Posts Tagged ‘justify’

Dominionist Johnny Enlow Says Trump Legal Woes Justify Military Coup

Johnny Enlow, a Seven Mountains dominionist and QAnon conspiracy theorist, declared this week that all three branches of the federal government have been so “corrupted” that the U.S. military will have to “step in.” Enlow called it a “long shot” that the November 5 election would take place “before the whole thing is interrupted by […]

FBI-FALSE FLAGS R Us-Announces Plans For Another False Flag To “Justify More Communistic Jack Booted S#it

The FBI’s director claims that he needs to carry out Unconstitutional warrantless mass surveillance to defeat the alleged threat of a FBI run “coordinated attack” on the US, similar to the CIA/Mossad run Crocus City Hall massacre near Moscow last month. Speaking at a budget hearing on Capitol Hill on Thursday, Wray told Mossad Jeffry’s […]

Doctors justify genocide in a prestigious journal 

The Journal of the American Medical Association published four letters rife with racist anti-Palestinian tropes. The prestigious platform created the appearance of intellectualism and expertise, but it’s all just racism with a ribbon on it.  Source

A “False Flag” Operation to Justify The Israel-U.S. Genocide against the People of Palestine

The Criminalization of International Law. Part I “Fake Justice” at The Hague: The ICJ “Appoints” Netanyahu to “Prevent” and “Punish” Those Responsible for “Genocidal Acts” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, February 04, 2024 Introduction From the outset on October 7, 2023, “A Tissue of Lies” has served to justify the killings in the Gaza Strip of […]

Shame on Israel for exploiting the Holocaust to justify genocide

My grandparents’ story of surviving the Holocaust taught me what genocide is, and it is how I know to condemn what Israel is doing to Gaza right now. How dare Israel exploit my family’s suffering to try to justify its genocide in Gaza. Source

Spiritual principles now being used to justify slaughter of innocents in Gaza, former Congressman Dennis Kucinich tells Mike Adams

Spiritual principles now being used to justify slaughter of innocents in Gaza, former Congressman Dennis Kucinich tells Mike Adams For former Cleveland Mayor and Congressman Dennis Kucinich, people are choosing to use their spiritual ideologies to support the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, instead of promoting peace. “We’re in a moment where what [George] […]

No, Hamas didn’t “bake a Jewish baby alive in an oven” – it’s just another pro-Israel HOAX aiming to justify the GENOCIDE of Gaza

(NaturalNews) This past week, New York Post columnist and Weekly Standard co-founder John Podhoretz tweeted that Hamas “baked a baby in an oven.” And just like… Source

Fauci says threats from ‘extreme radical right’ justify his taxpayer-funded chauffeur and security detail

Every time Anthony Fauci leaves home, he is driven by a publicly funded chauffeur and escorted by a fully staffed U.S. Marshals taxpayer-funded security detail. Despite claiming that he is retired from government work, the exorbitant costs of his lifestyle are paid for by the American taxpayer, through a secretive arrangement that has yet to […]

Pro-Israel Propaganda Continues To Justify Mass Murder, Here’s The Truth (Part 2)

As Israel carries out its horrifying aerial attacks against the besieged people of the Gaza Strip, killing over 3,000 innocent civilians, the majority of whom are women and children, Western media and leaderships continue to spread disinformation in order to win support for collective punishment and war crimes, labelling it “self-defense”. As a continuation of […]

Oct 12 – Media Ramps up Hysteria to Justify Palestinian Genocide

Please send links and comments to [email protected] Memories of WW1 German “atrocities” in Belgium and Kuwaiti Incubator killings by Iraq. Amazing how easy it is to arouse blood lust. Israeli girls ‘were raped over their friends’ bodies’ by Hamas terrorists who carried out ‘a second Holocaust’, British relatives reveal as they condemn those who celebrated […]

Oct 12 – Media Ramps up Hysteria to Justify Palestinian Genocide

Please send links and comments to [email protected] Memories of WW1 German “atrocities” in Belgium and Kuwaiti Incubator killings by Iraq. Amazing how easy it is to arouse blood lust. Israeli girls ‘were raped over their friends’ bodies’ by Hamas terrorists who carried out ‘a second Holocaust’, British relatives reveal as they condemn those who celebrated […]

France Is Being Used To Justify Total Information Control & Transgender Whistleblower Speaks Out

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (7/3/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Charlie Kirk Keeps Spreading Baseless Claims to Justify His Christian Nationalism

Right-wing commentator and youth organizer Charlie Kirk continues to host TPUSA Faith’s monthly Freedom Night in America events at churches around the nation where he consistently spreads historically baseless claims about the Constitution and the founding of this country. On Wednesday night, Kirk and right-wing radio host Dennis Prager of Prager U appeared at Dream […]

Bernie’s Tweets Interview – How COVID Was Used To Set A Financial Trap & Justify Digital ID Control

Joining me today on Moving Target is Bernadette, of the popular Bernie’s Tweets Twitter account, here to discuss the financial trap that has been set, under a guise of fighting COVID-19, and how it is all driving us into a pre-planned digital ID, biosecurity state future.  ( (Click Here For The Rokfin Exclusive Livestream Starting […]

Israelis justify killing of Shireen Abu Akleh — and Biden aides echo the talking points

Israel’s killing of Shireen Abu Akleh, a prominent Palestinian-American journalist, in the occupied West Bank on May 11 has turned out to be a momentous event. It has rallied global support for Palestinians. It has caused actual strain between the United States and Israel, with progressive politicians and mainstream journalists calling for accountability, and the […]

False Flag Exposed: Biden Regime Planning Civil War to Justify UN Troops to Occupy and Disarm America

The Biden administration is plotting a false flag civil war in America as part of a globalist agenda to destroy the United States, according to White House insiders. According to sources close to the Biden […] The post False Flag Exposed: Biden Regime Planning Civil War to Justify UN Troops to Occupy and Disarm America […]

Like Father, Like Son: How the Trudeaus Manufacture Crises to Justify “Emergency Measures”

Due to the current activation of the Emergency Measures Act by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on February 14 in response to the Freedom Convoys and blockades both in Ottawa and across various provinces of Canada, I thought it fitting to revisit research that I had previously published as a series co-written with Paris-based journalist […]

Wife Encourages Husband To Buy Thing So She Can Justify Buying Other Thing

CEDAR CITY, UT—According to sources, local wife Sarah Quint has encouraged her husband to buy a new video game he’s been wanting, which will allow her to justify her impending purchase of an air fryer, new shoes, cute pens, and a “really cute” $300 umbrella.  “I have given my husband a pass to buy something silly,” said Sarah as she symbolically […]

Iran says US sanctions cannot justify Seoul’s freezing of assets

Iran says South Korea is “obliged” to release its frozen assets, and that US sanctions cannot justify debt non-payment, Anadolu News Agency reports. Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister, Ali Bagheri, made these remarks on Thursday during a meeting with his South Korean counterpart, Choi Jong-kun, on the sidelines of the ongoing nuclear deal talks in Vienna, […]

FDA’s fraudulent modelling to justify vaccinating 5-11 year olds

November 1, 2021 Exaggeration of impact of COVID-19 on healthy children The FDA have published their reasoning behind justifying the vaccination of children aged 5 to 11 years old. The table, reproduced below, shows their estimates of risk of ICU admissions and deaths, in hypothetical future Covid waves, against the guaranteed risk from myocarditis if vaccination is […]

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