Posts Tagged ‘flags’

House Democrats Wave Ukraine Flags and Chant ‘Ukraine First’ While Passing $61 Billion Aid

Speaker Mike Johnson delivered the Democrats a gift and sold out the American people on Saturday, reneging on his months-long pledge to never pass foreign aid without first securing America’s border. House Democrats waved Ukraine […] The post House Democrats Wave Ukraine Flags and Chant ‘Ukraine First’ While Passing $61 Billion Aid appeared first on […]

FBI-FALSE FLAGS R Us-Announces Plans For Another False Flag To “Justify More Communistic Jack Booted S#it

The FBI’s director claims that he needs to carry out Unconstitutional warrantless mass surveillance to defeat the alleged threat of a FBI run “coordinated attack” on the US, similar to the CIA/Mossad run Crocus City Hall massacre near Moscow last month. Speaking at a budget hearing on Capitol Hill on Thursday, Wray told Mossad Jeffry’s […]

TWC Red Flags – The Expanding Narrative Network

In this debate: I present some of the biggest RED FLAGS I see when I look into The Wellness Company and their ever expanding network of affiliates. Source: AmazingPolly     In Case You Missed It: Watch: Col. Douglas Macgregor (Ret) Provides Nation With Alternative View Of The State Of The Union Scientists Discover Toxic […]

UK Police Begin Arresting Citizens Who Display British Flags in Public

Police in the UK have begun arresting citizens who commit the ‘crime’ of carrying a British flag around in public. A man was arrested this week during a pro-Palestine protest in Liverpool after police spotted […] The post UK Police Begin Arresting Citizens Who Display British Flags in Public appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

Minnesota to Adopt New Flag Closely Resembling Somali State Flags

Last Updated on December 17, 2023 Minnesota is moving to toss its state flag and replace it with one that closely resembles flags used in Somalia, the failed Islamic country in the Horn of Africa from where unprecedented numbers of migrants have streamed into Minnesota, wreaking demographic, political, and criminal havoc. Minnesota is also changing […]

Gaza – Israel Has Longtime Policy of False Flags

By Henry Makow PhD Until about 2002, I accepted Israel’s self-image as a beleaguered, peace-loving nation in a sea of bloodthirsty Arabs. The idea that this tiny state had imperialist designs seemed ludicrous. But what if, unknown to most people, Israel were a linchpin in the Illuminati’s plan for New World Order? What if Israel’s […]

Video: “Justified Vengeance” and The History of Israeli “False Flags”(2001-2023): Palestine Portrayed as “The Aggressor” The Invasion of Gaza: Part of a Broader Israeli Military-Intelligence Agenda

Author’s Introduction There is a complex history behind Israel’s October 2023 Plan to “Wipe Gaza off the Map”. It’s Genocide, An Absolute Slaughter: “We are going to attack Gaza City very broadly soon,” Israel’s chief military spokesman, Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari, said in a nationally broadcast address, without giving a timetable for the attack.” It’s […]


The ‘UNITED STATES’ is a master of using false flags to herd the sheep into wars and giving up their God Given Rights so the “government” which did the terroristic False Flag can “protect” the sheep from more US run False Flags. The Spanish American war was fought because US wanted Spain’s colonies. US sent […]


Buckle your seat belt. This is how brainwashing happens folks! — HighImpactFlix (@HighImpactFlix) October 15, 2023 Source

France “BANS” Pro-Palestinian Protests/Speech/Flags – Paris Now Erupting in Riots (Videos)

VIEW HERE:   Source

All UK Government Buildings Ordered To Fly Israeli Flags

The British government has requested that all government buildings fly the Israeli flag. They have been told to use the “appropriate colored lighting” to show solidarity with victims of this weekend’s Hamas attacks. Meanwhile there […] The post All UK Government Buildings Ordered To Fly Israeli Flags appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Hungary flags for new delay with NATO

Now it looks like more gravel has fallen into the machinery for Sweden’s attempt to join NATO. Hungarian Speaker László Kövér says that it is “not certain” that the Hungarian parliament must approve Sweden’s application for it to become valid. The latest statement from Hungary has created uncertainty about the process for Sweden’s membership in […]

Louisiana man permitted to resume flying vulgar anti-Biden flags

A Louisiana island town will repeal a law that prevented a contractor from flying anti-Biden flags featuring an obscenity directed at the president following a federal court settlement filed Friday, according to The Associated Press. The Tulane First Amendment law clinic filed a lawsuit against the town of Grand Isle, La., on behalf of Ross… […]

DHS Awards $20 Million To Program That Flags Americans As Potential “Extremists” For Their Online Speech

The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has awarded 34 grants to as many organizations, worth a total of $20 million, whose role will be to undergo training in order to flag potential online “extremist” speech of Americans. The money will be spent from the Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention (TVTP) grant program for fiscal year 2023, […]

Living In La-La Land, or Pull Your Sheep Head Out Of You Ass!-PATRIOT DAY Flags at Half Staff Sunrise to Sunset

Diagonal cut in huge steel beam caused by a shape charge used in controlled demolition of high buildings, AT GROUND ZERO ON 0-11. Below is a part of an email I received wanting me to fly a flag at half staff in remembrance of Israel and UD/DC Holocausting 3,000 Americans in New York on 11 […]

In A Major First, Indigenous Flags Fly At Women’s World Cup In Australia And New Zealand

Maori, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags will be prominently displayed throughout the tournament, in a rare departure from FIFA’s strict rules. Source

Flags I Have Fought Under

Most of the world’s people understand to one degree or the other, reincarnation. A minority of people have been indoctrinated with one life, then heaven or hell. A minority of the beings who understand reincarnation also can trace their lives. I am one such. I fought under the banner of the lion with the rising […]

Muslim-controlled US city bans Gay Flags

The left in the US rejoiced when a Muslim majority took control of Hamtramck, Michigan. But now they are no longer celebrating, The Guardian reports. Hamtramck City Hall was packed with Muslims who screamed with joy when the news came last week: The ruling Muslims have unanimously decided to ban LGBTQ flags in public places. […]

Interview 1795 – James Corbett on The Nature of False Flags

via Here for the Truth: What are false flag operations? What were the main motivations behind 9/11 and who were the primary suspects? Who really is Osama Bin Laden? How vast are these nefarious power structures and what can we actually do about them? All this and more is discussed in this must-listen episode. The […]

ACH (2072) Steve Elkins – Diversions And False Flags: Who Benefits?

In today’s show originally broadcast on February 24 2023, Andy is joined by Steve Elkins, for a show entitled, “Diversions And False Flags: Who Benefits?” We discussed: why the Chinese Spy Balloons narrative came out when it did; the UK Government adviser who on the day of the September 11 attacks, suggested in a memo […]

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