Posts Tagged ‘entire’

Explosive Report Drops a Bomb on the Entire Childhood Vaccine Schedule

It turns out that the shots forced on children to attend school have “negligible or non-existent benefits” but “documented side effects.” This is true for many of the most widely-used vaccines, including the MMR, DPT, flu, and the tetanus shots. This information came to light from a comprehensive report written by popular Substack author, A […]

CIA, WEF run the entire mainstream media empire-Rothschild’s run Israel, Mossad, CIA, UK, UN, US, WEF, ICC, IBS, France, Russia, China, Iran & African Slave Trade

Source of original headline: Source

BEWARE! The ICC arrest warrant for war criminal Netanyahu puts the entire world at great risk…..

…because the genocidal regime ruling the Zionist State of Israel will do anything to both (i) distract the world’s attention from this major development and (ii) throw the entire planetary civilization into the kinetic phase of a WW3 scenario as a means of overwhelming the extraordinarily profound significance of the scathing indictment. Submitted by The […]

US To Sanction Entire IDF Battalion Over Alleged Human Rights Abuses

US To Sanction Entire IDF Battalion Over Alleged Human Rights Abuses Axios is reporting what marks an unexpected and unprecedented development in US-Israel relations: the Biden administration will in the coming days announce sanctions against an entire battalion of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). Three US officials told the outlet that US Secretary of State Antony […]

Trump Calls for Liz Cheney and the Entire Jan. 6 Committee to Be Jailed

___ Source

Candace Owens ‘Stakes Entire Reputation’ On Fact That ‘Brigitte Macron Is a Man’

Candace Owens has stated she is willing to stake her entire reputation on the fact that the first lady of France Brigitte Macron was born male. The conservative pundit shared the results of her investigation […] The post Candace Owens ‘Stakes Entire Reputation’ On Fact That ‘Brigitte Macron Is a Man’ appeared first on The […]

Arizona residents drive entire Maricopa County Board of Supervisors out of meeting after serving them for TREASON

(NaturalNews) The entire Maricopa County, Ariz., Board of Supervisors was driven out of a recent meeting by a cohort of We the People who served them for… Source

Israel unleashing Hannibal Directive on entire Gaza Strip, INTENTIONALLY KILLING Israeli hostages

(NaturalNews) What Israel is saying publicly about how it plans to deal with its captives in Gaza once apprehended is much different than what Israel is actually… Source

Astrophysicist Drops a Nuclear Bomb on the Entire Climate Change Narrative

“The whole problem of this global warming is a complete nothing,” Dr. Willie Soon told Tucker Carlson. He says he’s 90% sure the sun, not carbon dioxide, is causing climate change and that the climate czars are so out of their minds that they are misleading the public. “I really find that the whole problem […]

Three Wall Street Mega Banks Hold $157.3 Trillion in Derivatives – That’s $56.7 Trillion More than the Entire World’s GDP Last Year

At recent Congressional hearings on federal bank regulators’ newly proposed rules to force the largest banks in the U.S. to hold more capital against their riskiest trading positions (so that taxpayers aren’t on the hook for more bailouts), the banks and their sycophants holding Senate and House seats made it sound like it’s the American […]

Pentagon Grounds Entire ‘Widow-Maker’ Osprey Fleet After Fatal Japan Crash 

The entire fleet of Osprey V-22 helicopters used by the US military was temporarily grounded on Wednesday evening. This decision came in response to a tragic incident one week prior, where a tiltrotor aircraft crashed off Japan’s coast, resulting in the loss of eight lives. AP News reported that the Air Force, Navy, and Marine Corps grounded hundreds […]

Mass Psychosis – How an entire population can go mentally ill

The most dangerous of all mental epidemics is mass psychosis. A mass psychosis is an epidemic of madness that occurs when a large portion of society loses touch with reality and descends into delusions. Such a phenomenon is not fiction. Two examples are the American and European witch hunts of the 15th and 16th centuries and the rise of […]

Entire Board Of Major UK Charity Sacked For Being White

Authored by Steve Watson via A major charity in the UK has dismissed its entire board claiming that they are all too “white and privileged”. The Daily Mail reports that The Tudor Trust, which has a net worth of £288million and gives away around £20 million a year, is ‘rethinking’ its future, pledging to be a […]

She lost her entire family in an airstrike, but no one has told her yet

Her face still bearing the scratches and scars of being stuck under the rubble for several hours, she patiently awaits word from the rest of her family. She has no idea that they were all killed during the massacre in Tal al-Hawa, and no one is able to break the news to her out of […]

Australia wants to absorb entire country because of Global Warming

    The Australian government, in a landmark move, has extended an offer of asylum to the entire population of Tuvalu, a vulnerable Pacific nation threatened by the alleged rising sea levels. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese announced this significant initiative during the Pacific Islands Forum Leaders’ Meeting in the Cook Islands. Both nations signed a […]

“Visionary” Founders Are Starting To Crumble, Entire Sectors Will Be Next

Submitted by QTR’s Fringe Finance Those that have been reading me over the last year know that it is my strongly held belief that—even if the market does eventually wind up moving higher over time—we must experience a swift and shocking move lower in equity markets that, I believe, we are due for at any […]


Nov 1st 2023 I REJECT THE ENTIRE 10/7 PSYOP I’m NOT on the side of “Hamas”I’m NOT on the side of NetanyahuNetanyahu & “Hamas” are on the same side: #WARI’m on the side of #CeasefireNOWThe psyop is designed to start #WW3To accelerate the #GreatResetBecause the #Covid ID plan failedThey need ALL nations to come out […]

Ukraine Claims It Has Entire Battalion Of Russian Citizens Who Rebelled Against Putin

Ukraine Claims It Has Entire Battalion Of Russian Citizens Who Rebelled Against Putin Ukraine claims to have formed an entire military battalion of Russian citizens who have revolted against Putin’s government and desire to fight on behalf of Kiev. Bloomberg and others this week have reported on the establishment of the ‘Sibir’ (or Siberia) battalion, […]

Israel Calls For Entire Gaza Population To “Relocate” & Reuters Journalist Killed By Israeli Bombing

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (10/13/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

McCarthy on Speakership chaos: ‘How do you allow four percent of the conference to do this to the entire country?’

Former Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) is questioning how the small number of Republicans who voted to oust him last week has led to the ongoing turmoil among the GOP conference as its members scramble to find a new Speaker. “What’s validating to me is how do you allow 4 percent of the conference do this… […]

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