Posts Tagged ‘amendment’

Israel launching sinister Zionist plot to erase the First Amendment in the name of stopping “antisemitism”

(NaturalNews) The Zionist lobby is dumping lots of cash into a nationwide effort to redefine “antisemitism” in United States law and make it illegal for Americans… Source

ADL Calls on US Gov’t To ‘Scrap the First Amendment’ To Protect Israel

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has called on the Biden regime to scrap the First Amendment in America in order to protect Israel from anti-semitism and hate. The ADL in coordination with the Conference of Presidents […] The post ADL Calls on US Gov’t To ‘Scrap the First Amendment’ To Protect Israel appeared first on The […]

The Fourth Amendment is Not for Sale Act and the battle against government spying

The FANFSA, passed with a 219-199 vote, garnered support from both sides of the aisle, with 96 Democrats and 123 Republicans backing the bill. Source

Ketanji Brown Jackson Defenestrates the First Amendment

At her confirmation hearings, Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson claimed she lacked the expertise to define “woman.” Just two years later, she did not hesitate to redefine the First Amendment and free speech as she advocated for the regime to bulldoze our Constitutional liberties provided they offer sufficiently sanctimonious justifications. At Monday’s oral arguments in Murthy […]

India Begins Implementation of Discriminatory Citizenship Amendment Act 

03/12/2024 India (International Christian Concern) — Four years after being passed by Parliament and signed into law, India’s controversial Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) will now be implemented, according to a government announcement Monday. The move, lauded by the ardent Hindu nationalists making up the core of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s support base, comes as national […]

Repeal the 17th Amendment Yesterday

These “united states” were supposed to be federalist with the states as prime movers, united under a small and weak federal government limited, by design, to its specifically enumerated powers. Source

The Rise And Fall Of The Second Amendment

Authored by Donald Jeffries via I Protest, Everyone has undoubtedly heard about the shooting during the Super Bowl victory parade in Kansas City. These victory celebrations always bring the potential for trouble, what with all those young males consuming prodigious amounts of alcohol. And they draw the worst elements; the seemingly perpetually armed gang-bangers. The […]

France’s “Pfizer Amendment” Could Turn mRNA Critics into Criminals

On Wednesday, February 14th a highly controversial law was pushed through the National Assembly in France, potentially turning a critic of mRNA treatment into a criminal. The draconian law, which was quietly passed with virtually no debate, could throw anyone who advises against the use of therapeutic or prophylactic treatment (including experimental mRNA gene therapy) […]

California Gov. Newsom: “It’s Time To Repeal the Second Amendment”

California Governor Gavin Newsom has declared that he will repeal the Second Amendment in America if he becomes President. In response to the recent shooting at the Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl parade in Missouri […] The post California Gov. Newsom: “It’s Time To Repeal the Second Amendment” appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Democrats To Strip First Amendment Protections From Independent Media Outlets

Democrats have vowed to strip First Amendment protections from independent media outlets to prevent the spread of so-called “misinformation.” Senate Intelligence Committee chair Sen. Mark Warner announced on Thursday that the Biden regime intends to […] The post Democrats To Strip First Amendment Protections From Independent Media Outlets appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

The First Amendment, Brought to You By Pfizer

Pfizer now claims the right of a corporate sovereign, arguing that states have “no legitimate interest in regulating” the company’s commercial speech while demanding the power to censor Americans’ newsfeeds. The call for pharmaceutical supremacy came in Pfizer’s response to Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s suit alleging that Pfizer committed fraud and “conspired to censor […]

Former federal judge: Trump’s violation of 14th amendment ‘couldn’t be any clearer’

Former federal judge Michael Luttig argued Saturday that former President Trump’s violation of the 14th Amendment “couldn’t be any clearer.” “Section three of the 14th Amendment simply could not be any clearer that the former President is disqualified from the presidency as the Colorado Supreme Court held,” Luttig told MSNBC’s Ali Velshi on Saturday, the… […]

Liz Cheney backs push to bar Trump from ballot under 14th Amendment

Liz Cheney is adding her voice to the movement to bar Donald Trump from the ballot, saying Friday that there’s “no question” his actions on Jan. 6, 2021, fall under the so-called insurrection clause of the 14th Amendment. “I don’t believe he should be part of our political process,” Cheney said. “And this is a […]

RNC supports Trump in 14th Amendment case at the Supreme Court

The national Republican Party and the top House GOP campaign committee filed an amicus brief with the Supreme Court on Friday supporting Donald Trump’s efforts to remain on the 2024 ballot. The Republican National Committee and the National Republican Congressional Committee said in a joint filing that a recent Colorado Supreme Court decision to remove […]

The Helms Amendment: 50 years of blocking safe access to abortion overseas 

People everywhere — here in the United States and across the world — deserve the safety and dignity of basic reproductive health care, including abortion. Source

Another win for the Second Amendment: Oregon judge rules that Ballot Measure 114 VIOLATES state constitution

Another win for the Second Amendment: Oregon judge rules that Ballot Measure 114 VIOLATES state constitution A judge in Oregon has ruled that Ballot Measure (BM) 114, a gun safety law approved by voters in November 2022, violates the state’s constitution. In a 44-page decision, Harney County Circuit Court Judge Robert Raschio blocked BM 114, […]

Attack on free speech: House Democrats ignore First Amendment, issue letter to X (formerly Twitter) demanding MORE CENSORSHIP

Attack on free speech: House Democrats ignore First Amendment, issue letter to X (formerly Twitter) demanding MORE CENSORSHIP A coalition of more than 25 Democratic members of Congress is pressuring X (formerly Twitter) to implement online censorship through a letter, throwing the First Amendment out the window. The Nov. 21 letter was addressed to X owner […]

News site sues NewsGuard and U.S. government for defamation and First Amendment violations

News site sues NewsGuard and U.S. government for defamation and First Amendment violations One news site is fighting back against NewsGuard, a company that gives news and information sites “reliability ratings and scores” that often work against conservative sites. The suit was filed by Consortium News against NewsGuard and the U.S. government. It accuses the […]

WOW: Little Michigan Town Establishes Its Own MILITIA to Safeguard Second Amendment Rights – Vows Not to Enforce Unconstitutional Gun Grabs

WOW: Little Michigan Town Establishes Its Own MILITIA to Safeguard Second Amendment Rights – Vows Not to Enforce Unconstitutional Gun Grabs Source

GUN CONTROL PSYOP: The Uniparty is this desperate to cancel the Second Amendment anyway they can. (No more guns in D.C. up next?)

READ HERE: Male, Black, Arrested with AR-15 near US Capital   Source

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