Posts Tagged ‘luther’

Dr. William Pepper on the Assassination of Martin Luther King (2018)

An interview with the recently departed Dr. William F. Pepper, Esq., on his four decade long investigation into the assassination of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Source

The Katyn Forest Massacre | Dr. William Luther Pierce

In this exposé by Dr. William Luther Pierce, the truth behind the Katyn Forest Massacre during World War II is revealed. The massacre, which occurred in 1940, involved the murder of thousands of Polish military officers and intellectuals by the Soviet secret police. Despite the efforts of the German forces to expose these atrocities, the […]

What a Great Government, US Killed Martin Luther King & Then Gave Him A National Holiday

It is not well known because most Americans get their information from indoctrination at Mandatory Attendance Government Indoctrination Centers called Public schools and from Rothschild controlled Public Indoctrination organizations called Main Stream “News” Corporations, but the King family told the man accused of shooting MLK they knew he did not do it, then sued the […]

Vincent James and Nick Fuentes: The Rosa Parks And Martin Luther King Jr. Of White Nationalists

Over the holidays, racist, misogynistic, antisemitic, homophobic Christian nationalist Nick Fuentes hosted an 13-hour “Moneybomb Marathon Stream” to raise money for his America First movement heading into 2024. Among the guests were far-right activists and commentators Gavin McInnes, Keith Woods, Elijah Schaffer, Stew Peters, and Vincent James, an unapologetic racist, antisemite, misogynist, conspiracy theorist, and […]

The US pays tribute to the life and legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.

“Dr King’s life and legacy in my view, show us the way forward,” US President Joe Biden said, during a sermon at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, where Martin Luther King Jr. was a pastor. Source

What about Martin Luther King

I was 10 years old when USA/DC murdered MLK. You did not know it was the RED,WHITE & Blue which murdered Him? The King Family knew James Earl Ray did not murder MLK. The family met with him and told him they knew he did not do it. Not saying Ray was a nice man, […]

The Greek Orthodox Archbishop Who Walked with Martin Luther King

The 1965 march of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., a leading civil rights leader, in Selma, Alabama was a turning point in American history. It was also a landmark moment for the participation of Greek-Americans and the Orthodox Church in the making of the modern U.S.. Along with Martin Luther King in that pivotal […]

Rabbi Who Marched With Martin Luther King Claimed Prayer Is ‘Meaningless Unless It’s Subversive’

(The Jewish Chronicle) A new biography of America’s original social justice warrior — the “militant mystic,” Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel — unwittingly reveals the hypocrisy and double-mindedness of one of the many Jews who helped fabricate the popular myth of Martin Luther King, Jr. — while at the same time turning a blind eye to […]

ACH (1494) Dr. Peter Hammond – The Real Story Of Martin Luther’s Courageous Stand 500 Years Ago

EURO FOLK RADIO ACH (1494) Dr. Peter Hammond – The Real Story Of Martin Luther’s Courageous Stand 500 Years Ago Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds Subscribe Share In today’s show originally broadcast on April 15 2021, Andy is joined by Dr. Peter Hammond for a show […]

Rabbi Robert Marx, who marched with Martin Luther King, dies at 93

Robert Marx, a pioneering social justice advocate and leading Reform rabbi who drew inspiration from his experiences marching with Martin Luther King, Jr., is dead at 93. He died on March 28 at the beginning of the Passover holiday, surrounded by family at his home in Saugatuck, Michigan, the Chicago Tribune reported. He had suffered […]

The Assassination and Resurrection of Martin Luther King, Jr.

MLK speaking at Riverside Church, NYC, 4 April 1967 “I don’t believe in death without resurrection. If they kill me, I will rise again in the Salvadorian people…”  – Archbishop Oscar Romero, martyred, 24 March 1980 Whether we are aware of it or not, we live by stories. We live by others’ stories while we tell […]

FBI unclassified tapes reveal Martin Luther King Jr. as a Gang Rapist of White Women

    Secret FBI tapes that accuse Martin Luther King Jr of having extramarital affairs with ’40 to 45 women’ and even claim he ‘looked on and laughed’ as a pastor friend raped a parishioner exist, an author has claimed. The civil rights hero was also heard allegedly joking he was the founder of the […]

Martin Luther King’s Vision Of An Interconnected World

Above photo: Martin Luther King Jr. on the Meredith March Against Fear in 1966. Stanford University Libraries/Bob Fitch. One of King’s last and most overlooked writings, The World House, offers insight into what he’d advise after the Capitol attack. We are facing converging global crises — a horrific pandemic, worsening economic inequality both in the […]

Reclaiming The Radical Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

By Margaret Flowers, Clearing the FOG. January 18, 2021 In the last years of his life, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. rejected duopoly politics and challenged the roots of the crises we face, what he called the triple evils of racism, capitalism and militarism. As many people active in the Civil Rights Movement moved into […]

Critical Lessons From Dr. Martin Luther King For These Times

NOTE: Margaret Flowers and Askia Muhammad will co-host an inaugural special on Pacifica Radio on Wednesday, January 20 from 6:30 to 8:00 pm Eastern. It can be heard on WBAI and WPFW. The theme will be Dr. King’s triple evils and what Biden’s cabinet picks tell us about what we can expect from this administration. […]

The Government that Honors Dr. Martin Luther King with a National Holiday Killed Him

A Review of The Plot to Kill King by William Pepper Very few Americans are aware of the truth behind the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Few books have been written about it, unlike other significant assassinations, especially JFK’s. For almost fifty years there has been a media blackout supported by government deception […]

Why Martin Luther King Day Should Matter

2020 will go down as the deadliest year in American history, significantly due to the devastation delivered by the coronavirus pandemic. In addition, count in nearly two trillion dollars in damage from climate events (many caused by, or heightened by, intensifying global warming), a surge of incidents of police violence inflicted on Black and Native peoples, and millions more Americans joining the ranks […]

Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy alive in Israel

On Monday, the US marks Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday with a national holiday. Celebrated this year on January 18, the event comes less than two weeks after historic violence on Capitol Hill, the symbol of American democracy. For more stories from The Media Line go to King was only 39 years […]

Martin Luther King’s Revolutionary Dream Deferred

Above image: By Mr. Fish. NOTE: This article was originally published in Truthdig in January 2018. Clearing the FOG will co-host an inauguration day special panel on Wednesday, January 20 from 6:30 to 8:00 pm Eastern on WPFW in Washington, DC and WBAI in New York City. Askia Muhammad will co-host the program with Margaret […]

Jews Help Promote Martin Luther’s ‘Antisemitic’ Book ‘On The Jews And Their Lies’ By Complaining About it

posted on September 30, 2020 Dymocks, an Australian bookstore chain with 60 shops across the country, has been selling an unflattering book about Jews by Martin Luther — a book that Jews claim was allegedly used by “some Nazis” to justify the so-called “Holocaust”, according to a press release by the Anti-Defamation Commission. The controversial […]

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