Posts Tagged ‘requires’

The Complexity Science of Medicine Requires Freedom

In 1971 I was a first-year medical student, and I was struggling. We were studying Gross Anatomy and I just couldn’t seem to understand anything. At the time, a “regional approach” to anatomy was all the rage. We started dissecting the “posterior triangle of the neck” on our cadavers. Let me quote from a recent […]

To Get US Residency Requires the Covid Jab

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL It’s helpful to think of a Covid experience as a never-ending house of horrors, with room after room of scandal and outrage, so much so that you never quite get through it. There simply are not enough researchers or column inches to cover it all.  In the past, any one […]

Aldi requires digital sign in via smartphone

So now in England in an Aldi store, if a person does not have a smartphone one cannot shop at there. What about if you’re an older person who does not have a technical grasp of technology or smartphone apps? PLENTY of those around! What about if you’re a younger person whose parents do not […]

Uploading Consciousness Requires An Act of Karmic Will. (“Permission”).

This article looks like it should have been published on the day it was created, July 1, 2023, although I did not understand this article until today. Twitter was still Twitter. We now know it as X. Elon Musk claims that due to the “extreme levels of data scraping,” unverified users of the platform will […]

The next phase of the globalist takeover requires surrender to a new CASHLESS society, complete with digital passes and IDs to engage in commerce

(NaturalNews) As the global financial system Ponzi scheme teeters on the edge of a collapse, the globalists are chomping at the bit to force everyone into a new… Source

Saudi Arabia: Middle East security ‘requires just solution to Palestinian issue’

Saudi Foreign Minister Faisal Bin Farhan Al Saud said on Saturday that Middle East security “requires a just solution to the Palestinian issue.” This came during his speech at the 78th session of the UN General Assembly. “Regional security requires a just solution to the Palestinian issue,” he said, stating that solution should lead to […]

The Dignity of Labor Requires Freedom and Truth

As I celebrated Mass for our parish on the morning of Labor Day, I was struck by the Gospel which coincidentally was given to be read for Monday of the 22nd Week in Ordinary time: Luke 4:16-30. Here we see the people of Nazareth respond favorably to Jesus’ declaration that He personally fulfills the prophecy […]

Realizing 7th NDP economic goal requires $160b of annual investment

TEHRAN – A former deputy at Iranian Finance and Economic Affairs Ministry has said the country requires $160 billion of foreign and domestic investment every year to realize the economic growth goal of eight percent set for the seventh National Development Plan (2022-2026). “To achieve eight percent economic growth, we need 60 billion dollars of […]


The SINGULARITY is about subatomic particle QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT; the merger of PHONONS (Sound) with PHOTONS (Light) and ELECTRONS (EMFs) to upload our CONCIOUSNESS into their QUANTUM COMPUTER! PHONONS (noise or infrasound) + PHOTONS (light or infrared) + ELECTRONS (electromagnetism) = QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT You need to disrupt one, to disrupt entanglement. ELECTRONS, EMF’s. CORONA: The COVID-19 […]

New Louisiana law requires digital ID to access online porn

(FOX News) — Conservatives celebrated on Tuesday the successful enactment of a new law in Louisiana that requires ID and age verification within the state to access online porn. The bill was originally spearheaded by Louisiana State Rep. Laurie Schlegel, R., earlier in 2022 and finally went into effect on Sunday. The new law states that websites […]

$1.7 trillion spending bill requires platforms to verify ID of those earning $5,000 revenue per year

And once that happens, it will bring into force proposed legislation introduced last year, INFORM Consumers Act, designed to regulate a sensitive segment of online marketplaces, delving deep into and disclosing sellers’ personal data under some circumstances. Source

Solving the climate crisis requires traditional ecological knowledge

Native study of the natural world is exceptionally deep and nuanced at understanding and protecting ecosystems. Source

‘Accountability requires action’: Shireen Abu Akleh’s family meets with Blinken

Family members of slain Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh met with Secretary of State Antony Blinken to reiterate their calls for an independent investigation into her death. Source

Delivery Guy Patiently Waits ‘Til You’re In Bathroom To Deliver Package That Requires Signature

U.S.—Shocking new research has revealed that delivery persons carrying sensitive packages will oftentimes hide in the bushes outside the delivery address until the intended recipient is in the bathroom, at which point they will jump out of their hiding place, ring the doorbell and courteously wait three seconds before leaving a note that the package could not be […]

Report: Celebration That Requires You To Stay Up Past Midnight Far Less Appealing Once You Turn 30

Report: Celebration That Requires You To Stay Up Past Midnight Far Less Appealing Once You Turn 30 U.S.—According to multiple, increasingly tired sources across the United States and around the world, the annual celebration that requires you to stay up past midnight is far less appealing once you turn thirty. Partygoers across the country in […]

Japan Places Myocarditis Warning on ‘Vaccines’ – Requires Informed Consent

Via: RAIR Foundation USA: Japan’s Ministry of Health of health website encourages citizens to receive the “vaccine”; however, they stress it is not mandatory, Although we encourage all citizens to receive the COVID-19 vaccination, it is not compulsory or mandatory. Vaccination will be given only with the consent of the person to be vaccinated after the […]

 Auction of 88 coal blocks requires prior discussion and consent by the Adivasi Gram Sabhas under PESA And FRA

To Shri Anil Kumar Jain Union Coal Secretary Dear Shri Jain, I find from your Ministry’s portal that the enclosed list of coal blocks are being put to auction shortly. Most of these coal blocks are located in States such as Jharkhand, MP, Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, Odisha, AP and Telangana and many among the blocks are […]

Saving our planet requires systemic and behavioral change

The natural environment has been poisoned, vandalized and trashed in accordance with the demands and values of the all-pervasive socio-economic system, and as long as it persists it is impossible to imagine the steps required to save the natural world being taken. Economic considerations and short term self-interest will continue to be applied and the […]

Magical Text From 1801 Says the Devil Requires Bond Slaves to Be Injected

I was searching around for some obscure texts that could be of interest to our readers and found something rather “curious” and potentially very relevant. The quote comes from The Magus by Francis Barrett, published in 1801. The Magus is one of the primary sources for the study of ceremonial magic, and for a long […]

Lebanon Requires Huge, Serious Steps on Every Level Following Government Formation

September 25, 2021 By Mohammad Youssef After very long months of procrastination and political struggle, the Lebanese government has finally been formed. What we have been calling for and trying to help facilitate its birth came into existence. Now the hopes grow bigger that there is a possibility Lebanon could address its unprecedented crisis properly. […]

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