Posts Tagged ‘wolves’

Wild population of Mexican wolves sees another year of growth

Image Credit: Jim Schulz/CZS-Brookfield Zoo For the eighth consecutive year, the wild population of Mexican wolves saw another year of growth. The population census from 2023 showed there were 257 Mexican wolves distributed across Arizona and New Mexico up from 242 wolves counted in 2022. The increase in population marks the longest continuous streak since […]

Wolves are more dangerous than sheep

This post is for Ian “As I’ve talked about before, it’s pretty easy to identify who the controlled “heroes” are – it’s those who get significant amounts of publicity in the mainstream media. In understanding this, it’s very important to be aware of exactly what “publicity” means – not the exercise of praising or endorsing something, but […]

Mutant Wolves with Superpowers that can Fight Cancer found in Ukraine’s Chernobyl

Home » Biology, Europe, Health » Mutant Wolves with Superpowers that can Fight Cancer found in Ukraine’s Chernobyl     Mutant wolves roaming the wasteland of Chernobyl have developed a new superpower that could have life-saving implications for humans. A team of researchers found the animals in the Chernobyl Evacuation Zone (CEZ) have genetically altered […]

Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing: The Fabian Society and the World Economic Forum

By Dr. Mathew Maavak Their end-goal is a totalitarian Socialist World Government. The wolves were there in plain sight Source


Whistleblower Expose the Hidden Pedophile U.S. Child Concentration Camps used for Trafficking! ( COMMENT:  THIS WHOLE TRAFFICKING OPERATION WAS SET UP BY SECRET SOCIETIES WHO RULE AMERICA. Source

The Government of Wolves in California………

California: Shoplifting and Looting is Out of Control Comment:  Beverly Hills Celebrities will be robbed if they aren’t all ready.  Seems the gov’t of California wants innocent hard working people to be violently assaulted by THUGS. By infostormer  – September 6, 2023 6 The looting and shoplifting in California is getting so bad that shops […]

Wildlife Services releases new standards to protect gray wolves from government killings

To protect the endangered Mexican gray wolves from government killings, the new set of standards will require more evidence that the livestock animal was alive during the wolf encounter along with additional indicators of wolf involvement. Source

U.S. Representatives Push Amendment to Monitor Grey Wolves

Members of Congress Promote Accountability for Artsakh, Humanitarian Aid  09/15/2021 Washington, D.C. (International Christian Concern) –International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that the U.S. Congressional House Rules Committee will consider several amendments filed to the National Defense Authorization Act for the Fiscal Year 2022 (H.R. 4350) on September 20th. These amendments would monitor the Turkish Nationalist Grey Wolves, promote humanitarian assistance to Nagorno-Karabakh (Armenian: Artsakh), and hold […]

Why the US is about to start ‘waging war on wolves’

When it comes to the issue of wolves in the wild, it can be hard to find common ground. Around the world, but perhaps especially so in the American West, people tend to fall into one of two camps. Either they believe that the presence of Canis lupus, the grey wolf, is something to welcomed, […]

Idaho approves bill that could kill 90 percent of state’s wolves

The Idaho Senate has approved legislation that will allow the state to hire private contractors to kill around 90 per cent of wolves in Idaho, with the aim to protect cattle and other agricultural interests. Idaho’s Wolf Conservation and Management plan, which is backed by members of Idaho’s agriculture industry, was approved by the Senate […]

Beyond Game of Thrones: Study Reveals Secrets of Real Dire Wolves

Have you ever heard of dire wolves? You’ll probably say “Yes” if you are a fan of the TV show Game of Thrones . This canine species appears in the iconic TV series, where it is known as a ‘direwolf’ and is the sigil of House Stark; but it also actually roamed North America until […]

A historic victory for gray wolves in Colorado election

After 45 years on the endangered species list, the gray wolf has successfully been removed and Colorado voters are further supporting and ensuring their recovery via Proposition 114 which passed last week.  The wolves are native to the state but were completely wiped out there by the mid-1940s. Millions of gray wolves once called North […]

sElection Chaos, Agent Jolie, Canadian Wolves – New World Next Week

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Watch on Archive / BitChute / LBRY / Minds / YouTube This week on the New World Next Week: the selection chaos proceeds as planned; Hollywood stooges fawn over MI6; and the Canadian military admits to the most bizarre psyops campaign you’ve ever heard of. CLICK […]

US Fish and Wildlife Service delists gray wolves from Endangered Species Act

Image Credit: Gary Kramer/USFWS Gray wolves are no longer protected under the Endangered Species Act. The United States Fish and Wildlife Service finalized a rule on Thursday that strips the animal’s protections in 48 states except for Mexican gray wolves in Arizona and New Mexico. The Service said that with the successful recovery of the […]

In 2017, US Gov’t Slaughtered More Than 1.3 Million Wolves, Bears, & Other Native Species in the Name of Big Agriculture

By Rachel Blevins Data released by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) shows that more than 1.3 million native animals were killed by Wildlife Services in 2017—and despite the fact that the slaughter of wolves, cougars, and birds was funded by taxpayers to benefit the agriculture industry, it is receiving very little media attention. The […]

One of the first wolves back in Denmark for 200 years is shot dead

     This is the heartbreaking moment one of the first wolves to roam wild in Denmark for 200 years was shot dead. Footage captured by two naturalists shows the animal, reported to be a female, being hit with a single shot fired from a nearby car before dropping to the ground. If the animal is […]

LONDON WOLVES: Third London Bridge Attacker Was on EU Watch List – Talked Terrorism with Security

Shawn Helton21st Century Wire The London Bridge attack story continues to spin wildly out of control, as the third attacker named in the terror atrocity, another known wolf, was placed on an EU-wide database and according to security officials, openly acknowledged the will to carryout terror in March of 2016.  The UK’s prior warning of […]

Hong Kong police on high alert over threat of ISIS-inspired lone wolves – report

Law enforcement stated on Wednesday, that the terrorists, inspired by Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL), could be already lurking among the 7 million people of the city, the newspaper reports. Despite there being no specific intelligence data on possible attacks, anti-terrorism police are on alert to “prevent lone wolf-style attacks.” They are also to devote […]

London sees mass anti-Tory, anti-austerity and anti-racism protest

     Several thousand protesters demonstrated in London on Saturday against austerity, racism and the new Tory government. The opposition rally was the biggest major protest since the June 23 Brexit referendum. Central London saw more than 10,000 anti-Tory campaigners on the streets and Black Lives Matter activists. Protesters made their way down Piccadilly Circus, Marble […]

Erdogan lands in Istanbul, gives speech downplaying coup as ‘minority’ army mutiny

     A plane carrying Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has landed at Istanbul’s Ataturk Airport. The country’s leader is making a statement on the military coup. Erdogan has addressed crowds of supporters after emerging at Ataturk Airport. Having thanked the public and politicians for their support, the president said that Turkey would not be intimidated […]

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