Posts Tagged ‘platforms’

GRIM REALITY: Even most of the largest Alt Media platforms are shills for Zionist Israel

Comment posted by A rope leash Apparently, the entirety of the establishment is ruled by Zionists. No one in the mainstream of media or politics can be against Israel. This power for this control comes directly from the power to print paper and call it money.  Banks have been controlled by Jewish interests for centuries…control […]

‘It’s important to use these platforms to speak out about the genocide’: a Yale student organizer on the school’s encampment protest

A Yale graduate student and campus organizer talks to Mondoweiss about the school’s encampment protest and the school’s connection to Israel’s genocide. Source

Biden, Trump platforms both clash with Catholic Church. So who will Catholic Latinos turn to?

The Trump and Biden campaigns have a delicate task ahead in courting socially conservative Latino Catholics, a group that’s ideologically opposed to core tenets of either presidential pitch. Both platforms are rooted in stances that directly violate Catholic teachings. Former President Trump’s rhetoric on immigrants and plans to curb the influx of migrants at the… […]

Dane Wigington Interview – Geoengineering, Nanotech & Bio-Carrier Platforms For Pathogen Dispersion

Joining me once again today is Dane Wigington, here to discuss the alarming intersection between the very obvious reality of geoengineering, in all its many forms, and nanotechnology, in particular smart dust. Dane outlines how weather events are being manufactured utilizing this technology and are being used to justify climate action but also as a […]

NY Gov. Kathy Hochul orders monitoring of social media platforms to flag criticism of Israel as “hate speech”

NY Gov. Kathy Hochul orders monitoring of social media platforms to flag criticism of Israel as “hate speech” To combat the surge in harassment incidents, particularly against Jewish and Muslim communities, New York Governor Kathy Hochul is expanding the state’s counterterrorism efforts and reinforcing the controversial practice of monitoring social media platforms. This decision comes […]

America Unhinged: Supposedly pro-free speech alternative platforms still beholden to Big Tech, says Jeff Dornik – Brighteon.TV

(NaturalNews) So-called alternative social media platforms that espouse free speech are still indebted to Big Tech, according to podcaster Jeff Dornik.During… Source

Ads for AI GIRLFRIENDS flooding social media platforms

(NaturalNews) Advertisements for artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots posing as potential “girlfriends” are now flooding social media platforms, according to NBC… Source

The Australian Government Aims to Regulate Social Media Platforms with Fines

Australian government officials are considering new draft legislation to tackle the spread of “misinformation” and fake news on social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook. According to a report by The Age, these companies could face substantial fines under the proposed legislation. The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) has put forth a proposal […]

Ukraine leads request for social media platforms to censor “disinformation”

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) Ukraine has spearheaded a collective call to action, joining forces with seven other Central and Eastern European nations to combat “disinformation†on social media platforms.(Article by Christina Maas republished from an open letter, the prime ministers of these nations urge prominent tech … [Read More…] Source

Nolte: Oscar-Bait Movies are Also Flopping on Streaming Platforms

Americans are so turned off by Hollywood, Oscar-bait, and prestige films that they are not only flopping at the box office; they are being ignored at their respective streaming platforms. “While prestige films’ woes at the post-pandemic box office have been dissected at length, there’s been much less discussion of another side of the equation,” reports the far-left […]

UN provides platforms with “guidelines” for regulating online speech

Pushing for regulation. Share The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is continuing with its efforts to crack down on online “misinformation.” In a press release, the organization announced it is working on “global guidelines” to help digital platforms fight misinformation. “As part of its mandate, UNESCO has launched a global dialogue to provide guidelines for […]

$1.7 trillion spending bill requires platforms to verify ID of those earning $5,000 revenue per year

And once that happens, it will bring into force proposed legislation introduced last year, INFORM Consumers Act, designed to regulate a sensitive segment of online marketplaces, delving deep into and disclosing sellers’ personal data under some circumstances. Source

Libraries Are Launching Their Own Local Music Streaming Platforms

If you’re fed up with streaming behemoths like Spotify, there’s now another place you can go to discover new music: your local library. Over a dozen public libraries in the U.S. and Canada have begun offering their own music streaming services to patrons, with the goal of boosting artists and local music scenes. The services […]

 Big Tech platforms ready their censorship plans for the midterms

sept 2 2022 Gab Community, I’m writing to update you on the progress Gab has made over the summer and on our plans for the fall and into election season. Let me start off by saying that while Big Tech platforms ready their censorship plans for the midterms, Gab will once again be the only platform allowing […]

DHS wants to continue its “disinformation” work and flag “falsehoods” to social media platforms

The Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS’s) controversial “Disinformation Governance Board” was recently shut down after First Amendment concerns but the DHS seemingly still intends to continue its “disinformation” work.

Social Media Platforms Update ‘Misinformation’ Policies Ahead of 2022 Midterm Elections

Social media platforms are rolling out new policies to address the issue of “misinformation” as they anticipate the 2022 midterm elections but these policies are not without controversy, as some critics argue that their policies overwhelmingly favor the Democratic party and its affiliated causes. In a press release titled “How Meta Is Planning for the […]

Chinese social platforms rush to censor mortgage protests

Amid a mortgage crisis in China, which has sparked protests and homebuyers threatening to boycott payments, social media companies have stepped up censorship; blocking messages, keywords and videos of demonstrations. In China, social media companies are required to censor or remove content that “undermines social stability,” like the ongoing mortgage protests. Source

Lime Turns E-Scooters Into Micromobility Surveillance Platforms

The privacy implications of Lime’s ARAT e-scooters traveling down our streets and neighborhoods equipped with proprietary surveillance cameras is much more invasive than Ring surveillance cameras. Why are Lime’s e-scooters more invasive than Ring doorbell cameras? Because Lime’s e-scooters are constantly in motion, traveling down our city’s streets, recording who knows what. Source

Hochul: Social Media Company CEOs ‘Need to Be Held Accountable’ for Hate Speech on Platforms

Governor Kathy Hochul (D-NY) said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week” that social media company chief executives should be held accountable if hate speech is not monitored and removed on their platforms.

Big Tech platforms censored in favor of President Biden 646 times in two years

Between March 10, 2020, and March 10, 2022, there were 646 instances where Big Tech has censored criticism of Biden, according to an analysis by the Media Research Center. In its CensorTrack database, MRC recorded over 600 cases where Big Tech platforms censored criticism of Biden. 140 of those cases involved the New York Post’s story […]

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