regulate appetite and regulate calorie consumption.” The researchers hope… […]

Bombshell MIT Study Reveals ‘Earth Can Regulate and Stabilize Its Own Temperature’

The earth is able to regulate and stabilize its temperature across vast timescales, even after dramatic changes in climate, according to new research from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) which debunks claims put forward […] The post Bombshell MIT Study Reveals ‘Earth Can Regulate and Stabilize Its Own Temperature’ appeared first on News Punch. […]

The Supreme Court has curtailed EPA’s power to regulate carbon pollution – and sent a warning to other regulators

The U.S. has entered a new era of administrative law, with an activist court asserting its power to curtail what it perceives as the excesses of regulatory agencies – and not always waiting for those agencies to complete their work. Source

Biden Admin To Regulate Bitcoin ‘As A Matter Of National Security’; Report

The White House wants to bring order to the ‘haphazard approach’ that is currently being employed by regulators to Bitcoin and cryptocurrency. The White House wants to set out a cohesive set of policies to regulate Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies as currently legislation and its enforcement are scattered across sectors and agencies, according to multiple reports. […]

Ukraine Parliament Passes Law to Legalize and Regulate Cryptocurrency

Ukraine has become the latest country to legalize cryptocurrency, just days after El Salvador adopted Bitcoin as legal tender. In an almost unanimous vote on Sept. 8, the Ukrainian Parliament adopted a virtual asset bill making cryptocurrency and other digital assets legal in the country. Known as Bill No. 3637 On Virtual Assets, the draft bill provides clarification on how individuals and […]

House Democrats introduce bill seeking to regulate U.S. aid to Israel

News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, gives you breaking news, analyses and opinions about Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World. © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved Source

CBS News: It’s Time for King Biden to Regulate the Internet

CBS News is now openly lobbying the Biden administration to regulate the internet to rid it of dangerous conspiracy theories, racism and hate speech. In an article titled, “The internet is a wasteland of disinformation. Here’s how to fix it,” journalist Dan Patterson advocates for the Biden administration to implement “an ambitious social and economic […]

Facebook Hires George Soros To Help Regulate Elections

Facebook has teamed up with billionaire globalist George Soros to help the social network regulate elections in the U.S. and around the world.  On Thursday Facebook announced that they will use “the Atlantic Council’s Digital Research Unit Monitoring Missions during elections and other highly sensitive moments” to ensure no meddling takes place in elections. […]

‘No Amendment Is Absolute’: D.C. Student School Walkout Organizer Says We Must ‘Regulate the Second Amendment’

‘No Amendment Is Absolute’: D.C. Student School Walkout Organizer Says We Must ‘Regulate the Second Amendment’ Breitbart April 21, 2018 A small group of mostly high school students gathered in front of the White House on Friday as part of the National School Walkout, an anti-gun protest launched by a Connecticut teen following the shooting […]

China Central Bank Prepares To Regulate Bitcoin Mining

Not long after bitcoin soared by over $1,000 in a matter of minutes, when it was revealed that Peter Thiel had invested in the cryptocurrency, overnight bitcoin experienced some weakness after a report in the news portal, subsequently confirmed by Reuters, that China’s PBOC had held a meeting to regulate bitcoin mining […]

Activist Victory Forces EPA To Regulate Neurotoxin

Activist Victory Forces EPA To Regulate Neurotoxin Above Photo: From The EPA wanted years to study the hazards, instead the court gave them 90 days to update regulations. A federal appeals court in California this week ruled that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) must update their antiquated federal lead regulations within 90 days. Advocates for […]

Is it time for government to regulate internet giants to prevent thought monopolies?

(Natural News) Calls are increasing for Big Social platforms like Google, Facebook, and Twitter to be regulated like public utilities given their immense influence over what people see, read, hear and ultimately think, as well as how they spend their money. This online dominance has similarly brought forth the related issue of monopolistic control. A monopoly does not constitute […]

The Carnegie Council Calls for Global Governance to Regulate Geoengineering

By Derrick Broze As the Carnegie Council calls for global governance to regulate climate engineering, advocates and opponents of the controversial technology prepare for a looming policy debate.  On December 8, the Carnegie Council released an essay calling for policymakers to invest resources into creating new forms of governance as a […]

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