Posts Tagged ‘Population’

Wild population of Mexican wolves sees another year of growth

Image Credit: Jim Schulz/CZS-Brookfield Zoo For the eighth consecutive year, the wild population of Mexican wolves saw another year of growth. The population census from 2023 showed there were 257 Mexican wolves distributed across Arizona and New Mexico up from 242 wolves counted in 2022. The increase in population marks the longest continuous streak since […]

American Heart Association: 90% of Vaxxed Population Now Have Deadly Heart Defects

The American Heart Association (AMA) has warned that 90 percent of the vaccinated population now suffers from an irreversible heart condition caused by the COVID-19 vaccines. According to new research, an astounding number of fully […] The post American Heart Association: 90% of Vaxxed Population Now Have Deadly Heart Defects appeared first on The People's […]

Brand-new heart syndrome reportedly affects 90% of U.S. population, American Medical Association claims, no explanation offered

COVID Propaganda Roundup: The latest updates on the “new normal” – chronicling the lies, distortions, and abuses by the ruling class. Via American Heart Association , October 2023 (emphasis added): “Health experts are redefining cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk, prevention and management, according to a new American Heart Association presidential advisory published today in the Association’s flagship journal […]

UPDATED: The Covid 19 Suspects and Their Ties to Eugenics and Population Control/Reduction

Why was Anthony Fauci pictured with the main billionaire funders of the modern eugenics movement, including David Rockefeller, George Soros, Ted Turner and Bill Gates Sr? On Tuesday, we republished our most important investigation ever: Solving Covid – The Covid-19 Eugenics, and Vaccine/Drug Scam Timeline, after discovering that well over a dozen entries had mysteriously disappeared […]

Is a massive DEATH WAVE coming to the Covid VAXXED population? Top virologists and immunologists are predicting exactly that

Is a massive DEATH WAVE coming to the Covid VAXXED population? Top virologists and immunologists are predicting exactly that It used to be that vaccine “hesitancy” and “skepticism” amounted from concerns about all the toxins used to manufacture them, including mercury, formaldehyde, monosodium glutamate and genetically modified blood cells from aborted babies, monkeys and other […]

A message from Japanese Professor – re Needlecraft plans for the World population

 [email protected] Prof Masayasu Inoue appeals to the world to stop the WHO from its takeover of human health and its plan to force another new type of vaccine on us all. There will be no opportunity to refuse the edicts of the WHO and most of our governments are already compliant. This is the worst […]

Club of Rome Unveils Plan to Cull Billions from the World Population

by John Bowne The Club of Rome is the psychotic brain behind the net zero cult phenomenon and book that started it all, The Limits To Growth. Except this cult wants every last human dead to reduce that pesky CO2 that the globalists that want the planet all to themselves keep complaining about. Problem is, […]

Bill Gates Study ‘Predicts’ Sudden and Irreversible Global Population Collapse

A major new study funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation found that the global population is set to collapse due to “reduced fertility rates” in Western countries. The study, published in the medical journal The Lancet, found that 155 of 204 countries are set to experience population collapse by the year 2050 as fertility rates […]

Global Population Set To Fall For First Time In 700 Years

Global Population Set To Fall For First Time In 700 Years Authored by Steve Watson via, A major study published in scientific journal The Lancet has found that the global population will start to fall within decades due to vastly reduced fertility rates and may never recover. The study, funded by the Bill & Melinda […]

UN says 70% of Gaza’s population faces Catastrophic Hunger

A dire warning emerged from a UN monitoring group on Monday, signaling famine conditions in the northern region of Gaza. With approximately 300,000 individuals trapped in the aftermath of prolonged Israeli bombardment, casualties have soared, surpassing 31,000 fatalities. The UN-backed report paints a grim picture, highlighting that over 70% of Gaza’s 2.3 million residents face […]

POPULATION CRISIS: Japan’s population plummets for 8 straight years, hitting historic low in 2023

POPULATION CRISIS: Japan’s population plummets for 8 straight years, hitting historic low in 2023 Recently released government data reveals that Japan’s population decline continues for an eighth consecutive year, with births diminishing to a historic low in 2023. In 2023, there were only 758,631 reported births in Japan, including to Japanese citizens, foreigners and even from Japanese […]

Iran’s Jewish Population Belies Claims Of Tehran’s Genocidal Intent

By Brian McGlinchey via Stark Realities For decades, Israeli government officials — chief among them, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu — have accused Iran of plotting a new Holocaust against the millions of Jews who call Israel home. Netanyahu has said Iran is “planning another genocide against our people,” and wants to “destroy another six million plus Jews.” Western […]

What is the REAL Jewish World Population?

Most sources put Jewish world population  at around 13 million but researcherEdgar Portisch, who is  part-Jewish,  puts the number at closer to 120 million. from Dec 22, 2011by Edgar Portisch ( The world is facing a high financial cabal which controls Hollywood, the media, corporations, most of what is called Politics and certainly most secret […]

These Are The US States Losing (& Gaining) Population

These Are The US States Losing (& Gaining) Population As pandemic patterns of U.S. population growth are normalizing, three states have remained among the U.S. jurisdictions which are shrinking. Statista’s Katharina Buchholz reports that, according to a December release by the Census Bureau, California, Illinois and New York – along with West Virginia, Louisiana, Pennsylvania, Hawaii and Oregon […]

Major Solar Storm Could Leave 90% Of The Population Dead Within A Year

“Basically, there is a 100% probability that our sun, generating what they call a GMD, which is a solar storm, that hits hard, hits our Earth, and the magnetic field we have around the Earth, and can fry everything that is electric above the ground, including our entire grid,” actor Dannis Quaid explained to Tucker […]

RSV introduced into population by polio vaccines; now Pfizer’s RSV vaccines risk harming, killing people

(NaturalNews) The dreaded “new” disease known as RSV, short for respiratory syncytial virus, is the target of Pfizer’s new RSV vaccine, called “Abrysvo” – but… Source

Is Smart Dust Already In Use On The Population & Was “COVID-19” An Attempted Experimental Next Step?

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (1/22/24). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Swedish government calls for population to be READY FOR WAR with Russia

(NaturalNews) Swedish officials are calling on their military and civilians to be ready for war with Russia, with many young Swedes claiming in interviews that… Source

World Population Up 75 Million This Year, Topping 8 Billion By Jan. 1

The growth rate for the United States in the past year was 0.53%, about half the worldwide figure. Source

Mass Psychosis – How an entire population can go mentally ill

The most dangerous of all mental epidemics is mass psychosis. A mass psychosis is an epidemic of madness that occurs when a large portion of society loses touch with reality and descends into delusions. Such a phenomenon is not fiction. Two examples are the American and European witch hunts of the 15th and 16th centuries and the rise of […]

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