Archive for the ‘islam’ Category

Columbia president faces censure drafted by university professors, April 23, 2024 news

First of all, the word ‘censure’ in light of the protests at Columbia stemming from the latest war in Israel. Censure=85Columbia University=85Iesus Hominum Salvator=85Templar=85Christ=85Crucify=85 The war in Israel with Gaza began October 7, 2023, the day leaving 85 days in the year. The United Nations finally intervened on the 85th day of 2024, March 25. […]

Israel’s airstrike on Damascus one day after Easter 2024 (April Fools Day)

This attack in Damascus comes one day after Easter, and Paul saw the resurrected Jesus Christ, who told Paul to go to Damascus. Damascus is also connected to Saul in Acts. (Paul, Saul?) (Better call Saul? Persecution?) Also, this news comes on 49 date numerology, and Damascus is spoken of in Jeremiah 49.4/1/2024=4+1+20+24=49 (Damascus is […]

Will Ramadan be the last chance for Hamas?

Could Hamas leverage the holy month of Ramadan to achieve an effect similar to the North Vietnamese Tet Offensive which began on Vietnam’s Lunar New Year? Source

Spanish Priest Faces Up To 3 Years In Prison For Criticizing Islamic Extremism

Home » Europe, Religion, Suppression » Spanish Priest Faces Up To 3 Years In Prison For Criticizing Islamic Extremism     A Spanish priest is facing up to three years in prison on “hate crime” charges for his heated words about Islam. Last month, Father Custodio Ballester and two other individuals received a summons from […]

Belgian imam cites Quran quote in Parliament that calls for vicious Antisemitism

Last week, an imam in Belgium recited a passage from the Quran in the Parliament of the Brussels-Capital Region, with the passage widely believed to call Muslims to kill Jews. Many MPs expressed their outrage at the imam’s presence in parliament, and Israel’s ambassador to Belgium was horrified to hear that such a verse was […]

Europe will become Majority Islamic by 2200 says German Spy Chief

Germany’s former top domestic spy chief, Hans-Georg Maaßen, said in a new interview that Europe is facing an unprecedented crisis due to mass immigration, that Islam is well poised to conquer Europe, and that Germany and Austria could do much to stop the crisis but are choosing not to. “A completely different culture is approaching […]

Brussels Shocked as Anti-Islam Nationalist Party Wins Elections in Netherlands

    Brussels has been left reeling by what EU politicians see as a ‘nightmare’ victory for Geert Wilders and his ‘Nexit’ supporters in yesterday’s Dutch general elections, reports in the Netherlands say. The 60-year-old’s populist PVV (Freedom Party) won 37 seats, according to near complete results, signalling a dramatic shift to the right in […]

‘Progressive’ Western Women now Converting to Islam because of Gaza Invasion

    A growing number of young, progressive Western women are converting to Islam, citing the Israel-Hamas war as motivation for the conversion – and they’re documenting their journey on social media. These are the feminist women who scream about “muh patriarchy” Let’s see how their lives will be in Islam. Hoover Institution research fellow […]

The Secret History of Pakistan

The Snake lives in the house built by ants. -Telugu saying Given the current state of Pakistan’s political and economic freefall following the ousting of populist Prime Minister Imran Khan, this is an essential rundown on the main crypto-Phoenician cabals operating in Pakistan. Since these groups are largely hidden from history, most people cannot connect […]

Muslim Democrats ‘Horrified’ by Plan to Halt Palestinian Immigration to U.S.

Muslim Democrats Carson, Tlaib, and Omar say they are “horrified” by GOP plans that would halt Palestinian legal immigration to the U.S. Source

Netanyahu says the war in Gaza is going to be long, Saturday, October 28, 2023

This news comes Saturday, October 28, 2023, the day leaving 64 days in the year.Synagogue of Satan = 64Israel = 64Zion = 64 Today is 21 days after the war began on October 7, 2023.Saturn = 21 (Saturday) Source

How the West could co-opt Zionism to rein in Islam and the Left

By Timothy Fitzpatrick October 22, 2023 We know that world Jewry is behind the radical Left and the Islamo-African invasion of the West, but Zionism has a script to follow, and it is one that could be exploited for Western gain. Zionism is a tool for world Jewry (elite Jews), not an end in itself. […]

Brussels ‘Allahu Akbar’ shooter who targeted Swedes shot dead by police

An Islamist gunman who shot dead two Swedish football fans and injured others in central Brussels on Monday evening has been shot dead after more than 12 hours on the run, Belgian media reported on Tuesday. The suspect, named as 45-year-old Tunisian national Abdesalem Lassoued, rode his scooter to an intersection at around 7:15 p.m. […]

Joe Biden arrives in Israel on anniversary of Event 201, October 18, 2023

Joe Biden is in Israel on October 18, the four year anniversary of Event 201. It is also the anniversary of Gerald Ford’s female president prediction, and Colin Powell’s death.The Jesuit Order = 201 As he arrives, they report that 3,500 people have died in Gaza. It goes with him being inaugurated on the 35th […]

Islamist at large after mass shooting kills 2 in Brussels: I did it to avenge Muslims!

Two people have been shot dead and others injured in central Brussels on Monday evening and the perpetrator remains at large, Belgian police announced. Authorities have confirmed a shooting took place in Ieperlaan at around 7:15 p.m. local time, and two people of Swedish nationality were killed. The victims are understood to have been supporters […]

Operation Cyclone’s start on the 75th death anniversary of Theodor Herzl, July 3, 1979

Operation Cyclone began on the 75th anniversary of Theodor Herzl’s death.Catholic Church=75New World Order = 75Order Out of Chaos = 75 He is considered the Father of Zionism.Cyclone = 77 & 112Judaism = 77 & 112Zionist = 77 & 112Balfour Declaration, Nov. 2, or 11/2*Jesuits operate in 112 countires*Catholicism = 112 It also began in […]

Arab shouts on Sweden streets: I WILL RAPE JESUS, smashes Catholic church windows

The benefits of multiculturalism and bringing in these 3rd world people into Europe…. here they are, right in front of you…. so many benefits…. Not only the Arab did what he did but he proudly posted his deed on TikTok too to brag about it. A migrant in Sweden filmed himself smashing windows of a […]

Muslim-controlled US city bans Gay Flags

The left in the US rejoiced when a Muslim majority took control of Hamtramck, Michigan. But now they are no longer celebrating, The Guardian reports. Hamtramck City Hall was packed with Muslims who screamed with joy when the news came last week: The ruling Muslims have unanimously decided to ban LGBTQ flags in public places. […]

‘Unholy Alliance’ of Woke Left and Islamist Right Is Destabilizing America: Asra Nomani

An unholy alliance of far leftists and fundamental Islamists is undermining the principle values of the United States, warned Asra Nomani, a former Wall Street Journal reporter and advocate for reform in Islam. “There’s a war for the values of classical liberalism,” Nomani told host Jan Jekielek in an interview on EpochTV’s “American Thought Leaders” […]

Parallels between Christ mythicism and Soviet propaganda

By Timothy Fitzpatrick March 21, 2023 Anno Domini Christ mythicists like Joseph Atwill, Christopher Jon Bjerknes, and Adam Green (none of whom are historians or religious scholars) don’t like to be accused of parallelomania in there agenda to discredit Jesus Christ, so let’s have a little fun and draw our own parallels between the suspicious […]

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