Posts Tagged ‘airstrikes’

‘For the resistance’: Tulkarem residents face Israeli airstrikes and assassinations

Members of the Tulkarem resistance in the northern West Bank remain defiant as community members rally around them after an Israeli airstrike assassinated one of their leaders. Source

Oil & Gold Prices Rise After Reports Of Israeli Airstrikes Against Targets In Iran

Oil and gold prices jumped after reports that Israel had struck targets inside Iran on Friday. The city of Isfahan in central Iran was struck at 5am local time, with Israeli projectiles reported to have […] The post Oil & Gold Prices Rise After Reports Of Israeli Airstrikes Against Targets In Iran appeared first on […]

Israel kills SEVEN Gaza food aid workers in “accidental” airstrikes where Israeli drones hunted, targeted and destroyed three clearly marked food aid vehicles

Israel kills SEVEN Gaza food aid workers in “accidental” airstrikes where Israeli drones hunted, targeted and destroyed three clearly marked food aid vehicles A convoy of aid workers from World Central Kitchen (WCK) was struck three times by Israel in Gaza bombings that the Zionist state says were not intentionally aimed at these targets. According […]

Rutgers profits from Boeing airstrikes launched on Gaza. Vote ‘Yes’ to divest!

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, must divest its endowment fund from companies and organizations that profit from, engage in, or contribute to the government of Israel’s human rights violations. An excellent example of this is that Rutgers profits off of Boeing airstrikes launched at Palestinians.  Boeing is the 3rd largest military company. Likewise, […]

War Expands With Massive Israeli Airstrikes 60km Deep Into Lebanon

War Expands With Massive Israeli Airstrikes 60km Deep Into Lebanon The Israel-Hezbollah war is expanding, which was on display Monday as Israel for the first time struck near a large city which is deep inside Lebanon, far away from the border, in the region of Ghaziyeh. Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari has […]


FEBRUARY 16TH, 2024 Source Ahmed AbdulKareem In the courtyard of Yemen’s famous Al Shaeb Mosque, guards of honor stood at attention accompanied by the melody of military music as the funeral ceremony of Yemeni marines killed in the latest round of U.S. and UK strikes commenced. The mourners, many of whom traveled from the countryside […]


FEBRUARY 9TH, 2024 Source Ahmed AbdulKareem is a Yemeni journalist based in Sana’a. He covers the war in Yemen for MintPress News as well as local Yemeni media. Ahmed Abdulkareem When confronted with international appeals for humanitarian aid due to the ongoing crises in Gaza and Yemen, the United States and the United Kingdom have chosen […]

Could Iran And Pakistan’s Airstrikes Escalate? Here’s What To Know.

ISLAMABAD (AP) — This week’s airstrikes between Iran and Pakistan that killed at least 11 people marks a significant escalation in fraught relations between the neighbors. Long-running, low-level insurgencies on either side of the border have frustrated both countries, and the apparent targets of the strikes — Iran’s on Tuesday and Pakistan’s response on Thursday […]

U.S. And Arab Partners Disagree On The Need For A Cease-Fire As Israeli Airstrikes Kill More Civilians

The United States and Arab partners disagreed Saturday on the need for an immediate cease-fire in the Gaza Strip as Israeli military strikes killed civilians at a U.N. shelter and a hospital. Source

Israeli airstrikes targeting Hamas leaders in Jabalia refugee camp left at least 195 Palestinians dead

(NaturalNews) About 195 Palestinians were killed following two airstrikes on Oct. 31 and Nov. 1 targeting militant group leaders at the densely populated Jabalia,… Source

Israeli Airstrikes Hit Refugee Camp For A Second Day, Gaza Officials Say

The toll from Tuesday’s strikes was also unknown, though the director of a nearby hospital said hundreds were killed or wounded. Source

Israeli Airstrikes Level Apartments In Gaza Refugee Camp As Ground Troops Battle Hamas

The Israeli military said a large number of militants were killed, including the commander overseeing Hamas operations in northern Gaza. Source

Israel Expands Ground Assault Into Gaza As Fears Rise Over Airstrikes Near Crowded Hospitals

All 10 hospitals operating in northern Gaza have received evacuation orders, the U.N.’s office for the coordination of humanitarian affairs said. Source

Israeli Airstrikes Kill Al Jazeera Reporter’s Family In Gaza

Journalist Wael Dahdouh lost his wife, son, daughter and grandson in an attack on a refugee camp in the Palestinian territory. Source

‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 15: Gaza aid trickles in amid uninterrupted airstrikes, West Bank arrests continue

The meager aid convoy of 20 trucks carrying food and medicine will offer Gazans little reprieve. Meanwhile, Israel continues its genocidal bombing campaign while stepping up its arrests in the West Bank and skirmishes with Hezbollah. Source

‘Al-Aqsa Flood Operation’ Day 13: Humanitarian aid to Gaza stalls as Israel renews airstrikes

Due to the destruction Israel wrought at the Rafah crossing and to roads, moving humanitarian aid into Gaza is currently impossible. Meanwhile, Israel has renewed its indiscriminate airstrikes with U.S. diplomatic cover. Source

Egypt urges Israel to halt airstrikes on Rafah border crossing with Gaza

Egypt urged Israel, on Thursday, to avoid attacking the Rafah border crossing with the Gaza Strip to allow repair and restoration after Israeli airstrikes affected operations on the Palestinian side, Anadolu Agency reports. “Rafah border crossing is open and has not been closed since the start of the ongoing escalation,” a Foreign Ministry spokesman wrote […]

‘Israel’ massacres 704, including Journalists, in overnight airstrikes

October 10, 2023 By Al Mayadeen English Source: Agencies + Al Mayadeen “Israel” has intensified its brutal airstrikes across Gaza, leading to hundreds of killings and thousands of injuries among civilians, including journalists. The Palestinian Ministry of Health reported that the number of martyrs resulting from the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip has surpassed 704, with […]

Tens of terrorists killed and injured after airstrikes on Idlib

28 Jun 2023  Source: Agencies The Syrian Ministry of Defense added in its statement that the strikes targeted storage piles of weapons, ammunition, guidance tools, drones, and espionage equipment. By Al Mayadeen English The Syrian Ministry of Defense announced that the armed forces, in cooperation with the Russian forces, conducted a decisive airstrike against the […]

Israeli Airstrikes Kill IRGC Member In Syria, Iran Vows Revenge

Successive unprovoked Israeli airstrikes against Syria, which have picked up in frequency since the beginning of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, were reported to have killed a member of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). This escalatory incident comes only a week after US airstrikes killed as many as 7 in Syria’s eastern province […]

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