Archive for the ‘Jews’ Category

God, the Jews, and Us

JUNE 29, 2024 A Deceitful Civilizational Contract LAURENT GUYÉNOT Rabbis often say that antisemitism is the jealousy of those who have not been chosen by God — a kind of Cain complex. French Jewish political advisor Jacques Attali proposes a subtler variation: antisemitism is resentment against those to whom we are indebted.[1] What do Christians owe to […]

Bible Banned! Shocking New Laws in South Dakota and Georgia

In recent developments, the states of South Dakota and Georgia have enacted legislation purportedly aimed at combatting antisemitism, but with significant implications for religious freedom and freedom of expression. Governors Kristi Noem and Brian Kemp signed bills into law that adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Association (IHRA)’s working definition of antisemitism, ostensibly to protect Jewish […]

Right Wing Watch Cries About Stew Peters, But Can’t Refute His Points

Stalinist shakedown group Right Wing Watch, which makes its bones trying to intimidate anyone deemed “right-wing” out of exercising their right to free speech, is whining about nationally syndicated TV news host Stew Peters and his smashing of the Overton Window – but they can’t refute any of his points! In a failed hit job […]

Belgian imam cites Quran quote in Parliament that calls for vicious Antisemitism

Last week, an imam in Belgium recited a passage from the Quran in the Parliament of the Brussels-Capital Region, with the passage widely believed to call Muslims to kill Jews. Many MPs expressed their outrage at the imam’s presence in parliament, and Israel’s ambassador to Belgium was horrified to hear that such a verse was […]

The Holocaust, at the Heart of the Gaza Genocide

Since the establishment of a Zionist home in Palestine in the early 20th century, Jewish settlers have massacred tens of thousands of Palestinians – mainly women, children and the elderly – whose lands and homes they have plundered and robbed with impunity. Never in the history of mankind has a race of people gone so quickly […]

Dustin Nemos: His View on the Origin of Evil and Who Their Offspring Are

In this interview: My guest today was on Mike Adams with me the first time we met. That Mike Adams HRR show will air either Feb 10th or 11th, 2024. Father of the “Vaccine” Trump is Pro-Zionist-Banker-Frankist-Israel, so I may ask him to reconcile that with his take on Q. Apart from that, we have […]

The Katyn Forest Massacre | Dr. William Luther Pierce

In this exposé by Dr. William Luther Pierce, the truth behind the Katyn Forest Massacre during World War II is revealed. The massacre, which occurred in 1940, involved the murder of thousands of Polish military officers and intellectuals by the Soviet secret police. Despite the efforts of the German forces to expose these atrocities, the […]

133 “Seed War Giants” ft. Dustin Nemos, hidden history of man, deep state, nephilim, demons

In this interview: Please welcome the citizen journalist, reporter, researcher, historian & scholar Dustin Nemos the Archivist, who has spent his life following every rabbit hole, every conspiracy theory and connecting the dots – and every moment since 2017 exposing the deepest secrets of the deep state. Host of The Silent War at and […]

A few weeks have passed since the Chabad tunnel scandal broke headlines and no Questions Answered

For some reason, any and all questions about the recent discovery of illegal tunnels burrowed underneath the global headquarters of the Chabad-Lubavitch sect of Judaism in New York City’s Crown Heights are racist, according to the corporate media. Digging the types of tunnels that were discovered is not only illegal without the proper permits, but […]

CBS News Report The Babylonian Talmud Condones Pedophilia also known as “Halachah”

In Case You Missed It: Silent War Ep. 6358: Trump is BACK (Uho) FBI Entraps Autistic Kid “Terrorists” – War Policies Uncensored Church – Introduction, Donations, Chatrooms, Zooms For breaking news from one of the most over the target and censored names in the world join our 100% Free newsletter at Newsletter, The best way […]

Riot Erupts at Chabad-Lubavitch Headquarters After NYPD Move to Seal Secret Tunnel Discovered Under Building

Chaos broke out at Chabad-Lubavitch’s headquarters in Crown Heights on Monday after the NYPD moved to seal a newly discovered tunnel the Orthodox Jewish Hasidic dynasty built in secret under the synagogue. From, Dec 22, “BREAKING: Tunnel Found Burrowed Under Women’s Section of 770, Possibly Destabilizing The Building”: A Union Street homeowner who spoke […]

Christian Identity and Two-Seedline Becoming Popular

  Two-Seedline video.   Very good video expressing Christian Identity. Praise Yahweh! More and more videos exposing the Jews:   Judaism is the Synagogue of Satan (   Yahweh bless, Pastor Eli James In case you missed it.  Scott Ritter’s analysis of Gaza, Oct. 7, 2023.  Absolutely brillian The post Christian Identity and Two-Seedline Becoming Popular […]

VOCI – The World Is Turning Against the Jews

Let’s Talk About The Jews ( Red October protests white ‘oppression’ ( The post VOCI – The World Is Turning Against the Jews appeared first on EURO·FOLK·RADIO. Source

US Blocks Transfer Of Over 20,000 Rifles To Israel Over Settler Violence

There’s been some serious mixed messaging and contradictory signals coming from the White House of late regarding Israel and the Gaza War. President Biden on Tuesday had for the first time offered criticism of Israel’s “indiscriminate bombing” of Gaza – even while keeping the massive defense aid flowing to Israel’s military on an unconditional basis. He […]

Claim: Israelis Killed Palestinian Women, Kids, Babies ‘Execution-Style’

Palestinians say that Israeli forces shot Palestinian women, children, and babies “execution-style” inside a school in northern Gaza, where civilians displaced by the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas were seeking refuge. Al Jazeera obtained and published exclusive photographs and video footage reported to be from inside the Shadia Abu Ghazala School in the area […]

The Babylonian Whore: Fractional Reserve Banking

Fritjof and Eli on a very important subject of prophetic fulfillment. PASTOR JAMES/Fritjof Persson: The Babylonian Whore Fractional Reserve Banking Collapsing ( Extra credit reading:  Barbara Villiers: History of Monetary Crimes: Barbara Villiers; or, A history of monetary crimes : Del Mar, Alexander, 1836-1926 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive Share this: […]

RH – History of Jewish Treachery in Palestine, Part 1

The post RH – History of Jewish Treachery in Palestine, Part 1 appeared first on EURO·FOLK·RADIO. Source


In this interview: The satanic new world order’s biggest lies are all being revealed, one by one. From NASA’s faked moon missions, to Pizzagate and deep state secret technologies – the darkness is being brought to light. Dustin Nemos joins me to discuss. Source: SGT Report In Case You Missed It: Albrecht vs. Nemos DEBATE: […]

Liberal Zionist who wished he was Jewish becomes new president of Argentina

    Javier Milei, an oddball politician with strong neoliberal views, has won the presidential election in Argentina. Argentina has historically been known for its unstable economy and leftist politics. Recently, inflation has been steadily above 100 percent. In this situation, Javier Milei – an odd bird in more ways than one – chose to […]

Israel Ignores UN Res. To Pause Gaza Fighting, Calls It “Disconnected From Reality”

Authored by Kyle Anzalone via, AFP via Getty Images The UN Security Council passed a resolution earlier this week (Wed) that called for a temporary pause to the fighting in Gaza. Tel Aviv said the call for a short peace was a decision “disconnected from reality and holds no significance.” The resolution passed the UN’s most powerful body […]

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