Posts Tagged ‘jabalia’

‘Jabalia is the birthplace of uprisings’: Israeli army withdraws, but the camp remains

The Israeli army withdrew from Jabalia refugee camp after a three-week invasion, leaving destruction and a new generation of resistance fighters in its wake. Source

WAR CRIMES: Israel’s admission to bombing Jabalia refugee camp confirms Jewish state is also bombing hospitals, churches and residential buildings ON PURPOSE

(NaturalNews) Israel is fessing up to bombing the Jabalia refugee camp in Gaza, a ruthless attack that resulted in more than 50 deaths and 150… Source

World reacts to Israeli attack on Jabalia refugee camp, many calling it “inhumane” or “war crimes”

(NaturalNews) Israel’s recent massive airstrike on the Jabalia refugee camp in northern Gaza has prompted global criticism as people from all political and… Source

UN Says Israeli Strikes on Jabalia Refugee Camp Could “Amount to War Crimes”

Renegade Editor’s Note: What a weak response. The UN is completely controlled by them, but must pretend to Source

Israeli airstrikes targeting Hamas leaders in Jabalia refugee camp left at least 195 Palestinians dead

(NaturalNews) About 195 Palestinians were killed following two airstrikes on Oct. 31 and Nov. 1 targeting militant group leaders at the densely populated Jabalia,… Source

Israel Admits Targeting Jabalia Refugee Camp Killing Hundreds Of Civilians & More IDF Propaganda

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (11/1/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Israeli airstrike claims entire Palestinian family in Jabalia refugee camp

An Israeli military strike today resulted in the loss of an entire Palestinian family within their residence in Jabalia refugee camp, based in the northern part of the Gaza Strip, reported Wafa news agency. The victims included Abdul Rahman Shihab, a former detainee who had served 23 years in Israeli prisons for his resistance against […]

Palestinian firemen try to extinguish huge fire at mattress factory east of Jabalia

Israeli air strikes hammered the Gaza Strip Monday, after a week of violence between the Jewish state and Palestinian militants left more than 200 people dead as international calls for de-escalation went unheeded. Overnight Sunday to Monday, Israel launched dozens of strikes in the space of a few minutes across the crowded coastal Palestinian enclave […]

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