Posts Tagged ‘akleh’

Shireen Abu Akleh’s killing made clear that Israel’s war on Palestinian journalists is part of its war on Palestine

Shireen Abu Akleh was killed by the same Israeli bullets directed against her fellow Palestinians. Those bullets have continued to fly, and the Israeli war machine has taken the lives of nearly 300 Palestinians in the past year. Shireen’s was one of them. Source

A year after the assassination of Shireen Abu Akleh

If you ask me how I feel a year after Shireen Abu Akleh’s assassination, I would tell you that I feel angry because both Shireen and I died under the tree that day. Shireen awaits justice from heaven, while I wait for it down here on earth. Source

On anniversary of Shireen Abu Akleh’s death, new report details Israel’s history of killing reporters with impunity

A new report from the Committee to Protect Journalists shows the Israeli military has killed 20 journalists since 2001 and not one soldier has been put on trial. Source

Biden administration opposes ICC investigating Shireen Abu Akleh killing

Al Jazeera is submitting a case to the International Criminal Court (ICC) over the killing of journalist Shireen Abu Akleh. The request includes a dossier on the network’s six-month investigation into the death of their reporter along with new material. Lina Abu Akleh, the niece of Shireen, made a public statement about the move during […]

Israeli obstruction of the Abu Akleh investigation should end the ‘special relationship’

In a surprising but welcome development, the United States’ Department of Justice has initiated an investigation into Israel’s killing of Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh. Almost immediately, Yair Lapid and Benny Gantz declared that Israel would refuse to assist with the investigation. Although it is unlikely the U.S. investigation will lead to meaningful accountability, Israel’s […]

Israel won’t cooperate with U.S. probe into Shireen Abu Akleh’s killing

The U.S. Justice Department has informed the Israeli government that the FBI will finally investigate the killing of Shireen Abu Akleh, the Palestinian American journalist who was shot during an Israeli raid in May. Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz has already declared that Israel will not cooperate with the probe. Source

‘A phenomenal, phenomenal military’ — US ambassador praises Israeli army in wake of Abu Akleh killing

“My north star is maintaining a democratic Jewish state. That is the single most important thing I believe that I can do as American ambassador” –US ambassador to Israel Tom Nides on his job description. And that means praising the Israeli military repeatedly despite the fact that it killed a Palestinian-American journalist, Shireen Abu Akleh. […]

Abbas ‘dares’ US to prosecute Shireen Abu Akleh killers

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas accused Israel of killing Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh and urged the US to prosecute her killers. Abbas announced before the United Nations (UN) General Assembly that Israel is killing the Palestinian people without accountability, as it did with Shireen Abu Akleh: “Who was killed by a sniper’s bullet intended to […]

Abbas ‘dares’ US to prosecute Shireen Abu Akleh killers

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas accused Israel of killing Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh and urged the US to prosecute her killers. Abbas announced before the United Nations (UN) General Assembly that Israel is killing the Palestinian people without accountability, as it did with Shireen Abu Akleh: “Who was killed by a sniper’s bullet intended to […]

Abbas ‘dares’ US to prosecute Shireen Abu Akleh killers

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas accused Israel of killing Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh and urged the US to prosecute her killers. Abbas announced before the United Nations (UN) General Assembly that Israel is killing the Palestinian people without accountability, as it did with Shireen Abu Akleh: “Who was killed by a sniper’s bullet intended to […]

Abbas ‘dares’ US to prosecute Shireen Abu Akleh killers

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas accused Israel of killing Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh and urged the US to prosecute her killers. Abbas announced before the United Nations (UN) General Assembly that Israel is killing the Palestinian people without accountability, as it did with Shireen Abu Akleh: “Who was killed by a sniper’s bullet intended to […]

Abbas ‘dares’ US to prosecute Shireen Abu Akleh killers

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas accused Israel of killing Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh and urged the US to prosecute her killers. Abbas announced before the United Nations (UN) General Assembly that Israel is killing the Palestinian people without accountability, as it did with Shireen Abu Akleh: “Who was killed by a sniper’s bullet intended to […]

Abbas ‘dares’ US to prosecute Shireen Abu Akleh killers

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas accused Israel of killing Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh and urged the US to prosecute her killers. Abbas announced before the United Nations (UN) General Assembly that Israel is killing the Palestinian people without accountability, as it did with Shireen Abu Akleh: “Who was killed by a sniper’s bullet intended to […]

Abbas ‘dares’ US to prosecute Shireen Abu Akleh killers

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas accused Israel of killing Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh and urged the US to prosecute her killers. Abbas announced before the United Nations (UN) General Assembly that Israel is killing the Palestinian people without accountability, as it did with Shireen Abu Akleh: “Who was killed by a sniper’s bullet intended to […]

Abbas ‘dares’ US to prosecute Shireen Abu Akleh killers

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas accused Israel of killing Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh and urged the US to prosecute her killers. Abbas announced before the United Nations (UN) General Assembly that Israel is killing the Palestinian people without accountability, as it did with Shireen Abu Akleh: “Who was killed by a sniper’s bullet intended to […]

Israel’s denial of accountability for Abu Akleh killing may require cutoff of aid — Leahy

Last week the United States government accepted Israel’s claim that the soldier who shot Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh in occupied Jenin on May 11 did not mean to kill her. But Israel has given no evidence for the claim. And yesterday outgoing Vermont Senator Patrick Leahy gave a strong speech on the Senate floor […]

Israel’s denial of accountability for Abu Akleh killing may require cutoff of aid — Leahy

Last week the United States government accepted Israel’s claim that the soldier who shot Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh in occupied Jenin on May 11 did not mean to kill her. But Israel has given no evidence for the claim. And yesterday outgoing Vermont Senator Patrick Leahy gave a strong speech on the Senate floor […]

Israelis justify killing of Shireen Abu Akleh — and Biden aides echo the talking points

Israel’s killing of Shireen Abu Akleh, a prominent Palestinian-American journalist, in the occupied West Bank on May 11 has turned out to be a momentous event. It has rallied global support for Palestinians. It has caused actual strain between the United States and Israel, with progressive politicians and mainstream journalists calling for accountability, and the […]

Israel Covered Up The Murder Of Shireen Abu Akleh With US Help

The results of Israel’s official investigation into their own murder of veteran journalist, Shireen Abu Akleh, was published this Monday. Unsurprisingly, the conclusion is the same as the US report, which was accused by human rights groups of being a whitewash. Israel has all but admitted it killed a US citizen and knows it will […]

Israel demands full impunity for killing Shireen Abu Akleh – and the Biden administration agrees

Despite the best efforts of the Israeli and American governments, the spirit of Shireen Abu Akleh simply won’t go away.  Shireen’s family won’t let her memory fade into the background in Washington or Tel Aviv as the memories of so many thousands of Palestinians have in the past. Neither will the broader Palestinian and Palestine-advocacy […]

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