Posts Tagged ‘unlawful’

In a historic ruling, ICJ declares Israeli occupation unlawful, calls for settlements to be evacuated, and for Palestinian reparations

The International Court of Justice declared Israel’s occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem is unlawful, the settlements must be evacuated, and Palestinians must be compensated and allowed to return to their lands. Source

Victoria Police – Thug Life – Unlawful Violence

In Victoria, a monumental event occurred in 2021, when the true colours of Victoria Police have come out, i.e. black uniforms, which pretty much they are now, from the good ol’ days of ‘office’ blue, but with red armbands with a circle and ‘cross’ insignia at least in spirit anyway. Victoria Police are human rights […]

“An Unlawful Sleight Of Hand”: Biden Parole Program Has Flown Illegals To More Than 45 US Cities

“An Unlawful Sleight Of Hand”: Biden Parole Program Has Flown Illegals To More Than 45 US Cities In a recent development, a House Committee subpoena has forced the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to reveal details of its parole program designed to allow entry for thousands of individuals from several nations. The program, established in […]

Border Patrol chief: Unlawful border crossers must face SERIOUS CONSEQUENCES

The head of the U.S. Border Patrol (USBP) has emphasized the need for serious consequences for unlawful border crossers amid an influx of illegals at the nation’s border with Mexico. USBP Chief Jason Owens stressed this point during an exclusive interview with CBS News. He told the news outlet’s Camilo Montoya-Galvez that imposing “consequences” on […]

Mandates Ruled ‘Unlawful’ by Supreme Court, Australia

Covid vaccine mandates enforced on Queensland police and ambulance workers have been declared ‘unlawful’ in a landmark Supreme Court ruling. Justice Glenn Martin found the Queensland Police Commissioner Katarina Carroll’s direction for mandatory Covid vaccination, issued in December 2021, to be unlawful under the Human Rights Act. A similar Covid vaccination order issued by the Director-General […]


The Supreme Court of Queensland has ruled that COVID-19 vaccine mandates imposed by the Queensland state government on emergency workers during the pandemic were unlawful under the state’s own human rights laws. On Feb. 27, the Supreme Court issued rulings on multiple lawsuits against the Queensland Police Service (QPS) and Queensland Ambulance Service (QAS) over […]

China calls for lifting ‘unlawful, unilateral’ sanctions against Syria

22 Sep 2023  Source: Agencies By Al Mayadeen English A joint statement issued by Beijing and Damascus says both sides are vehemently opposed to all kinds of hegemony and power politics. China has urged on Friday relevant nations to swiftly eliminate all “unlawful and unilateral” sanctions imposed against Syria, state-run Chinese news agency Xinhua reported, citing a […]

‘Huge win’: Court finds EPA approval of bee-killing sulfoxaflor unlawful

“Studies show that the widespread adoption of systemic insecticides has made our landscapes 48 times more deadly for pollinators like honeybees.” Source

EXPOSED! Vic fines unlawful, in breach of ‘Prescribed Details’, gov MUST withdraw!

There are MANY problems in Victoria in reation to the police handing out ‘Infringement Notices’ for the alleged breach of so called health orders. First and foremost, there was no lawful declaration of a ‘State of Emergency’ by the authorities, therfore there cannot be any ‘health orders’. This fact is supported by the court case […]

ATO ‘Director-ID’ fines unlawful?

Australia has been a colony since the (hostile) take-over by the colonialists, the UK’s monarchy together with its government from 1788. Why ‘hostile’?  Because there is no treaty with the original inhabitants of the land, even until today. How honourable, but what else can one expect from English pirates. The colony has been turned into […]

Military created prohibited digital tool to swiftly deny exemptions to unlawful Covid-19 vaccine mandate

The Dossier has obtained the “digital tool” that at least one branch of the U.S. military has been using to mass-deny soldiers who apply for an exemption to the Pentagon’s unlawful Covid-19 injection mandate. Source

Victoria Police admits to using unlawful retrospective law in ‘lock up’ fines

Cowardly attack by Victoria Police on female pensioner. The Victorian Government, police and the courts are involved in an intricate web of deceit against persons who have been fined under the Chief Health Officer’s ‘directions’. In an embarrassing situation for police, in a ‘court of public record’ Victoria Police admitted that the organisation is using unlawfully […]

UK’s tax breaks for oil and gas ‘unlawful’ and harm climate action, court hears

Image Credit: Sabrina Merolla/Zuma Press Wire/Rex/Shutterstock The strategy being pursued by the UK government’s oil and gas regulator and business secretary is “unlawful” because it fails to regulate tax breaks for oil and gas companies, a court has been told. The hearing today at the Royal Court of Justice in London also heard that the […]

Missouri Attorney General Asks Court to Declare Mask Mandates Unlawful

Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt filed a lawsuit on Tuesday against school districts that have imposed mask mandates on students, seeking a declaration from the court that such requirements are unlawful. “Mask mandates for kids in schools are not supported by the science and are an arbitrary and capricious measure. The cure should not be […]

Stonehenge Tunnel Ruled “Unlawful”

A judge has just ruled on the heavily criticized proposal for a tunnel beneath Stonehenge. He’s quashed the British government’s plans. Campaigners working to save Stonehenge are delighted at the court case results, but is this truly the end of the tunnel vs Stonehenge battle? What was the Tunnel Plan? If you’re unfamiliar with the […]

Federal Court Rules CDC’s COVID-19 Eviction Moratorium Is Unlawful; Evidently ZIONIST Gates Money is Corrupting Our CDC, Politicians, EVERYTHING

Dr. Rochelle Walensky, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, testifies during a Senate hearing in Washington, on July 20, 2021. (Stefani Reynolds-Pool/Getty Images)JUDICIARY BY JACK PHILLIPS July 23, 2021 Updated: July 25, 2021biggersmallerPrint A federal court ruled on July 23 that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) overstepped its authority by halting […]

Groups Demand End To ‘Unlawful’ US Airstrikes And Drone Attacks

Groups Demand End To ‘Unlawful’ US Airstrikes And Drone Attacks Above Photo: Wikimedia Commons. A letter signed by 113 groups reminded Joe Biden of his promise to end forever wars and center the protection of human rights in his foreign policy. On Wednesday, June 30, rights groups in a letter to president Joe Biden demanded that the […]


BIG BROTHER WATCH TEAM / MAY 25, 2021 UK mass surveillance found unlawful by Europe’s highest human rights court The Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights today ruled that the UK’s mass interception programmes, disclosed by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, unlawfully breached citizens’ rights to privacy and free expression. Campaign groups Big […]

New Zealand Court Rules Pfizer Vaccine Rollout Unlawful

The New Zealand Government has changed the law surrounding the distribution of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine following a High Court ruling that determined widespread access to the vaccine was unlawful and in violation of the Medicines Act. In a court case between Nga Kaitiaki Tuku Ihu Medical Action Society (KTI) and the Minister of Health, KTI […]

“Brutal” Abuse Of Power: Watch As UK Police Break Up “Unlawful Gathering” Easter Service In London

UK police invaded a church in southwest London during a Good Friday service and shut it down because “too many people” were in attendance. Local reports identified that clergy and congregants at Christ the King Roman Catholic Church in Balham, at what’s a predominantly Polish neighborhood church, were threatened with a fine equivalent to multiple […]

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