Posts Tagged ‘pepper’

Dr. William Pepper on the Assassination of Martin Luther King (2018)

An interview with the recently departed Dr. William F. Pepper, Esq., on his four decade long investigation into the assassination of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Source

Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne Pepper

Australia police use pepper spray to disperse Djokovic supporters

Supporters of Novak Djokovic crowded around a car that was seen leaving the tennis star’s lawyer’s office in Melbourne, believing it carried the tennis player, but the Associated Press cannot independently confirm whether he was in the car. Police trying to disperse the crowd to let the car pass at some point appeared to douse […]

Cops Use Pepper spray against babies! a child in a stroller Pepper Sprayed during peaceful protest To The Cheers Of We Back The Blue Groupies

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Frail Elderly Australian Woman Beaten to Bloody Pulp and Pepper-Sprayed by Police During Lockdown Protest

A frail elderly woman in her 70’s was brutally assaulted by Melbourne police and pepper-sprayed for the ‘crime’ of attending a peaceful lockdown protest on Saturday. In a disturbing video, the woman can be seen holding an Australian flag and standing on the road facing a group of approaching cops. One police officer proceeds to […]

Australia Now the Disgrace of the World: Police Attacking and Pepper-Spraying Young Children for not Wearing Masks!

From by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News Earlier this month we reported how quickly Australia had descended into tyranny, basically becoming a medical police state with martial law. Even China has criticized their authoritarian measures, and we showed video footage of police arresting the elderly and seniors in parks for simply not wearing masks. […]

Video: Australian Police Pepper Spray Children For Not Wearing Face Masks

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has mimicked Australia’s top public health official by telling citizens, “Don’t talk to your neighbors,” after the country went into full lockdown as a result of just a single COVID case being detected. As we highlighted earlier, the entire country has been placed under lockdown for three days, with […]

Australian Police Attacking and Pepper-Spraying Children for not Wearing Masks!

Australia Now the Disgrace of the World: Police Attacking and Pepper-Spraying Young Children for not Wearing Masks! by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact NewsEarlier this month we reported how quickly Australia had descended into tyranny, basically becoming a medical police state with martial law. Even China has criticized their authoritarian measures, and we showed video footage […]

Video: Virginia cops pepper-spray US Army officer with hands in air

[embedded content] Recorded on video shooting OC spray directly into the face of a U.S. Army Lieutenant with his empty hands in the air, two Virginia police officers have recently been named in a civil rights lawsuit. According to the complaint, the officers wrote false statements in their police reports to justify the use of […]

Nine Benefits of Eating Black Pepper

February 23rd, 2021 By Dr. Joseph Mercola Contributing writer for Wake Up World Pepper is so common in kitchens today that it’s easy to take for granted, but this savory and spicy seasoning adds not only a powerful kick to your meals but also an impressive boost to your health. Black pepper (Piper Nigrum L.) is native […]

Police officers suspended after pepper-spraying 9-year-old girl on video

Recorded on body cam video pepper-spraying a handcuffed 9-year-old girl, New York police officers were suspended Monday for their involvement in the controversial incident. Around 3:30 p.m. on January 29, Rochester police officers responded to a family disturbance call. According to Deputy Police Chief Andre Anderson, the officers were informed by the mother that her […]

Rochester Police Under Fire After Pepper-Spraying Distraught 9-Year Old

Amid a public outcry the department released two videos from body cameras. Especially driving public anger is the fact that the child was already handcuffed when an officer sprayed her with pepper-spray at close range. This occurred after an apparent struggle while the child was begging for her father to come, and as she was […]

San Diego: Mask Cultist Pepper Sprays Innocent Maskless Normie at the Park

Sounds Healing

The disease of paranoia is now spreading wildly. It is out of control. People are barely holding it together. This is all going to start cracking and it is going to start cracking badly. Fox News: A woman has posted a video of a stranger attacking her husband with pepper spray for […]

7 unconventional uses for pepper

(Natural News) Pepper: it’s a humble seasoning and spice that no home nor restaurant kitchen can do without. Yet far from just adding a touch of heat to any dish, peppers have a wide array of uses. And many of these don’t even have anything to do with food. Read on to […]

Black pepper could help fight obesity: Research shows it lowers body fat and blood sugar

(Natural News) A new study revealed that black pepper could help fight against obesity by reducing body fat and blood sugar levels. The study was carried out by a team of researchers from Sri Venkateswara University in India. For the study, the research team experimented on obese rats who were administered with a high-fat diet […]

DC police sued over unlawful pepper-spraying of 10 year old boy at Trump inauguration

     A 10-year-old boy and his mother are suing Washington, DC police officers for unlawfully pepper spraying them during a roundup of protesters on President Donald Trump’s Inauguration Day. The complaint filed Wednesday says that Gwen Frisbie-Fulton and her son, identified only as as “AS” – since he was 10 at the time – were […]

She Always Puts Black Pepper Into The Laundry Machine…. After Seeing The Results, I Do Too

We’ve all tossed something into the dryer hoping to pull it out looking as good as new, but the truth is, the richness and colors of our clothing fade when we put them in the dryer. This is not only heartbreaking to witness when your favorite clothing items come out two shades lighter, but it’s […]

[WATCH] ‘Stop Killing Us’ Banner at Cardinals Game Followed by Pepper Spray and Arrests Outside

A Friday night protest that began peacefully, with demonstrators dropping a banner inside Busch Stadium reading “Stop Killing Us,” changed tone rapidly less than two hours later when police made multiple arrests, appeared to taser at least one protester and pepper-sprayed several others. The arrests left protesters outraged and confused, and many took to social […]

[WATCH] Oklahoma Cop Says, “We Can Spin It,” After They Pepper Spray 84-year-old Woman

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Disturbing Video of St. Louis Police Indiscriminately Pepper Spraying People On The Ground With Hands Up

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